Help Me Live

oh.. wow.

[[Gerard's p.o.v]]

Mikey came back and was all on crack. i swear.
So he came in talking to himself and saying 'my job' and 'jade' and some 'matt' dude or something.
So i was about to go up to him and ask him if he was doing drugs,
but then he just went and did like a 'WHA-BAM!" and was screaming and hiding under his blanket.
He's such a pansy. there are no more monsters under your bed mikey! god!

So i asked frankie if he was the dealer

"you giving mikey crack or something?" i asked him with a straight face

"dude. what the fuck!?" he asked

"you gave mikey drugs. thats why he's all like "WHA-BAM"!!!" i did hand motions. hehe i love them

"dude. first i dont do drugs i do skittles. and 2) I WANT TO 'WHA-BAM' TOO!!!" he started to jump up and down

"did you give mikey skittles?" i asked him

"dude.. i would never, not even lauryn, the one i love, have skittles. they are holy. and im jesus" he smiled evily and truned around

"i heard my name" lauryn popped her head in

"LAURYN!! I LOVE YOU!! NO SKITTLES FOR YOU! MINE!! SEE GERARD?!" frankie jumped on her

"fine. if i cant have skittles you cant have" she whispered something in her ear that made frankies jaw drop

"WHAT!? HERE! HAVE THEM! I WANT IT NOW WOMAN! NOW!!" he handed lauryn his 'secreat' stash[[its under my fringe]] and picked her up bride style and caried her to my room.

"NOT ON MY FUCKING BED! EWWWWWWWW" i screamed and ran pass them into my room and locked it.


there was a knock at my door so i opened it

"hello?" i asked there was this girl there, hair up to her sholders and a cute outfit. it was black tube pants with flats and a black and navy blue striped shit. she had these killer eyes and a smiled that gave me a werid feeling in my tummy.

"hey. uhh bob told me to come over here. your gerard right?" he pointed to me

"y-..yeah" i just managed.

"oh hey im Jenna...bobs half-sister. he picked me up and brought me here, i hope thats okay, and said mikey.i think thats right... yea mikey need you for thingy or somthing." she smiled at me again.

"w-.." i cleared my throught "well. jenna. nice you meet you." she put out her hand but i just hugged her

"i dont do hand shakes, im a hugging kind of guy," i smiled wearly at her

"ok! god, im a hugging kind of gal but i didnt want to scare you or something" she looked happy.

'humm.. jenna is looking extreamly hott to day..' i thought to my self they shook the thought

'BOBS HALF SISTER. NOT COOL GERARD! NOT COOL!! lets first ask bob and see if she is single.' and i shook my head

"why are you shaking your head?" she asked me laughing.

"uh? oh i did that didnt i.. wow.. okay. uh..listeneventhoughijustmetyouiwanttoknowifyouaresingle." i gasped for air. mikey makes it look easy.

"what?" she looked confuse

"okay. even though i just met you i want to know if you are single?" i asked afraid or her answer

"are you hitting on me?" she asked smiling

"maybe..if you say yea then. yea." i smiled at her

"humm..yea i am" and she walked off.