‹ Prequel: In Love With A Tomboy
Status: Not yet started; will write when I get the time.

In Love With the New Gurl

In ♥ With the New Gurl: 02

Joey's POV:

What happened this year was also much like a cliché love story. It took place in March, but really before that it really began in September. It was a new year in a new school in a new state and I was expected to be happy and excited, maybe a little nervous and curious of what my new teachers and fellow classmates might think of me. But, worst of all, I was expected to pretend as if nothing had happened over the following summer; that I hadn’t even met Izzy and as if she hadn’t even existed in my life. I was supposed to act as if I hadn’t met this beautiful and amazing girl that took my breath away every time I saw her face and hadn’t fallen in love with her.

But, I didn’t feel any of those things and I wouldn’t either, not now and certainly not ever again. I felt only two emotions now and that was: despair with a heavy dose of depression and anger, a bitter, bitter one.

I had no intentions of meeting anybody or try to make any friends to sit with at lunch. In fact, I didn’t want anything to do with anybody.

They didn’t know me; they just knew my story and what I’d done. I fell in love with one of the most untouchable-est girls in all of Eastwood High School – Izzy Williams, one of the prettiest yet toughest girls there were. She was perfect and belonged to no one, until I moved here and stole her away from right under everyone. No other guy had managed to be able to do this and since I made the horrible mistake of falling in love with her and stealing her heart away, now no one else will be able to do so either.

I killed her. I killed Izzy Williams! I’m the culprit! I’m the murderer!

But no, that’s wrong, because I did no such thing! It was her – that evil bitch of a friend – Spencer! No one else may know it or believe me, but I know that with all my love for Izzy that she is at fault for all of this. I will get her back on this and she will pay. That girl will pay!


Now fast forward onto March. It’s been seven months and I’m officially the school’s bad boy now. The guy that managed to get Izzy and get her killed as well. There were some girls that were afraid of me and yet there were plenty that were still ready to my every bidding for a simple hug. Guys thought I was sick and the ones I hung with thought I was awesome because of that. And the teachers and my parents, well, they just didn’t know what to do with me anymore.

Just give him some time,’ they say. ‘He’s still coping. I’m sure in due time, everything will be all right again.

Pfft, what a bunch of bullshit! I’ll never be alright again.

Anyway, so back to what happened with the new chick. We were in science, me and the guys and our original teacher was absent, so the class was a whole mess. The sub sat at the desk with his feet up, reading a sport's magazine and minding his own business. Students milled around, chatting, laughing, throwing things, fighting, he didn’t care and neither did we.

The guys and I just took a seat in the middle of the room and were just talking over things when all of a sudden, the principal walks into the room. Immediately, everyone drops whatever it is that they were doing and drops down into any seat they can find. Some fight over one, but under the principal’s glare, they stop and move on to find somewhere else to sit. Even the sub pushes his feet off and tosses his magazine down.

I immediately assume that it’s about me again as does everyone else and I could feel their eyes on me to prove it, because I mean, why wouldn’t they? Hello, I’m the Eastwood’s Bad Ass! If it’s not because of me, then why else would our dear old Principal Powers be present here in our room at a time like this?

“Calm yourself, Anderson,” he retorted back to me when he noticed the wide smirk on my face that I had for him. “This has nothing to do with you.”

The smile on my lips faltered a little, but I wasn’t gonna let him see that; pestering Powers was one of my favorite past times and if he saw that one little comment like that hurt me, then he’d never let me live it up. Instead, I held my ground and opened up my mouth to say something back when he cut me off and added, “And hopefully it will have nothing to do with you.”

“Ah, Charles, you know I can’t guarantee that.” I told him.

He just scowled back at me, before turning his full attention towards the rest of the class.

“I don’t know what’s going on in here nor do I want to, all I’m here for an important announcement.”

”Which is?” I cut in.

“I was just getting to that, Archer,” he sighed deeply then and gave the class a quick look over. “There will be a new girl in this class tomorrow and I expect this room to be cleaner than it was beforeyou all stepped in here.” the class groaned. “And you!” Principal Powers snapped, turning around to face the sub. “No one leaves this room until every square inch of this place is sparkling! Got it?”

“Yes sir!” The college aged guy shook his head hard and even threw in a salute, causing us all to burst out laughing.

Powers rolled his eyes back over to us and we all immediately stopped. Then he himself groaned and strolled out of the room, kicking a paper ball out of his way. A few of the do-gooders followed his orders and then soon the other students began to do so as well, but I didn’t budge from my seat. Instead I turned around to face my friends.

Mack, who was like the leader of the gang after me, lay back on his chair, leaning his head against the wall. There was a pair of sunglasses placed clumsily over his face to hide his stoned and tired eyes. Eddie was somewhere in the front of the classroom flirting with a couple of girls as he helped them clean up the classroom. And then there was Shawn, one of my best buddies, sitting next to me, fiddling with his i-Phone. There were more of us, but in this class they were only the four of us, but we were just as strong.

“Hey so, guys, what do you think?” I asked.

“’Bout what?” Shawn asks me.

“New chick, of course.”

“Hey Joey, what do you care for anyway, huh?” Mack mutters. “It’s not like you’re gonna do anythin’ to her, right? Not like you can woo her or…or not.” I frowned and lowered my eyes.

“Hey, Mack’s right, man, just forget about it,” Shawn added. “She’s just a chick and a new one at that, who knows what she’ll be like.” he slapped my knee and gave me a wide grin.

I forced one back at him and even gave a soft chuckle. “Nah, I was just sayin’, like what if she too was bad ass like us, huh? What then? I mean, I don’t know bout you guys anymore, but I really am tired of just seein’ us guys everywhere; I really could use some new eye candy, even if it is for a little while, you know what I’m saying?” I wiggled at my eyebrows at them to indicate what I meant.

"Ah, I like the way that you're thinkin'." Mack grinned back at me this time and I found my heart lifting again, we were back to our cool little mellow ‘tude now.

”And I totally agree!” I heard Eddie say as he came over to join us. “Joey, my man, this may be one of the best ideas you’ve ever had!”

We all laughed at that then as we took in Eddie’s flushed face and bright eyes. Though it was only a joke, I couldn’t help wondering what it’d be like if there really was a girl in our little group. I shook my head at the idea of her bossing us around and cursing around and fighting with us, bullying others and messing with the teachers. It was so silly; a girl could never be like us, one of the guys. But, then again, there was Izzy, who was one of the boys herself. I shook my head again, harder this time, to get the image of her face out of my head.

Little did I know then that what I had just suggested to Mack wasn’t exactly just a joke to him and could be something way bigger instead. Neither did I know that this new girl in our class was gonna be just like Izzy in more ways than just one.
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Second chapter, just came up with it. Hope u all like. =)