"Destruction Is Such a Sweet Salvation"

And So We Dig Ourselves Deeper Into A Pit Of Woe

I watched as she stumbled almost blindly toward the ancient armoire in the corner of the bedroom. The metallic smell of her fresh blood filled the room and I felt my eye flash red. There was no way all that blood was simply from the briars in the woods. A smirk crept onto my face as I watched her shamelessly undress. My heart stopped as I griped the edge of the dresser where I was perched, it took all my self-control to prevent me from attacking her. The source of blood was evident as she turned her back to me. Long deep gashes overlaid her back, creating a brilliant weave of mars, scabs and old scars. I watched trying to steady my breathing as she slipped on a simple white nightie. Lust rushed through my body as she smooth out the fabric. The soft silk clung to her back creating vibrant red stripes as the fabric clung to the gashes. Without another thought she fell into a soundless sleep on the bed in front of me. Leaning against the wall i behind me i watched the curtains blow.

Sometime later in the night I was brought from my daydreaming trance by an unknown sound. I scanned the room taking the kaleidoscope of colors that was caused from the changes in the temperatures of objects. I though back over my plan, as I silently jumped from the top of the dresser. Her room was easily maneuvered through the darkness. Easing myself onto the bed i located the source of the sound, she was crying. long streams of tears feel down her face as she slept. She was beautiful, much more than she was in the woods earlier. Her face held an angelic expression and her breathing was calm and serene. It was as if she found a secret oasis in her dreams. Smirking I leaned forward and gently swept a piece of stray. A sigh escaped her lips as she shifted in the bed. My body betrayed me reaching out I pulled her near me. She tensed as her eyes flew open and her heart began pound once again.

"Shh,” I murmured into her ear trying to settle her.

"Please-please I didn’t do anything.” she whimpered.

I tightened my grip as she struggled and clamped a hand over her mouth thankfully silencing a scream. Turning her towards me I saw confusion cloud her eyes as she realized who was holding her. She buck wildly in my arms and clawed at my skin.

"Stop!” I II barked in her face as I flipped her over and straddled her.

I smirked at her as her body temp rose causing her to emit a bright red glow, she was blushing.

"Don't worry mon Cherie,” I whispered in her ears.

A small chuckle escaped me as i felt her shiver beneath me, a mixture of fear and unrestrained pleasure.

"Now-Now," I scolded wagging my finger at her in the darkness, “I’m not here for that"
seeming to regain her composer i felt her relax in the darkness.

A gently breeze blew the curtain open on the nearby window and once again i felt her tense as she recognized me from the woods.

"Why are you here", she asked trying to seem brave.
It was a hopeless charade as her heart still beat wildly behind me, rushing the luscious and decadent delicacy of her blood through her body. But that wasn’t what i was here for. silently I scolded myself and shrugged my shoulders at her.

"Because your fiancé is not a nice man," I answered simply.

"WHAT!” she practically shouted, "I'M NOT ENGAGED!"

"Damn my mind shouted! she didn’t know?" I screamed in my head.

"Perhaps not yet, but you will be" I answered mysteriously.

I felt her sigh sadly as tear weld in her eyes threatening to overflow. Starring at her i eased my way into her mind. I thought to myself I thought to myself. Her memories assaulted me; horrible beatings, emotional abuse and abandonment filled her mind. Apparently her father's religion did have much respect for women. I yanked back out of her mind. She whimpered and grabbed her forehead looking at me in shock.

"What did you do," she demanded.

"Nothing," I replied trying to sound innocent.

I smirked as she opened her mouth to argue when suddenly a knock on the door interrupted us.

Minka froze all the color drained from her face. Once again an ominous knock sounded throughout the room
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chapter four will be out by friday..