Status: working progress

Running Away Doesn't Solve Any Problems

chapter 3

Waking up at 4am the next day due to the bitch called jet lag my eyes scanned the vicinity finding myself on the couch where I had obviously crashed out the previous night, being too lazy to walk to my room. If I was planning on staying in this country for some time then the need to find a job was of major importance, and today was going to be the day to start looking.
Exiting the building a wave of crisp fresh air fills my lungs. Day one of the start of a new life for me is now in action and there was no turning back now.
The past was a memory of which remains a constant reminder in one’s mind, always laying in wait to make its appearance should the situation calls for it, forever a reminder of what once was and hopefully will never be again.
My past was definitely not a happy one....well I suppose at one time it was but the recent memories of it remain to be of a negative impact on myself. Which I suppose was the main cause for my coming here to America to begin with. I mean why else would someone just randomly pack up their belongings and ship off overseas with no plan of action in mind other than to start a new life away from home? One day I will allow myself to go over the reasoning for such actions but for now that memory can remain in the deepest darkest corner of my mind.
A couple hours later round 7am I grab my bag and with no destination in mind and the streets being my best starting point I hustle it outside the building complex and begin my search for a job. Even though it was early morning the LA streets were filled with people going in every direction. My gaze is drawn to the stars on the pavement as I walked along the Hollywood walk of fame. You couldn’t keep the grin off my face even if you tried.
After what seems like hours of walking, passing by shop after shop in search of a job my legs stop my pursuit in front of a studio.
Music was a huge influence in my life with not only was I able to play the guitar but if it wasn’t for music I wouldn’t have gotten through my depression.
Noting the help wanted sign in the window of the studio building my mind was made up to take the risk. Entering the building the vicinity looking around it wasn’t overly impressive. A few chairs lined up along the far wall on the side opposite the door. The walls were a dark red colour matching the front counter. Behind the counter was a hall which I assumed led down to the recording booth area.
Walking up to the counter my eyes scan over the various pictures and record albums lining the wall; ranging from the Bee Gees to Michael Jackson to Lady Gaga.
A middle aged man looking to be between late 30’s to early 40’s in age, with black hair cut short and tattoos lining his arms appears from out of the hallway. He seemed surprised to see me as his gaze fell upon my being. I guess he wasn’t used to many random people just walking in here.
Giving him a nod in acknowledgment I watch as he approaches.
“May I help you miss?” His gruff voice gave away his confusion.
I motioned over my shoulder with a jerk of my thumb. “I noticed the help wanted sign”

The man nodded his head as if an unasked question had been answered. “That position had already been filled. Just haven’t been bothered to take it down”
Sighing in irritation at the possibility of finding a job having not existed to begin with due to laziness.
“Is there any job available? Even if it’s the smallest of jobs I’ll do it”
Begging for a job was not beneath me at the moment.

The male just shook his head. “Sorry ma’am”
Sighing in irritation yet again, the sound of the door opening reaches my ears as I take a step back. “Thanks anyway”
Turning around I almost walk into a chest that was literally right behind me. But I pay little attention to the person that chest belongs to as Lacuna Coil’s “Spellbound” fills the air indicating the ring of my phone.
A greeting behind me overrides the sound of my chiming phone. The name Troy and Ronnie are thrown into the air followed by a gruff laugh in response.
The sounds are drowned out as my eyes scan the caller ID on my phone; the name Anna flashes across the screen. Usually I wouldn’t answer since no one I know knows about my moving overseas. Anna was a special case however since she was Tarak’s younger sister. She was the only one who related to my pain at his loss. She was also the only one who knew the truth of his death and therefore understood my reasons for running away.
Bracing myself for her reaction I flipped the phone open with a “Hello”
Instantly a high pitched scream was my answer making me cringe and pull the phone away from my ear. Guess she was more upset than anticipated.
Reluctantly placing the phone back to my ear. “You know where I come from we don’t scream into the phone as a greeting”
Anna’s voice drops in volume as she spoke into the receiver. “Stop with the sarcastic remarks and answer my question”
“What question would that be?”
“Where the hell are you?!”
“Not home obviously”
“Don’t be smart with me. Your parents are worried sick”
That made a knot to appear in my stomach for it was never my intention to make them worry.
“Anna, you know my reasons for doing what I did”
“I didn’t think you were actually serious”
“What would make you think I wasn’t serious? You more than anyone knew how much Tarak meant to me”
I began pacing back and forth with one hand fisted in my hair.
“I’m sorry” It seemed everyone had an ‘I’m sorry’ to say as if that would help any.
“I couldn’t handle it...”
I left it at that then becoming silent. Drowning out Anna’s sympathetic voice on the other end of the phone, my attention tunes into the conversation behind me.

“Any luck with that new merch girl?” The man I spoke too asks.
“Nah, man” Another voice responds. “Turns out she was just in it to try to sleep with the band”
“So once again you’re in need of someone new correct?”
I didn’t hear the answer as Anna screams in my ear once again.
“Jesus girl would you stop with the screaming”
“If you would listen I wouldn’t have to scream” To which I rolled my eyes at her.
“Listen I have to go now” I didn’t wish to continue the conversation if she were only going to be sympathetic toward me.
“What? Wait! At least tell me where you are!”
“I’m safe. That’s all you need to know” She started speaking really fast but I cut her off. “Tell my parents I love them” With that I hung up the phone. As predicted not even a few seconds later the phone started ringing again with caller ID indicating Anna. Mumbling an ‘I’m sorry’ I shut my phone off not wanting anymore unnecessary calls.
Turning back around I make my way once again to the man behind the desk, catching him before he walked away, with the people who had entered beforehand having disappeared.
“Hey! Did I hear that someone may be in need of a new merch girl?”
The man turned to me looking sceptical.
“I’ll happily take the job! I don’t have much experience but I am a hard worker and enthusiastic”
The man tilted his head watching me almost as if observing while deep in thought. He turns making a beeline for the front desk before returning to where I was standing, holding out a card in his hand.
“These people decide who works for which band. Tell then Troy sent you. With that you should make it for an interview”

I was stunned speechless as I took the card.

“I caught part of your phone conversation. Let’s just say I know what it’s like to be out on your own away from home”
With that he sends a wink my way before turning and heading down the hall to the back of the building. “If you need anything just drop past” He shouts over his shoulder before disappearing out of sight.
Looking down at the card in my hand I couldn’t help but think that luck must really be on my side.
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next chapter up and ready
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