Status: Active

We Live Like Saints with Sin

Let’s Get This Shit on the Road

“I’m so stoked for today,” Megan says with an evil smile as I drag myself into the living room.

“You’re just saying that because you get to torture me,” I whine plopping myself down on the couch.

“Duh! Since you woke up late you get your coffee to go. Eat something then shower so we can go get this shit done,” Megan says smiling sweetly.

“Fine,” I pout grabbing a banana and practically inhaling it on my way to my room to discover it’s already 5:30 and I’ve slept the day away again thanks to working very late hours.

“Piss!” I grumble before quickly hopping in the shower. When I’m done I throw my hair up in a clip and rummage through my clothes before deciding on a striped bikini top along with zip up Joker suit hoodie then quickly throw on a pair of shorts before coming back into the living room. “I’m so ready to get this done with,” I whine dreading going through the tattooing process because I hate it.

“This look good and like something you want on your skin forever?” Megan asks holding her sketch up. It shows a music staff swaying from side to side along a back with the notes from the beginning of the Avenged Sevenfold song Remenissions. The staff begins at the right shoulder and on the left there is the quote, “With this ink in our skin we’ve sealed our fate,” the notes all look distorted in some way.

“Oh my fucking god! I love it so much; it may become my favorite tat,” I squeal before quickly fixing some coffee and following Megan out to her car.

“Jesus woman come on! If you can’t walk in heels don’t wear them,” Megan whines as I slowly make my way towards the shop.

“You know damn well I can walk in heels and that’s not why I’m taking my sweet ass time,” I say pouting before quickly closing the gap between us.

“You are one of the worse people in the before tattooing process you know that? And besides this won’t be as bad as your chest,” Megan says with a reassuring smile.

“Blah, blah woman,” I say rolling my eyes as I follow Megan back to her station and quickly flip my hoody so I’m wearing it backwards.

“I just have to set up and get the stencil since you like it,” Megan says with an abnormally large smile.

“So I can go smoke?” I ask with a large smile.

“Yes, however I would suggest fixing your hoodie,” she answers before flitting away and I leave to smoke.

“You ready?” Megan asks when I come back in.

“Yeah,” I answer quickly swapping my clip out for a hair tie placing my hair high on my head, pebbles style, and reversing my hoodie.

“Ok hooker stand up straight so I can get this stencil ready then well start,” Megan says before I slip my shoes off and she gets the stencil straight.

“Beyond perfect,” I say smiling as I glace at it in the mirror.

“Let’s get this shit on the road then,” Megan says with a smile before the fun begins.
Several hours later we’re done and I hop up and get to go look at my new tattoo and my jaw drops, “Megan it really is better than I thought it would be.”

“Well, glad you like it. Now we need to bandage ya up,” she says with a smile as she quickly bandages and tapes me up.

“Fuck!” I nearly scream a few moments later once I’ve gotten my clothes back on right.

“What?” Megan asks as she and several other people look at me like I’ve grown another head.

“You drove here,” I sigh rolling my eyes at my stupidity.

“You’re point?” she asks looking at me oddly.

“My point is you have to work for six more hours and I don’t need to be here,” I say with a slight laugh.

“Oh, yeah,” she says with a laugh. “Well since I trust you and Sophia you know I’ll kill you if you hurt my baby you can drive my car home and come get me when I’m done,” she suggests holding up her keys.

“You’re awesome,” I say with a smile before taking her keys and heading home.

When I get home I decide to take a quick half assed shower since I have to rinse off my entire back anyways. Afterwards I attempt to cover my entire new tattoo with lotion and decide I deserve to just lie around since I’m sore and tired.

I walk upstairs and flip through the channels once I park myself on the couch lying on my stomach. After several minutes and cycles through the channels I give up on it and decide to read Invisible Monsters for about the billionth time before getting a call to go get Megan.
When we get home I decide it’s time for bed so I wonder back to my room and slip into bed praying I don’t bend my back too weird or hit it so I can get a restful night of sleep.
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