‹ Prequel: In Love With A Tomboy
Status: Not yet started; will write when I get the time.

In Love With the New Gurl

In ♥ With the New Gurl: 03

Joey's POV:

It was in science the next day when she came. Our original teacher, Mrs. Zinger was back to teach and the class was back in its regular order. We were all in our assigned seats and all doing our work. Or well, the other people were, but me and my friends being the bad asses that we were didn’t have to take these silly old notes, since we’ve practically got all of this already stored away in the back of our heads. Or at least that’s the excuse that I gave to Principal Powers after Mrs. Zinger wrote us up.

The door opened with a loud creak that was meant to be quiet and in came Principal Powers back to join us once again. My mouth twisted up in a grin, but he didn’t even glance my way and instead back to speak.

”Well, it seems like you all managed to follow my orders for once,” he said, shooting a smile towards Mrs. Zinger. “And now, my dear classmates, I have one more favor to ask from all of you.”

I could hear Mack snickering from all the way across the room to Principal Powers’ mock politeness.

I shook Shawn out of his sleep, whispering, "Get a load of this." to him. He opened one eye and then the other, before yawning loudly and smacking his lips. Principal Powers gave him the evil eye before continuing on with his little "speech".

"We have a new girl in our school and I hope that we'll be able to welcome her grandly into our school just like we have done with Mr. Archer," a few eyes turned to look over to me, but I didn't joy an emotion, but just smirked back at 'em. "And much like Joey, this young girl has been through a lot as well, so I suggest you can go easy on her and not push her too much into anything she doens't feel comfortable with."

"Heh, I bet she's just one of those little emo chicks that do random shit to themself to get attention," I said to Shawn. Powers stepped aside then and I finally got to see her. "Ha, what'd I tell ya?!"

And there she was, all dressed in black and as enthusiastic as I sounded, that's not how I felt in the inside at all. This girl had about the whitest face ever with a surprising dash of fire red bright hair, making her look as if her face were glowing and her head was on fire. I couldn't get that good of a look at her features because her head was down as she stared at her feet and fiddled with her fingers.

"This is-" Powers had begun to say before he was cut off.

"Ron." the girl introuduced herself.

She was looking up now and when I met her eyes, I felt as if I'd just been struck down by lightning. Her eyes were the probably the biggest thing that not only make her brighter and more noticable, but also attracted me to her. They were the color of a stormy grey that probably left a few others just as breathless as me.

"Right," Powers broke through my thoughts then. "I'll let you introduce yourself to the class then."

By the time, I looked back up, I saw that her head was down again and her hands were by her sides.

"My name is Ron DeVandal," she said. "And I'm sixteen years old."

"Wait, DeVandal, where have I heard that name before?" one of the girls in my class, Lindsey, asked.

"Oh, um, my dad he was the inventor of-"

"The Smart Houses!"

"Yeah." she gave a small smile then.

"So, what does your mom do?" Lindsey's best friend, Rachael questioned next.

"Oh, she's just a housewife now." the girl answered.

"But, back in the old days she was Candie Rogers!"

"Right." her face broke out into a grin then and I could see two rows of shiny teeth.

"Well, I see you'll do absoulutely fine this class." Powers cut in.

It seemed as if as soon as she heard him say that, the new girl reacted immediately. She jerked her head towards Powers with a frown on her face.

"Um bye then, Uncle Charlie." she said to him, catching more than a few of us off guard.

Principle Powers was just about to walk back out the door, when all of a sudden, he stopped and walked back. He patted the girl's head with misty eyes and replied, "I'll see you later, my Ronnie dear."

I could see shocked expressions on all of my classmates' faces and I knew there must be one of my mine as well. This reminded me of something. This reminded me exactly of <i>my</i> first day here.

I was dressed in a similar fashion as she was now. I wasn't smiling, but wasn't angry either. I actually felt like just bursting right out into a million tears as I was forced to stare back at my new classmates and "friends". Powers was way nicer to me back then and looked just as upset for me as I felt. I hated it, looking into the eyes of pity and anger that were displayed and staring back at me.

"This is Joey," Powers had introduced me. "Joey Anderson."

"Ha ha, Joey," I heard a tinkling voice whisper in my ear then. "I love you, Joey."

At that time, that voice made me angry, so, so angry at Izzy for leaving me alone like this. I heard that voice, that laugh every day and every-single-where! I heard it so often that I thought I was going to turn insane soon. I knew I needed to get a control of my life again and it was finally after meeting up with Shawn and Mack and the others that I finally did and that voice finally left me alone too.

But, now after one whole year, I've been really missing it. So much, in fact, a little toomuch. I was practically craving for it now.

"Joey. Joey. Joey." I heard her say now, making my heart feel as if it were overflowing with happiness. But, then all of a sudden, the voice turned higher and pitchier and didn't at all sound like Izzy anymore.

And then even more suddenly, I was pushed and immediately shaken out of my thoughts. I realized that my eyes were shut and quickly opened them back up to find her eyes staring back at me, causing me to jump.

"Um, um." I stuttered.

"Joey," I heard Ms. Zinger's voice say then and I moved my eyes up to her face. "If you could be so kind, Joey, could you please move your bag, so Ron can take a seat?"

I looked all around, trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Uh, yeah, yeah." I replied, my eyes were back on the new girl again.

I pushed my bag off of the chair next to me as well as taking my feet off it and turning around completely so I was now facing the chalkboard. Doing all this was actually pretty difficult, because I felt almost as if I had to practically tear my eyes away from the girl, but I did it.

It was only after a few seconds that I finally realized what had just happened and what was still going on. This girl, this new girl was sitting next to me. Next to me where no one else has ever sat before because this was Izzy's seat. This would've been the exact spot where she would've sat, no scratch that, should be sitting at, if it weren't for....

I decided from that moment on that I would forever hate this girl. This new girl that has now replaced my precious little Izzy. But, how wrong was I to think that that could possibly be true when she had already grabbed a hold of me with those eyes of hers and promised to never let me go. She was practically tearing me apart with those dangerous little eyes of hers, but I'm getting too ahead of myself.

There's a reason for everything in this world and I knew deep in my heart -- whether I let myself admit it or not -- that there was a reason that Izzy left and this new girl came. God was trying to tell me something! All I had to do was try to get my mind off of everything and then just take some time to hear Him out.

But, it was just too bad that that time wasn't gonna be anytime soon.
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Finished typing this chapter up yesterday, but didn't get a chance to post it up. But, here it is now, hope you all like! =)