Status: Active <3

Never Lie, Never Leave

Seeing old friends

The next morning, I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I got off the bed and I opened the door to see Aisha. "Yes?" I asked her. She looked like she had something on her mind.

"Dude! What happened with Alan last night?" I should've known she was going to ask me that.

"Nothing. He just walked me back to my room. Simple." I explained.

"Ava, I know more happened. He didn't go back to the party last night."

"He didn't?"

"Nope." I was confused, I thought he would've after he brought me back. I guess not. "So that's why I'm suspicious of you two. Why are you in the same clothes as last night? You did something with him, didn't you? I knew it!" She was so sure something happened between Alan and I. It made me laugh.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Aisha! Absolutely nothing went down last night. The reason why I'm still in these clothes is because I was way too tired to change."

She shook her head. "I still don't buy it. There's no way Alan just went back to his room."

"Well, he probably did. He didn't even touch me." At that moment, I felt sad. I kind of wanted him to make a move. I know I shouldn't have because of what happened with Marcus not even 24 hours ago.

"Whatever, Ava. I still think you and Alan had yourselves some fun without the rest of us." She said, stopping my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna change now. Meet me in the lobby?"

She nodded. "Sure, I'll be with Vic."

"Cool," And with that, she left.

I walked over to my bag full of clothes, and found a nice pair of blue skinny jeans, black top, and a black fedora. I didn't feel like putting on too much make-up, so I just applied on some eyeliner and eye shadow. I'm not trying to impress anyone.

Or am I? No, I'm not. What happened with Alan last night was just a nice little thing that he did. I doubt there was anything to it. I probably took it out of proportion anyways. There's no need for me to get in over my head about this silly little thing.

I soon left the room, went to the elevator and when it opened, James was in it. I had half a mind to just go use the stairs, but I thought I would just be nice to him. If he talks to me, of course. I walked into the elevator and the door closed. There's no turning back now.

I could feel his eyes on me, but I just looked at the doors of the elevator, motionless. There was no way I could look him in the eye after what he did to me.

"It's been a while, Avaline. I'm sorry about how I acted last night." He apologized? This is a dream, right? It has to be.

"It's okay." I said flatly. I was careful now to show any emotion towards him.

"I didn't think you were going to leave in tears. If I had known, I wouldn't have said anything."

I held back tears as I looked at him. "You weren't the reason why I was crying, James." Why did I tell him that? I should've just let him think he did it (again).

He sighed. "That's a relief."

All the tears I had thinking about Marcus were gone now. The only thing I felt was disgust towards James. The elevator doors finally opened, and I got out as fast as I possibly could. I just wanted to be away from James. I got out and walked into the lobby. Of course, James was right on my heels. He must be meeting someone in the lobby, too.

I looked around until I finally spotted Aisha. She was talking to Ashley. They saw me, and waved over at me. I waved back, and walked over to them.

I must have had an odd look oh my face, 'cause Aisha asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing really. James was in the elevator with me." She nodded her head. She knows how I feel about him now.

Ashley looked confused. She has no idea about my history with James, and how it ended. (Which was quite painful.) I wanted to tell her, but now isn't the right time. Maybe later.

Next thing I knew, I heard a voice that sounded very familiar say, "Oh my god, Avaline?!" I turned to where the voice came from, and I saw my friend Valentine. I haven't seen her in over a year. I almost started tearing up when I saw her.

"Valentine!" I ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you! I'm so happy you're on this tour!" I told her.

She hugged me back and said, "I missed you, too. Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Valentine and I had been texting and talking on facebook a lot; so we could keep in touch. She's been there for me since I started dating James. She knows all about that and what it was like for me. She was the only one I confided in when James and I broke up.

"Why didn't you try to find me yesterday?" She asked.

"I tried. You were missing, girl. You know there was a party last night, right?"

"Yes, I did. Danny and I stayed in our hotel room though."

"Aw, you're still with Danny?" I smiled at her when I asked that.

She started glowing, as she said. "Yes, I am."

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

"So how's Marcus?" I looked down at my feet when I felt the tears forming. "Uh, he and I broke up last night. He was cheating." I held back the tears and looked up.

"Ava, I'm so sorry."

I shook my head. "It's okay, I'll get over it. It's not like it's the first time anyways." Right as I said that, I saw James make a face. He heard me. Good.
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[url=]Avaline's new outfit[/ur]

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