The Lovers Grimm

Right Back In

I wasn't able to get much information out of Nick's house the next morning before Nick drove me back to my car at the station that I'd been to exhausted to drive home last night.

"Here." He said, handing me a sheet of paper. "I talked to the staff at The nearest high school. They agreed that, under the circumstances, that they're willing to let you enroll for this last week and take your finals so you can get a diploma. They said they'd go easy grading wise, since you've been learning at a different pace at your old school."

Now, all I really wanted to do was tell him to sod off. I'd just gotten free from high school, and here he is throwing me back in.

Instead I smiled sweetly, taking the paper. "Thanks." I answered half-heartedly. "Glad I won't have to take Senior year over again."

He offered me a smile in return before handing me a map and departing into the station.

I found the school rather quickly, signing in and going to the first exam room they had me in.

Several others were to follow.

Today was going to be a long day...


I finally emerged from the school, feeling completely and utterly drained. Nick was right, I hadn't learned damn near anything that was on those tests.

All I was looking forward to was going back to Nick's and curling up in that amazing guest bed.

Of course, Nick had other plans.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one's not so good. I'm in class right now and I wanted to get something written.

Monroe in next chapter!

Sorry it's taking so long guys!!