Status: working progress

Running Away Doesn't Solve Any Problems

chapter 4

It had seemed luck was finally on my side as I found myself standing outside a tall ass building. The card Troy had gave me had lead me further into town and about an hour later ended up in front of the building I was currently staring up at, the massive sign taking up the majority of the building front read Warped Records Production, matching that that had read on the given card. The name Clarissa was printed across the card also, so I assumed she was the one I was meant to speak to in order to get this much anticipated interview.

Taking a breath of confidence and my head held high as if I knew what I were doing I pushed my way through the glass doors into the lobby area. Feet continuing their pursuit dragged me to the front counter where a young man was working. As soon as he caught sight of me he sneered in my direction.
Nice to see that the rich society that obviously owned this building had snobby attitudes to match. I rolled my eyes to myself before placing a pleasant smile at him.
I didn’t think it was possible but the males sneer seemed to turn even more bitter.
“I’m here to see Clarissa”

The male’s sneer turned into a smirk as if he were mocking me.
“Do you have an appointment?”

“No I don’t but...” The male held his hand up cutting me off.
“Clarissa is a very busy women and has no time for people such as yourself”
I stared at him in disbelief. As my mouth opened to retaliate a woman’s voice cut me off saying my name. Turning my head my brows creased in confusion as a woman probably in her early 30’s approached the counter and me.

“Are you Layla?”
“Yes I am”
The women smiled a genuine smile revealing pearly white teeth. “My name is Clarissa, would you follow me please” With that she turned and started to walk off.
Turning back to the male behind the counter who was looking shocked I smirked at him.
“Well would you look at that. Turns out I do have an appointment after all”
Man if looks could kill I would be six feet under by now.
Turning my back on him I rushed after Clarissa to where she was waiting by the elevator. The doors opened and I followed her inside watching as they shut behind us. Within the silent confinements I got a good look at this Clarissa lady. She was wearing a pinstripe suit with a skirt that stopped above the knee, black hair that was perfectly stylised into a neat bun atop her head, and she had a look about her that radiated calm and sweet yet at the same time demanded respect.
Her brown eyes cut my way making me quickly look away before looking back with a questioning look.
“How do you know my name?”
She smiled, her eyes going back to looking at the closed doors. “Troy called me and told me to be expecting someone of your description arriving wanting an interview of sorts. “
“That doesn’t explain how you know my name though”
She just smiled wider. “I have my ways.”
The doors soon opened and Clarissa stepped out with me following behind fast on her heels. Passing corridor after corridor she finally stops outside an office with her name marked on the outside. Opening the door she motions for me to enter first then follows closing the door after her before taking a step behind the desk in the middle of the room. She motions for me to take a seat and after plonking my tush she began to speak.
“So Troy tells me you are interested in becoming a merch girl?” She began.
“Yes ma’am”
“What makes you think you are cut out for the job?” She leans forward resting her elbows on the desk with her chin propped in her folded hands. “Have you got any experience being merch girl for any other bands? Going on tour? Anything?”
Shaking my head. “No but I am willing to work hard to get the job done, I can look out for myself so no one has to worry about any fans pushing me around. I’m enthusiastic, I...”
My rambling got cut off by Clarissa holding her hand up.
“That’s all nice but I’m not the one you have to convince.”
When I looked at her confused she just grinned obviously amused with the situation before leaning over and speaking into the intercom on her desk. “You can send them in now”
The sound of a door opening has my head turning and my eyes travelling to the four men standing in the doorway. They looked familiar but I had no clue where I recognised them from. That was until one of them who had black hair down past his chin but shaped his face, and tattoos painted across his neck and both arms, which could be seen as he had a sleeveless shirt on; pointed his finger at me.
“You’re the chick who was at the studio this morning”
I frowned at him. “Do I know you?”
He smirked. “You ran into my chest remember?”
I just blinked at him even though recognition was now known. “Whoops” Turning back to Clarissa I pointed behind me. “Who are they?”
Clarissa continued to grin. “These guys are known as Falling in Reverse and are looking for a new merch girl”
The guy who spoke before spoke up again. “Yeah, from the phone call you said you found someone for us?”
Clarissa stood up this time motioning with her hand at me. “Boy’s meet Layla, the girl that wants the job.”
This was by far the weirdest interview I had ever been to. Turning my attention away from the woman back to the men I stood up so they weren’t looking down at me as much as the same guy as before addressed me again.
“Why should we hire you?”
I stood tall not letting him intimidate me. “Like I mentioned to Clarissa before I am a hard worker, enthusiastic and can look after myself so no one has to worry about me”
He looked at me for a few minutes seeming to think while at the same time taking in my appearance observing me, which I raised my eyebrow at. Eventually he grinned before holding his hand out.
“Welcome aboard Layla!” Without giving me a chance to respond he grasp my hand pulling me forward next to his body while putting an arm over my shoulder.
“This here is Derek, Ryan, Jacky and I am Ronnie.”
As he introduced me to the rest of his band my gaze got captured by the one name Jacky who wa staring at me with an odd look in his eyes yet he remained quiet. My insides were screaming in excitement while my heart beat a thousand time per minute. Luck was definitely on my side this time round I just hoped that my past didn’t come back to torment me...
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next chapter up and ready to read!
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