Status: Stuck in it :(

Just Another Story

Chapter 7

Keira’s POV:

I’ve been on my blog like all day. Suddenly, I notice I have a notification. It was a message.

-“Wow! First time someone talks to me on here! Thanks” I say as I open the Inbox to check out what it said.

You are just a girl with no life. No guy will ever like you. You’re too fat, too horrible, too stupid... Just kill yourself! You don’t deserve to be here. Why would you stay if you don’t have anyone to be there for you? Do you believe that stupid band will make you feel better! HAHA you’re so stupid.

I started crying and shouting. I’m alone as my mum is at the hospital. I tried to call Zach or Cam but didn’t. I’d rather be alone for some time. That anonymous was right, why’d I call they if they aren’t here for me? I AM stupid, I AM not good enough, I AM fat.... I’m NOT perfect. And maybe one day, this guy/ girl that sent me this will see that he/she completed the task: seeing me getting killed.
I’ve never thought people could be so mean. This person has the entire truth. I wish I wasn’t even born, that would make everything better.
I start feeling tired. I grab the phone to check the time 3:00 am. I start sleeping.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know waaay too short. I promise I'll upload tomorrow some chapters :)