Help Me Live

heart break to the extream.

A few weeks passed and Zacky kept on coming in so we made the nurse people make him stay away, for jades sake ofcourse. i dont want her to wake up and that ugly thing in the room.
I got out of the hospital but i went everyday after school and everyday on the week ends, but on the week ends i can sleep over. The nurses think its cute and 'love meant to be' but its all bull what they are saying. i love jade, she is my best friend. NOTHING MORE PEOPLE! god! or atleast i dont think so.
no mikey she's your best friend it wouldnt be right, you going to drive her away
yeahh...but she might feel the same.
no she cant like a person like me. im to tall and to skinny. and i have glasses. NO ONE LIKES PEOPLE WITH GLASSES. people want them to die
thats not true...jade loves me. she might understand
understand what? you love her? think of what she went through.. she donesnt want to be with you!
i just shook these thoughts out of my head as i was on my way to the hospital. Same things happened. Jade's not up yet and im losing my mind with out her here to talk to, look to and see her smile.

Days became slower and nights shorter, everyone was trying to make me feel better and stuff but it didnt feel right. Jade, my jadey-kins, was in the HOSPTAL! i cant move on with out her. she's my air, my heart beat, my everything. thats why im so suck on her getting up A.S.A.P. I need her more than ever now. School is going to start soon, in a few weeks actually. And i wanted to start my sofmore year with her.

As i walked into the hospital i got some "Hey mikey" and some "hello Mr.Way. here to see miss.philps?" like who else would i be here to see?
I would just say "Hey guys" and "yes doctor". Im known here.

I kept on walking to jades room and walked over to her bed.
"hey jadey-kins" i kissed her forhead.
"today gerard made me go to school, i wanted to skip and come here to see how you doin' but gerard said he would tell mom. pfft he is such a freakin' kid i some times wonder if he's the older brother. but i know its for my own good and crap like that. uh... this whole week has been wacked. the doctor said you might wake up this month, maybe next month. but im praying its this month. gerards birthday is comeing up soon. he's turning 18, lucky fuck he is. he's been down in the dumps. Jenna had to go back to chicago with bob, i think their grandpa died. its a really sad thing but i feel really bad for gerard. he was beining to REALLY like jenna. like really, and now they only talk on the phone. he misses her like i miss you. but atleast he can talk to her, all im doing to talking to you but getting no reply. gerard is lucky to have some one to love, who loves him back. OH! and talking about love frank and lauryn are like, humm.. i dont know the name of it.. but its like..AH!! i forget the name!!" i was thinking of the name when there was a knock at the door. i turned around and saw some police people. AH!! i forgot their name too!! Today is SO not my day.

"Mr.Way?" the one on the right asked.
"yeah. thats me" i said getting up.
"uh, hello im officer Green and this is officer Brown" he said.
'hum.. i wonder if they are like skittles. TASTE THE RAINBOW.'
"and we are here to ask you questions about the...." he looked over at jade "accident" he finished.
"that wasnt an 'accident' Matt did that on purpose." i said to them.
"ah.. care to explain?" he said sitting down in a guest chair.

I told them the whole story, from me running after Jade and meeting up with matt from today.
It was about 5 when i finished, about 2 hours of story time.

"wow...uh..okay.. so...hold on" officer brown said and pulled out his phone.
He said a few 'uh-hu's and a few 'ok sir' and about 4 'no i dont think so' and 7 'alrighty'. they need new vocabulary.

"who was that bob?" officer green asked.
"that was Ted. he said that they just need ower notes and then make the choice of max" he replied.
"you mean Matt.." i said.
"yeah.. Matt." he sad and turned to leave.
"listen son, im sorry about everything that you went through. and if she wakes up give her big hugges for us" he smiled
"yes sir" i said and sat back down when they left.

"wow.. some bad memories are coming back now...anyway.. like i was saying,"
I staied at the hospital untill Martha came in,Jades nurse, and said
"mikey your brother is here to take you home."

"but.i dont want to go. i want to stay with jade a few more hours" i said and gerard came in
"" he said.
"BUT GEEEEEEEEE!!!" i whined.
"mikey i dont have time for this. GET OUT NOW!! god! i swear some times!!" i said and walked over to the bed where jade laied.

"hey there j-babe." he kissed her on the cheek.
"im stealing mikey for tonight. moms makin' my favorite. hope you dont mind." he said and told me to say bye.

"but i dont like your favorite. its all....gross." i said as i walked over you jades bed.
"i'll come back i swear. i love you" i whispered and kissed her and left.

As we were walking back to the car gerard broke the silence.
"what did you say to j-babe when we were leaving?" he asked me.

"hu?" i was spacing out. thinking of jade and how awesome it would be if she woke up like right now.

"" he said it slow like i was deaf or something.

"im not retarded. and i just said bye and crap like that" i blushed alittle but i looked down to open the door so he wouldnt see.

"pft. mmkay there mikes" he said and started up the car.

"gerard?" i asked him


"shut the fuck up" i said and stared out the window.

"some one is being touchy" he said

"hum..JENNA" and he froze.

"now whos being touchy?" i sneared and started to stare out the window.

next day

I woke up and had this werid feeling in my stomick, like i know today is going to be a bad day.
I walked towards the stairs and hopped down them, seriously hopped. hey, i was in a hopping mood at the moment so shut up.

"what the fuck mikey?" gerard said as he passed me.

"what? im hop-ping!" i said.

As i hopped to the kitchen gerard, i guess, got sick of me hopping and just pushed me down.

"try to hop now little bunny" he laughed.

"MOM!!!!" i yelled.
no answer.
still no answer.
"ah! gosh mom!" im not aloud to say 'bad words' in the house.

"SHE ISNT HERE YOU FUCKING RETARD!" gerard yelled from the badement.

"I KNEW THAT!" i yelled back

"LIAR!" and he closed the door.

"pftt. i was making sure you knew that!!" i yelled and hopped up to me room.
"try to push me down now gerard!" i laughed to myself and out of no where i fell.

"what the fuck!?" i said and got up and checked to see if gerard saw.
and of course, he was the one who pushed me

"where the fuck did you come from!?" i said

"i came from don and donna way thank you very much" he said and went to go eat some breakfast.

"i didnt mean it li- fine! walk away from me when im talking to you!" i yelled
"prick" i said under my breath.

I got ready and headed to school with gerard at tow.

"HURRY UP!!" i said

"no!" he said to me

"fine. can i cut to see jade?" i asked him.

"sure." he said
I grinned
"really?!" i said.

"no. keep on fucking moving" he pushed me into the school doors.

"ah! fuck gerard! why not!?" i yelled.

"because i dont love you like that mikey in sorry. maybe frank over there" he pointed to the guys who were standing right behind us.

"mikey, god. EW!!" ray said.

"thats not what i meant!!" i whined.

"mikey, i understand you in a fix between me and jade, but stick with jade. i dont love you" gerard said.

"you dont love me!?" i acted hurt.

"well.." he took his time to think "yeah...well.. no not really. you called me a prick" he smiled

"because you are one!" i was about to tackle gerard before lauryn came over and hugged me

"MIKEY!!!!!!" she yelled and tackled me.

"LAURYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i squealed.

"and im frank." frank piped in.

"MIKEY!!" she laughed.

during the last 2 months me and lauryn became really close, not as close as me a jade, but close. she's one of my best friends.

"hey!! what about meeeeeee???? rememberrr!? your B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D?! EVER HEAR OF ME!?" frank whined.

"oh shut up frank. i love you more" lauryn said and tackled frank.
"humm.. maybe move this to my car my lady?" he asked her.

"im your dreams." she laughed.
"already happened" he grinned.
"FRANK!!" she yelled and smacked him on the arm
"whattttttttttttttt woman!!!" he joked.

"nothing, for that your not getting any" she turned away from him.
"I WAS GOING TO GET SOME!? AH!!" he jumped up and down.
"you WERE, but now your not." she walked away and into her clase room.

"dude...uh!" he sighed and looked at the ground.
"LAURYN IM SORRY!!!!!" he said and ran into the room. i hear lauryn screamed and laugh.

"okay, im done watching, later dudes" i waved to everyone and walked to the doors.
"no mikey" gerard said.

"WELL TO FUCKING BAD GERARD! i have this feeling something bad is going to happen today, and if it happens to jade and im not there to save her, i-.. i wont ever forgive myself." i broke from the guys and ran to the hospital.

As i walked in i tried to catch my breath.

"oh hello mr.way.. i was JUST about to call you" jades doctor said to me with a grinn.

"why!? did something bad happen!? i knew i had a bad feeling!!" i yelled.

"no!!! she is about to wake up!!" he said, you can tell joy was in his voice.

"SHIT!! REALLY!?" i squealed and ran to her room.

As i walked up i called gerard and the gang on my cell phone and told them to get here as soon as possable.

About 5 minutes later they came in whizing.

" she u- up yet?" gerard gasped.

"no! but she's about to!!" i jumped up in down with joy and other emotions taking over.

I looked over and saw jade cough, then open her eyes extreamly slow.

She growned and then blinked a few times.

"jade? jade, babe?" i asked as i walked over.

She gave me a funny look, and then what she said, what she said at that moment i wanted to die. i felt like my heart just got stabbed and shatter to more than a million pieces.

"i-..i dont know you."