Help Me Live

it hurt

[[mikey's p.o.v]]

when i heard a door slam i though frank and jade were doing there normal thing, but when i looked up i saw this huge, and i mean HUGE, hand print on franks face.

"what did you do?" i asked
"what? ohh nothing.. she's PMSing..." and he srugged off.
"oh okay..i want a pop-tart" and i walked into the kicten[[idksp?]]

I heard a sob so i wanted to see who and i saw Jade in tears and gerard trying to help calm her down.

i stopped dead in my tracks. i though something is wrong
'well no duh stupid! something is wrong for her to be crying like that... gezzzz get a brain' i was talking to myself untill i heard jade sob again and i came back to reality.

"JADE?! WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU HURT!? WHO DID IT!?" i was worried, i mean you dont see jade cry over the smallest things, something big or something in her past must of came up,
'FRANK!!! HE DID IT TO HER!! but to be on the safe side, i want to hear it from her' i was talking to myself again untill she said it,

"frank" and she got up with her hair everywhere, wet/poofy/red face from crying, she tried to wipe it away but she just smired her make up and went to the bathroom.

i looked at gerard to see if i heard right, and what do you know!?
i did.

"frank it going to die" i said and went for the door
"bet your ass he is!!!" gerard said and got up with me.


Frank the meany house

"what?" he asked as he walled to the door and opening it.

"MOTHER FUCKER!!" me and gerard jumped on him and started to, well i just sat on him gerard was the one hurting him, i would have gotten hurt!, so any way....

we made frankie explain EVERYTHING and then i slapped him hard in the same spot Jade did and i left to go and help jade, gerard was still talking, well yelling, at frankie for his 'fucking heartless words'. hehee frank is getting a lecture[sp?]

[[my house!! mine!!]]

"jadey-kins?? can you open up? it me mikey-kins..pwease babe?" i knocked on the bathroom door for about an hour now.

"im sorry for over acting mikes" she said, she sounded really sad and hurt.

"what are you talking about?! you have everyright to act like that.. frank told us, me and gee, the story..can you let me in please?" i asked.

i heard some things moving and some mubbling but the door didnt open.

"uh... can you get my phone babe?" she asked.

"only if you let me in after i get it." i said

"fine.." she said "now go on getting my phone please"

"okay i'll be back in a second" and went to get her phone.
'humm i wonder who she wasnt to call..hummm'

when i got back she had the door open and was getting the eye-liner tears off her face.

"oh jade....." i said when i looked at her.

"oh hey mikes" she sounded hurt... beyond hurt..

"oh babe.." i said and hugged her

"ouch.. did you get my phone?" she asked

"hu? oh yea.."
i handed her her phone and pulled her on the couch.

"thanks mikey.. i really need a friend" she smiled and kissed my check

"your welcome babe" and hugged her.
she didnt use her phone or anything. i just shes waiting for a call or something.

we must of staied there for hours when gerard finally came back with his lip bleeding alittle bit.

"frank tried to fight back?" i asked

"yea but i just knocked him over the head and told him to watch himself around j-babe" he smiled at me and messed my awesome hair and came to hug jade.

"night kiddos" he laughed at his own joke.. LAME!!

"hey mikey-kins?" jade asked me

"yea?" i looked down at her, ower faces only about 2 inches away from each other

"can i take you up on your offer and sleep with you tonight?" she sounded tired

" like i said, anytime" i smiled she kissed me lightly on the lips this time and when to my bed.

'humm why did my tummy just do like a jillion backflips and four front flips at the same time?'
i asked myself as i got up and went to my room,

jade was in the middle of changing so i turned around.

"you already's not like its a huge deal.. and i trust you." she smiled and pulled her shorts up when i turned around.

we got in bed after i got into my boxers and hugged each other goodnight and started to dift off to sleep.i thought jade was asleep so i whispered
"your beautiful and dont let anyone ever make you dout[sp?] it. ever." and kissed her forehead and went into a dreamless sleep.

--5 commets please <3--