Status: Every comment will give me motivation to update

If We Ever Meet Again


"Mommy," Kevin said from the back seat of my classic Mustang," Who was that man on the phone?"

I smiled and quickly looked over at him before looking back onto the road," That was one of my friend. My best friend. He's going to come over to the shop and hang out with us."

"Really? Is he cool?" Kevin asked.

I laughed and shook my head. Ever since he could talk, he would always say 'he cool?'. It was the only thing he would say until he learned a few more words from his father. Oh, his father. His father is a fucking dirt-bag who wanted nothing to do with my son. He only saw his two times. And that was when Kevin was One and Four. And it was when he wanted a tattoo. Other then that, Kevin;s father wanted nothing to do with his flesh and blood. He doesn't even pay child support.

Shaking my, I told my son, "Yeah. He's cool baby."

I heard Kevin's grunt in satisfaction before going back to playing with his toy truck. Smiling, I continued my way to my tattoo shop, Syn's Corner Tattoo Parlor. That tattoo parlor is my life's work. I brought it from the ground up all by myself. While being pregnant with my baby boy. Taking a left on Huntington Drive, I pulled into the back parking lot of my shop. Smiling, I shut my car off before getting out. As soon as I looked at the back seat, I laughed and shook my head in seeing my son rushing to get out and into the shop.

"You ready?" I asked him as I took out his skateboard while Kevin took out his backpack.

"Yep!" he said.

Holding out my hand, I smiled when my son placed his little hand in my own and we walked into my shop. As soon as we stepped in, my son ran into the shop and ran up to one of the men that were tattooing.

"Chris!" Kevin yelled.

As soon as that name was yelled, a blond head turned and looked down.

"Kevin!" Chris yelled, laughing when his leg was being hugged.

Chris is one of y tattooist and also gay best friend. Chris had dyed blond hair that went amazing with his skin tone and tattoos scattered all over his body as well as gauzes in his ears. Walking over to him, I hugged his head and let him continue with his tattooing.

"What's up, you sexy M.I.L.F?"Chris asked as soon as I let go of his head.

"Nothing much. Just having some people over to come visit. Haven't seen them all in almost seven years," I said as I looked down at the leg he was tattooing. It looked to me like roses and thorns.

"Really? Who is it?" Chris asked, looking at me with a smile.

"Remember that band I told you about and how we were all close friends but the slowly drifted away but kinda still kept in touch?" I asled, looking at the back of his head.

Chris continued to tattoo the leg that was right in front of him before stopping what he was doing, placed the tattoo gun on the paper towels, ripped his latex gloves off and broght me into a bone crushing hug.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! THEY'RE COMING HERE?" Chris basically yelled in my ear.

Laughing, I gently shoved him off me before making him go back to work.

"Yes my little clover," I said, ruffling his blond hair.

"Tell thw woman you're full-blooded Irish abd she goes into this," he muttered under his breath before putting on a new pair of gloves and getting back to work.

I laughed and shook my head before talking to the customer and Chris for a little while longer before going to my office in the back. As I stepped in, I saw my son on the phone with, by the grim expression on his face, his father.

"The jackass wants to talk to you," Kevin said, passing the phone over to me.

"Watch the language, young man," I said, scolding him as I took the phone.

"But you know it's true, ma," Kevin called out as he walked out the office, closing the door behind him.

When he said that, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. As soon as I brought the phone to my ear, I go all serious.

"What's your fucking excusse this time?" I asked in a hard tone.

"Whoa, what's with the atitude?" Nikki asked.

A long time ago, just the sound of his voice would make me melt. But now, all I want to do is hurt him like he hurt my son.

"What do you fucking think!?" I hissed,"Your son is fucking down because his sorry ass excuse of a father refuses to spend some quality time with his son! How am I suppose to feel, Nikki? Happy? Jolly? No! It hurts me to see our son cry to sleep at night, wondering why his father doesn't want anything to do with him."

As soona as I finished my little rant, the only thing that I heard at the other end was the sound of breathing before Nikki's voice flooded through the line.

"Jade, you know I'm Bussy right now. Tour is hectic and it's not something a kid sound be in."

I laughed a sarcastic laugh and rolled my eyes,"Oh bulshit! You finish tourning for the summer three weeks ago. Three weeks a go, where a certain seven year old, waited all day for his father to come pick him up to hang out with him. You know what he told me, at Twe;ve in the morning?"

"What did he tell you?" Nikki asked IN A HUSHED TONE.

"He told me, and I quote, 'Mommy. I have no father. I want my last name to be Nunez. Not Sixx. I don't belong to the man that has that last name.' He gave up on you Nikki. He lost hope. I hope you're happy that you lost your one and only son." And with that, I hung up on him before he had time to say anything more.

As I placed the phone down, I ran my hands through my hair before shaking off all the nerves before getting down to business on some paper work on the shop. I was just filling in what has to be done by shops manager when Kevin came burtsting through my door.

"Mommy! Some people are here to see you!" Kevin said in an exciting tone.

Giggling at his little remark, I stood up beforestraightening my clothes and walkinged out of my office. As soon as I walked out, my green eyes landed on those chocolate brown eyes I have grown up with.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey hey hey!!! Here is the next chapter. Sorry this is so late. I usually upddate at school, but since I graduated, I have no way to update. This is a library computer I am updating on. So please, bear with me.
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