Help Me Live



[[Jade's p.o.v]]

This was it. he's going to kill me and i will never see mikey,gerard, or anyone else ever again. im going to miss everyone and everything. maybe even frank, who knows.
I wonder how it is being dead. do you feel anything?
I wonder if you remember anything. or anyone.
I would love to remember my parents before all the shit happened, and mikey, and gerard, and everyone else that loved me.
well i hoped they loved me, because i sure as hell loved them.

The car stopped short and i flug into the dashbord,and i was in the back or the car, and hit my head.
I knew i hurt other things but when i looked over i saw we got hit by a car and matt's head was through the windshield and still alive.

'greeat, but maybe i can get away.' i thought as i opened the door and tried to get off running.

Matt saw and broke the glass around him so he wont cut his neck and went after me about 5 minutes later.

"JADE! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE BITCH!" he screamed as he limped over to me.

I was more limping and running than anything. i was trying to run away but matt was faster than me and i fell due to a peice of the cat that fell off tripped me.

"get away from me!" i screamed tears blocking my view.

"JADE! I SAID GET BACK HERE!" he screamed

"SOME ONE CALL 911!" a person watching this screamed.

'you could help me you know!' i thought as matt come over i just looked at the ground and when i saw his feet i closed my eyes and waited.

First he started to slap me and stuff then i went numb.
Any blow he gave me i didnt feel. just nothing.

"just kill me already" i spit at him

"no. this is more fun for me" he snapped at me and cut my cheek with a knife.

'where in the hell did he get that?!' i screamed to myself.
I guess i had a extreamly scared face on because he said,
"what? jade doesnt like blades? no?.. well your going to start to like them now bitch!" and he punched me and i blocked out everything, sound,people.

'mikey is going to save me.' i just kept on repeating to myself.

"hey jade...want to go to my back seat?" matt grabbed my arm and twisted it and slamed me in the back seat.

'we were in a fucking car accedent and he sit puts me in the car? what the fuck? this could blow any minute' i thought and tried to get away. i kicked screamed, anything that could get me away from this.. this.. thing.
i dont even think he is human.

He started to forcely kiss me and I pushed him off.

"SOME ONE!! PLEASE!!" i screamed as i heard police comeing.

"shh jade. i know you want this" he cooed

"get the fuck off of me!!" i screamed to the top of my lungs

"ah! fuck jade!! shut the fuck up!" and he slapped me even harder than before.

"please" i whimmpered.

"its going to be over soon" he said and started to tug on my jeans.

"what are you doing?" i asked with pure fear in my voice

"giving you what you want" he said and pulled my jeans down.

"hello? any one in the cars?!" a fireman asked as he got near.

"say anything i'll kill you" matt said covering my mouth.

'im already dead' i thought and screamed to the top of my lungs

"SOME ONE HELP ME!! HELP ME!!! MATT LET GO OF ME!! SOME ONE!" i kept on screaming untill the man walked over.

"sir what are you doing? this car is ready to explode!" he said and pulled matt off of me.

"miss are you alright?" he asked me i just clinged on to him and broke down.

"miss can you put your jeans back on?" he asked me.

"yeah sure" i said and went to go put them on untill i felt a sting at my side.

I looked down and saw a knife.
'fuck matt wasnt lieing.' i thought and fell over.

"miss? miss are you alright?" another man asked me as the other fireman from before was getting matt arrested.

"he stabbed me" i said and fell into the man.

"some one!! help over here!" he yelled and 3 other men came over.

"miss stay awake please. whats your name?" one asked me

"Jade. ... Philps" i gasped. i felt weaker and weaker.

"okay jade stay awake we are getting you out of here" he said and moved me over on to the streacher.

"move move move!! its about to blow!!" A man yelled. the other car that hit us was a gas truck and i guess something combust because the men picked me up and ran for their lives.

"jade stay awake now. im Tucker. okay? im going to be right here. stay awake now jade" tucker said.

"tucker my stomick wont stop hurting." i cried. it kept feeling like i was being stabbed again and again.

"i figured that." he smirked " but we are cleaning it and bring you to the hospital okay? so stay awake. it would be better if you do" he said.

"i'll try" i said to him.

As we were in ambluence Tucker was talking to me and trying to calm me down.

"okay babe, what happened?" he asked me.

"matt." i said crying now as a replay happened in me head. he's not going to get out for a long time.

"can you explain?" he ask me.

"he killed me" i said and blacked out.

"jade?! jade babe please wake up, remember sleeping isnt good!!" Tucker said as he wheeled me into the hospital.

"WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!!" tucker sreamed and i fell in to a black,hopeless,scray darkness.

'God please wake me up' i thought and then went deeper.