"Destruction Is Such a Sweet Salvation"

A Trip Into the Woods

Minka felt the cool breeze brush her skin; the temperature had dropped dramatically since she'd first snuck away from another of her stepfather's parties. She was required to attend them but at this time they were probably too drunk to notice she was missing.

"Life is so unfair," she groaned to herself as she scanned the night sky.

It was a full moon and Minka smiled. She loved the moon and the strange power it held over her. She longed to know the secrets that the night held and what adventure waited down the many dark alleys that filled the city. But first she had to know what was in the forest that she was forbidden to enter. Pulling her cloak tighter around her shoulders she fought the urge to return to the house as she crept down the dirt path that let to the edge of her father’s manor. She knew the dangers the woods held at night but yet she couldn't help herself.
Minka giggled nervously to herself as she drifted through the woods following the pull of the moon. Bella and she had long ago snuck into the woods for the first time, then however the sun had been high in the sky and they had been disappointed to learn what little secrets were held in the forest. However they had happened to stumble upon a splendid little pond where they now spent most of their time sneaking off to dip in the cool water. She smiled to herself as she reached the end of the path. The pond sparkled in the silver moonlight.

"The woods are awfully quiet tonight,” she thought to herself.

Panic was taking over; her heart beat increasingly fast .The woods were way too quiet. The usual racket that filled the area in the day was however unnervingly quiet in the dark. Minka turned to leave as a twig loudly snapped somewhere close by.

"Bella,” she called nervously, “Is that you?"

The eerie quiet was her only answered. Minka felt her face flush in anger. Bella knew her sight was failing and that she had trouble seeing at night.

"Bella this is not funny,” she scolded into the darkness.

"Bella?" she called once more.

Something was defiantly wrong, even Bella knew better than to scare her like this. The panic that had threatened to overtake her earlier had returned. Her breath was ragged as her increased heartbeat threatened to explode her heart. A primal fear encased her body as she turned to take off in a run. The rustle of bushes only increased her fear... Minka increased her pace; glancing behind her she failed to notice the shadow that slipped in front of her. She scanned the path behind her.

"How can there be nothing there,” she thought to herself.

Laughing at herself she slowed to a walk scolding herself for her foolishness. Her laughter was cut short when a voice broke the silence.

"Well what have we here?" it taunted, “I don't believe I've ever been laughed at."

Once again a primal fear overtook her. She turned to look behind and once more her body already responding to the panic tried to run. She felt herself falling backwards as she ran smack into a dark figure. Blindly she reached grasping nothing but the air as she tumbled in slow motion backwards, landing hard on her back. A warm liquid slid down arm where the briars surrounding the path had scratched her. Minka starred in fear as the figure slowly lowed itself towards her. It smiled at her fear.

"Be Calm, mon cherie," it coaxed as the figure reached his hand towards her.

The moonlight illuminated his face and Minka gasp in awe. He was gorgeous. He laughed obviously taking her gasp for a sign of something else. His eyes glittered piercingly blue in the night. His skin a light ivory and his hair hung in soft waves of curls to his shoulders. Minka tensed as he took her hand pulling her up off the ground towards him. A smirk played on the corners of his mouth as he was obviously enjoying her fear.

"Don't worry Minka," he whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her neck sending shivers of fear and pleasure down her back.

He laughed again filling the night air with the sweet sound. Minka tried to push him away as she felt his lips on her neck. He laughed once again as she struggled.

"Shh..." he whispered in her ear as she whimpered against him.

"I'm not here to hurt you," he whispered.

Once again his lips followed the curve of her neck. Forbidden kisses made a path down her neck and across her collarbone. Minka tensed once more instinctively as he came to a rest at the nape of her neck.

"Please don't," she whispered into his ear.

She felt the struggle he fought within himself. Second stretched into minutes and they seemed like an eternity before he finally released her. She looked away from him. His fingers gently cup her chin turning her face towards him. She starred at him in fear still unsure of his intentions. Suddenly Bella's voice filled the woods

"Minka” she called a hint of fear clearly evident in her voice.

Minka felt him release her as Bella's footsteps crashed ever closer. Minka saw a smirk cross his face as he disappeared as quietly into the woods.

"Bella, I’m over here,” Minka gasped shakily.
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chapter two will be out soon....