Status: working progress

Running Away Doesn't Solve Any Problems

Chapter 1

Rain pelts down on the pavement as water splashes with every footfall I make; my breath comes out in short gasps of air trying to get enough oxygen into my system to continue the trek of escaping away from my nightmare. No destination in mind except to run as far as I can go in order to remain safe and out of harm’s way.
The harder the rain gets the more slippery the ground becomes in my haste to get away my mind barely comprehends what is going on around me. Chaos is the only thing on my mind distracting me from reality that I don’t notice the trip hazard of the gutter until it’s too late. Hands move in front of me on their own accord in order to break my fall, but that just makes the fall even harder than intended. Hands slide on the gravel road as my body follows suit gliding along in the wet coming to a stop not far from the gutter, I can feel blood forming from an open wound on my palms from trying to break the fall, the tear in my jeans doesn’t go unnoticed my body is just in too much pain and exhaustion to care.
It’s as if the sky has it out for me as thunder echoes in the darkness of the night and cries out another harsh portrayal of rain onto my form, drenching my being. Tears are felt forming in my eyes but I refuse to shed them, crying will get me nowhere in life and I refuse to give in and let them free now.
If only my subconscious would listen to my thoughts of not giving in as I feel my eyes become heavy and shades of darkness begin to take over till it is all I see. Darkness soon consumes my being; the last thought inside my head is to please take me away from this place and somewhere safe...

A touch on my arm invades my subconscious bringing me back to reality as a mumbled reluctance escapes at being disturbed. A voice soon follows invading becoming an irritating buzz in my ear as my eyes peel open in annoyance. The air hostess stands next to me spot with her hands on her hips, a frown marring her lips.
“Miss we have landed at the destination and it is time to please exit the plane”

The glare she receives makes her leave in a huff. My eyes follow her movements till she is out of sight before my body decides to obey the command. Arms raise above my head as my back arches in a stretch, a yawn escapes my lips and as my back cracks only then do I relax some before deciding to get up if only to avoid another command from the grumpy hostess. Standing up my eyes scan the plane observing that I was the last one aboard, retrieving my carry-on bag from the over head compartment I make my way down the aisle toward the exit.
Stepping onto the tar-mats of the landing bay I breathe in the fresh air of LA before following the yellow lines provided that guide me toward the airport. Dodging the horde of scurrying people who seemed to be in a hurry to catch their flight, finally making my way toward the other end of the airport I manage to find my luggage from the carousel before making my way to customs.
An annoying 45 minutes later I manage to get through customs easily with no hassle and now I await in another horde of people for an available taxi to pass.

Another breath of the LA fresh air and I knew there was no turning back for me now. For this was the start of a new life....
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first chapter posted of new story!
please read and comment and feedback is welcome as it lets me know what you think of it :)
please and thank you <3