Status: Active <3

Never Lie, Never Leave

It's time to party!

Once the party started, it was drink after drink and shot after shot. I stayed sober with my soda, as almost everyone around me got drunk out of their minds. Some people were just slightly tipsy.

I would notice Alan looking my way at times, but then he would just look somewhere else when he saw me looking back at him. It disappointed me. Of course, I always thought about Marcus when I looked at Alan. I could never hurt him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did.

"Okay everybody! It's time to play spin the bottle!" Said a slightly tipsy Jaime. This always happens at parties. It's either spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. "Ava, are you playing?" Jaime asked.

I was about to say no, but Jaime grabbed my hand before I could protest. He sat me down right in front of the last person I expected to see: James.

It's not that I was upset or anything, but he looked really good. He cut his hair a little bit, he got new tattoos and his brown eyes were just as beautiful as I remember. It was hard not to look at him.

Aisha sat next to me and said, "You don't have to play. Just sit and watch, I guess." I laughed and I saw Alan sit down to play, too.

I can't play, I have a boyfriend at home that means a lot to me. I turned to Aisha and said, "I'm gonna go sit over on the couch." She said okay, and I got up to leave. But, James just had to say something to me. "What's wrong, Ava? You don't wanna have a little bit of fun with us?"

"She has a boyfriend now, leave her alone, James." Aisha said to him.

He chuckled. "I bet he's half the man I am."

I wanted to smack him as hard as I could when he said that, but I just ignored him. I don't need to deal with his shit anymore. We're broken up, and that's that.

While everyone played, I just sat on the couch quietly by myself until a girl came up to me. "Hi, I'm Ashley." She said reaching her hand out for me to shake. She was a small girl with long black hair, pretty green eyes, and a nose ring.

I shook her hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Ashley. I'm Avaline. Why aren't you playing?"

"You see that big guy over there with the beard, laughing his ass off?" She asked.

I nodded.

"That's my boyfriend, Tino."

"Oh, from Of Mice & Men?"

"That's right." She smiled. "Why did James say that to you? Does he know you?"

I sighed. "Yeah, he knows me. It's a long story, though. I'd rather not talk about it now."

"Don't worry about it. So, why are you on this tour?"

"I'm friends with Pierce The Veil, so they let me tour with them again. Have you ever toured before?" I asked her.

"No, this is my first tour." She answered.

"I hope you have fun! If you need any help with anything, just let me know." I smiled at her.

She smiled back. "Thank you. I'm still getting the hang of everything and what-not."

"Of course. You'll get used to it soon."

"I hope so."

That's when I saw James sucking face with some red headed bimbo with huge tits. He looked right at me while he kissed her. It really pissed me off. That's all he's been doing so far; I can't stand it.

He's just doing this to get me angry. It's working, but I'm not going to let him know that. That means he's winning. And who wants James to win? I know I don't.

A few minutes later, I got a text message from Marcus. It was a picture message. I opened it, and I tried my best to fight back the tears that were about to come out.
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Oh, another update! :D i'm updating this because it is Alan's birthday! happy birthday, Alan, i love you!! <3