Status: working progress

Running Away Doesn't Solve Any Problems

chapter 5

As an introduction into the band as their new merch girl the boys of Falling in Reverse decided to take me out for coffee. So off to starbucks we went.
Ronnie who was sitting next to me was talking about something I didn’t quite understand which in turn made me zone out.
I started to think of Tarak and wondering what he would think of my choices since his passing. He was always supportive in anything I did even if he didn’t quite approve of it. I remember I told him once that I wanted to start a band. Tarak had looked at me as if I had 3 heads at my random comment.
“Why do you want to be in a band for?” He had asked.
I grinned at him. “So I can travel overseas and make myself known”
He had shaken his head at me before walking over and cupping my face in his hands. “By making yourself known would you be willing to leave your family behind? Leave me behind?”
“You would be coming with me of course”
It seemed no matter what reasoning he would throw at me I always had something to overcome it in return.
“What if one day I had to leave you? Then what?”
“Then I would put my dreams aside to follow you so we can never leave each other”
We had made a promise that day that no matter what happened we would never leave each other. I bet neither one of us would have thought that that promise was indeed breakable and we have in fact left each other.
God, Tarak. I miss him so much...
Coming back to reality a breeze was moving in front of my face. Only then did I notice Ronnie waving his hand in front of my face.
Blinking. “Huh? What?”
“You ok?”
I shook his still waving hand away. “I’m fine”
It was quiet for a few moments before he spoke again.
“You know, you never did tell us how you came to be here”
I looked at him in the eye at that moment. “You have your past, I have mine. I would rather not dwell into it if you don’t mind”
It became quiet after that and all the while I noticed Jacky looking at me almost like he was watching my every move. Even though I had just met these men literally an hour ago I could tell Jacky was the more quiet one of the group. But I was reassured that once I heard him shredding on the guitar then there was nothing quiet about him.
I guess it was something that had to be seen to be believed.
I didn’t know I was staring until Jacky spoke making me blink back to reality.
“That’s a cool accent you have”
I blinked again. “I have an accent?” Tilting my head a habit I picked up whenever I were confused.
He just nodded in response with a smile appearing on his lips. Staring at his smile made my lips turn up into a smile also. It was just that contagious that one couldn’t help but smile in response.
“That is so cool. Where I am from everyone talks like this so I never could tell if I had an accent or not”
“Where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking” The one named Ryan asked.
“Australia mate” I grinned.
But my grin quickly faltered as I thought of my home. Mentally slapping myself. No. This was my home now, I can’t be dwelling on the past and what was.
Wanting to change topics off of me I decided to ask a question.
“So what are you roles in the band?”
Derek leaned forward across the table, since he were sitting next to Jacky who was in front of me.
“You seriously never heard of us?”
Shaking my head. “Nope. Although if I heard your music then I probably will be familiar with it”
“Well I play drums” Ryan explained. “Derek plays bass, Jacky plays lead guitarist and Ronnie sings”
Nodding my head in a ‘cool’ signal my gaze caught that of Jacky’s once again.
Once again I found my gaze lost in his; a trap that called out to me drawing my in. I didn’t want to know what was happening or why, but I couldn’t let it happen either way. I had a feeling this is the beginning of a complication.
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next chapter up and ready
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