Status: Active <3

Never Lie, Never Leave

"He's looking at you!"

We had just pulled up to the venue, and I saw a couple people already lined up for the show tonight. Most of them were wearing Asking Alexandria shirts; well they are the headliners for this tour.

We got in through the back entrance, and set some things up. Once we were done, Aisha and I saw Alan from Of Mice & Men.

I never told anyone this, but I've had a crush on him since I saw them live. I could never tell anyone because I'm with Marcus. If Marcus knew he would kill me.

I mean, a girl that's in a relationship shouldn't have a crush on a guy in a band. Too bad I do. I shouldn't bother with a musician. I've done it once before, and I'm not doing it again. Too much pain. I learned my lesson the last time.

It sucks that my ex is on the tour. It's going to be quite awkward seeing him. I haven't seen or spoken to him in over two years.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Aisha poke my arm. I turned to her, "Yes?"

"He's looking at you!" She whispered.

I was confused. "Who? James?" I asked.

"No! Alan."

I froze. Why is he looking at me? There's something on my face, isn't there?

"Ava, are you okay?" Aisha asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

I shook my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's finish setting up."

She gave my a funny look, then went back to the bus to get more equipment.

I didn't want Aisha to know that I liked Alan. She would just go off and tell him! I can't let that happen; then it would get back to Marcus. And James.

Aisha and Mike are the only ones that know about my three year relationship with James. I would like to keep it that way. It's not that I don't want other people to know, I would rather it be a secret, than have the whole world know.

Marcus and I have been very happy together, and I wouldn't want to ruin that with something from my past. He already knows about me and James, but if other people were to know, I would get pretty upset.

As the day went on, I spotted James. I wanted to talk to him, but I decided not to. Why re-open an already closed wound? Hopefully nothing will happen on this tour. It's only a month and a half long, no need to worry.


After the show was over, the guys decided to throw a party. To celebrate the beginning of tour. This should be fun, what could go wrong?
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comment, loves! <3