Help Me Live

I dont know part 2

"you can think, but if you say yes im going to call the fam to make sure." he smiled and left

'wow....he is really nice. i hope this itsnt a pitty card.' i sighed and the doctor walked in.

"hello miss.Philips, you can leave soon, we just need to finish the paper work and all, you are a really lucky girl because if that man didnt call at the time that he did you would have been, well not here." he smiled in confusion.

"i would be in hollywood?!" i wanted to see how far i could puch him, hehe so mean.

"well no... you wouldnt be breathing." he was trying to make it sound easy

"i would be swimming? why would i be in water?" i asked stupidly

"no you would have been dead!!" and with that he left.

'haha what a loser' i though to myself as Mr.way- I mean Don walked in.

"the fam-fam said you could stay, my wife is looking foward to metting you." he smiled at me.

"oh okay.....i guess afew days cant hurt" i smiled weakly.

"What!? oh no silly!! your staying for as long as you need to. we wouldnt want to pressure you at all... you can stay untill you graduate[sp?] highschool! we would love you have to seriously" he smiled but tried to look serious at the end.

"okay.. it'll be nice living in a home again."
And with that i got my stuff and went to the bathroom to change.
I took out a Mitsfits T-shirt and black tight jeans. I made my eyeliner thick and eye shadow a red fade. i looked in the mirror and though 'its good enough. not going to get any better'. When i walked out of the bathroom and got the rest of my stuff mr.- I mean Don, this is going to get some us to, looked at me and smiled.

"you and my boys are going to get along great!!" and he took my bag with all my things I could get from my house 2 days ago and left to go to Don's car.

"this is it.." and he unlocked his car.

"humm.. nice car mr.wa- I mean Don" i smiled

"why thank you Jade" he smiled. i guess he loved his car.

At the Way's house

"honey!! im home!!!!!" don yelled as he got out of his car and went to his trunk to get my bag.

"hey babe!" a women walked out of the front door with blond hair and a wide smile. "you must be Jade!" she said and pulled me into hug.

"uhh yes ma'am" i said as she let me go.

"oh please! you make me sound old!!" she said.

"sorry mrs.way" i smiled weakly at her. 'wow these people are.. odd' i though to myself.

"AH!! call me anything but that!" she said

"okay anything but that, your coffee is being stolen by mikes" a boy came out with black hair, it was longish but not sholder leght. he looked a year or two older than me, he was rather cute i must say.

"heyy, im Gerard" he smiled and stuck out his hand.

"oh hello. Im Jade." i shook his hand

"Jade.... nice name there" he smiled at me again.

"back at cha gerard" i smiled at him

"aH!!! DAD!! GET YOU WIFE OFF OF ME!!!" a boy came out with 'Donna' at his tail. he had light brown hair and these kick ass glasses. i wanted them, but i have good eye sight, bummer right there. He had a shirt with 'Anthrax' shirt on, and i wanted that to. He seemed my age and like his brother he was rather cute also. hummm.. i think im going to like it here.
I smiled to myself as Donna came out of the house.


"ahh... nahh i have no life any way." he smiled at her like a 5 year old.

"fin.. then no band practice" she smirked at him while the boy gasped.

"YOU WOULDN'T!!" he said dramaticly[sp?] and she shook her head with a evil smile.

"fine...but this isnt over" he said as he gave back her coffee. i though this was quit the show, but it ended when everyone calmed down. Don brought my stuff inside as we all walking in to the living room i suppose?

"well,, you met Donna and Gerard," he paused and faced the boy with the glasses " this is mikey" and he pointed to him. i smiled and extended my hand to him.

"heyy, im Jade"

"heyy" he said shyly.

"haha mikey gets shy around girls" gerard teased.

"SHUT UP GERARD!" he yelled

"its okay, im kind of shy around guys too." i smiled weakly to mikey. and he did the same back.

"well im bord." gerard stated and got up to a door, i think it was to the basement?, and walked down.

"MIKEY!! give our new person a tour arounf this place we call home!" Don said to mikey

"uhhh sure dad" and he got up

"this is the bathroom, this is mom and dads room and this is my room and this is you room and this is gerards room... he lives in the basement." he pointed to the doors.

"Cool." i smiled shyly and walked in to my room and plopped my bag on the bed. Mikey came in and sat on the floor.

"you know... i can see us being friends." he smiled a little bit more now.

"I'd like that.. I'd like that alot" i smiled at him.

"sweet.. hey... want to go bug gerard?" he asked with a evil grin on his face

"sure why not. im bord" and we walked to the stairs.

"heyy geee.... whats you doin'?" mikey asked as he walked in the room, it was dark and i liked it, band posters were all over the wall and books everywhere. i wanted his room..
'wow i sound bratty today' i though to myself.

"why do you care?" gerard asked back

"Because Jade here is bord.. and i want you to bond with her, she said you turn her on" he smiled evily while my jaw dropped on the floor.

"Mikey.. shut up. your such a little fuck." he turned around to his book he was writing in.

"fine. i guess i'll just bang her" and with that he picked me up and headed up the stairs to his room.

"you better not touch my you perv!!" as he dropped me on his bed.

"dont worryy...i dont like you like that.. more like a friend." he smiled as he layed[sp?] on his stomick on his bed.

"HEYY!!! YOU CAN MET THE GUYS TONIGHT!!!" he yelled and looked at me.

"uhh? okay?" i was kind of scared. i dont want to know who there are but i want to... hummmmmmmm..

my phone rang. it NEVER rings.

"UH... hello?" i asked

"JADE?! omg im soooo sorry if mikey touches you just kick him in the balls and run!! dont let him hurt you!!!-" it was gerard..a evil smile came across my face as i started to think of a plan.

"hey mikey..?" i asked as i covered my phone, gerard was still talking.

"yup?" he asked looking up

"do you want to pull a prank on gerard?" i asked with my evil smile still on my face.

"HELL YES!! what you got in mind?" he asked with a evil smile creaping across his face.

i told him what to do and when i was finished i uncovered the phone and gerard was STILL talking, gezze think he would just come up and save me.

"GERARD!! HELP MEE! HE HAS ME--" i was cut off my mikey

"COME HERE YOU BITCH!" and slapped his thigh to sound like he slapped me.

"AHH!!!! HELP ME!!" i yelled

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO!!! IM NOT DONE WITH YOU!!" he was almost about to laugh he head off.

"AHFHNSAKG!!!! NOO! PLEASE!! IM ONLY 15!! I DONT WANT TO LOSE MY VIRGINATY!!" and hung up the phone like it got disconnected

"OKAY! quick mikey!! lay on top of me!!" i layed on the bed with my back on it.

"okay.." he jumped on top of me.

"what are we going to do? we have to make it look real." i thought for a moment and then thought of something."MIKEY! quick! kiss me!!" i yelled you could hear gerard sprint up the stairs.

"but i though you didnt like me like that?" he had a confused look on his face.

"i dont but i want to see gerards face!" i said thinking gerard would walk in any moment.

"but i-" i cut him off but kissing him hard on the lips.

"like that. and put your hand here." i placed his hand up my shirt. he turned red

"okay.." he said shyly and started to kiss me again.

Gerard walked in and saw what was going on.

"MIKEY! WHAT THE FUCK!! GET OFF OF HER!! RAPIST!!!" he pulled mikey off and ripped my shirt right down the middle, mikey had a tiht grip on it i guess, and so it fell off as i got up. So there we were, me in a black laced bra from Victoria Secreat and 2 teenaged boys stairing at me. i didnt relieze it untill mikey said "Dude, that is fucking hott!" i looked where his eyes were fixed on. i looked down and turned a bright red. and tried o cover my self up.

"you can keep your hands down if you want Jade." gerard said still fixed on my women body parts.

"pht fuck off" and walked out the room with two boys at my heel.

the door bell rang and 3 boys walked in as i was in the living room trying to cover myself and remember where i dumped my bag.

"mikey do you remember where i put my b-" i was cut off

"DUDE!! THIS IS FUCKING HOTT!!" 3 boys said as they walked in with mikey and gerard.

"HOLY FUCK!!" and tried to cover myself up even more.

"i love you" a boy with a lip and a nose pierced.

"frank fuck off. she is mine." mikey came over and whispered in my ear.
"try to cover your self with me" and a smile spead across my face.

"thank you" i worded and move mikey to my room.
"AH!! there it is i was looking for it.!" i said while i looked for a shirt.
mikey was watching but i didnt care, he already saw and plus he was already my best friend, i declared it right now.

"mikey?" i asked him

"yea babe?" he smiled at me

"why didnt you talk like that to me like that frank thing did?" i asked, usually when a teenage boy looks at a girl they think of sex, not helping her.

"i dont know, i guess i felt bad because it was my fault." he sighed.

i walked over to him and hugged him, he hugged back

"Michael .. whats you middle name?" i asked

"James" he smiled

"Michael James Way, will you be my best friend please?" i gave him a puppy dog look.

"Jade- whats your middle name?" he asked

"Ashley" i smiled

"Jade Ashley Philps, i would love to be your best friend, but only if you mine." he smiled

"ahh sure why not?" i smiled and hugged him.

"ahh beautiful friend ship shall start. i can see it in the future." i laughed

" i bet you can there" i said and hugged him.

this was going to rock, i have a new house, family, and a new[well first] best friend. i am going to start to love life again and not think of it as a death wish waiting to happen to me.