Status: Active <3

Never Lie, Never Leave

So I'll see you tomorrow?

After the show was over, I started feeling depressed about Marcus. I didn't think he would be such a douche when he did it. Couldn't he have just called me and told me, instead of sending me a fucking picture message? Well, I guess I shouldn't have been so confident that he wasn't going to hurt me.

That's the second time that I've been cheated on. I gotta say, it really hurts. I really didn't expect it from Marcus, considering we had only been together for seven months.

I guess I shouldn't dwell on it. It may have happened yesterday, but I can't let it stop me. I'm on an amazing tour with my friends, and I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of it.


I was about to go back on the tour bus, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Alan. He gave me a shy little smile, and I returned one to him. "Hey, Alan." Right after I said that, the butterfiles in my stomach unleashed. Lovely.

"Hey, Ava. I was just wondering if you would want to get a drink with me or something? You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I would love to, but I don't drink." Great. Now I feel like I let him down. I really want to do something with him though.

"Oh. Well, would you want to grab a bite to eat tomorrow? Before the show?" His eyes looked so hopeful, it was adorable.

"I would love nothing more than that, Alan."

His smile came back as he said, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

I smiled back. "See ya tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye," Then he walked away. I went into the bus, and over to my bunk.

I saw Aisha give me a strange look. "Yes, Aish?" I asked her.

She popped out her head out of her bunk and said, "What did you and Alan talk about?"

"You saw us talking?"

"Yes. Through the window, love."

I rolled my eyes. "Creeper." Then I lied down.

Next thing I knew, I saw Aisha near my bunk. "Now tell me what happened, girl!"

I giggled before I answered. She can be so funny. "We're going somewhere to eat before the show tomorrow." After I said that out loud, I realized how excited I actually was. Damn, this boy is driving me crazy.

Aisha made an 'O' shape with her mouth. "No way! Have fun." She wiggled her eyebrows and I just couldn't help but laugh at her.

"I have a feeling that I'm going to." I told her with a smile.

"Ugh, don't get all mushy with me, Ava. Vic and I are always like this when we're with each other."

I nodded. "Right. Sorry, Aish."

She yawned then said, "I'm sleepy. I'm gonna go back in my bunk now. Good night, Ava."

"Haha, good night, Aisha." She hugged me, then climbed back into her bunk.

I got myself all comfortable in my little bunk and fell asleep. Tomorrow should be good.
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