Help Me Live

It's my fault..

[[mikeys p.o.v]]

He kicked her! I am going to kill him, i swear.

"haha! how do you like that mikey? hu!?" matt screamed at me.

"you fucking bitch! dont touch her! she has nothing to do with this!" i screamed at him while i tried to get to Jade.
Matt ran to his car and grabbed something.

"dont go fuckign near her" matt said with a gun in his hand.

"matt put it down, she has nothing to do with this. take me or something. just leave jade out of this" i pleaded.

"no. because she must be something to you since your fighting for her this much. so i just think im going to take her and bring her back when im done." he smirked and grabbed jade's arms and draged her to his car.

"MATT! LET HER THE FUCK GO!" i screamed and jumped on him. i tried to grab the gun but he just pushed me off of him.

"back the fuck up you little fucker. im drunk as hell and i have a gun! what are you going to dooo?" he slured pointing the gun at me.

"matt. stop. let her the fuck go! take me if you want! just dont do anything to her!" i pleaded.
I couldnt let jade get hurt. i would never forgive myself. ever.

"ahh no." and he pulled the triger.

i didnt see where the gun was pointing to but i just fell to the ground and i heard screams and fighting then another gun shot went off and a car tires screach.

"mikey!? mikey hold on the people are coming.!!" ray said to me.

"jade.!? where is she!? i need to get her safe!" i said as i tried to get up.

" so so sorry man." ray said and he pushed me down.

"sorry for what!?" i asked scared for the answer.

"mikey just calm down, everything is going to be okay." gerard cried.

'Gerard never cries. oh god. its all my fault everyone is going to hate me. jade. she is never going to speak to me again. that's if she is still alive' i thought with tears falling covering my cheecks.

"gerard come here" i think jenna said and hugged him.

"its my fault. i said no!! i said no and now its my fault she is-" then i passed out.

[[commets for the answer]]