Help Me Live

dream that hits reality

[[Jade's P.O.V]]

"MIKEY!!!" i screamed as i was running "NOO!! AHHHHHH!!" i was laughing so hard i fell over and mikey tripped over me

"ouch!" he said as he rolled ontop of me.

"EK!!! cant-breath-Ahh!!!." i was still laughing.

"hey jade guess what.." he asked me

"what mikey-kins?" i laughed.

"whats 'mikey-kins'?" he asked smiling

"its you new name..and you shall answer to it. or i shall lick your face." i smiled evily.

"ewwwwwwwwww.. fine. but any way jadey-kins." he grinned.

"hehee.. new nickname i suppose?" i laughed.

"haha.. yea.. but any way.. GUESS WHAT!!!" he said and he started to tickle me.

"ahh! what?!" i laughed.

"your it" he said and got up off me and ran.

"AHH!! NO FAIR!!! I WAS ON THE BOTTOM! AND YOU WERE ON TOP!! DISADVANTAGE!! {sp?}" i laughed as i started to run after him.

"okay first you try and rape her and now you fucking banged her!? whats with that!? im the one who should be getting the action!!!" frankie said as me and mikey finally came back from getting a new shirt for me.

"oh yea.. forgot. sorry my fuck buddy i am leaving you for this huge sexy peice of meat over here." i laughed and sat on frankie.

"yesssss..hey i have a question for you jade" he said

"shoot." i replied[sp?]

"with that bra that you have it a match?" he asked.

"oh fuck off frank-" i got up and headed to the bath room "and yes.. im wearing a pair right now" and i streached my jeans down far enough for him to see.

"dude..." they all mumbled[sp?]

"haha.. losers." and walked to my room and plopped on my bed, a few seconds later the guys came in.

"uhhh....i left for a reason." i said as they all sat on the ground except for mikey, he sat on the bed with me.

"haha best friends get the bedd!!" he laughed and stuck his tounge out at the guys.

"heyy... can i be your best friend?" a boy with a huge head of hair on. i though it was a wig but no.. mikey said it was a AFO!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!

"sorry the position is filled at the moment by mikey-kins over here" i smiled and poked him.

"mikey-kins?" a guy in the coner asked, he had a lip ring and blond hair covering part of his eye.

"yes. its his new name that ONLY I CAN CALL HIM." i make sure they got the wnd part of it.

"haha.. such a pussy" frank said under his breath.

"haha.. i heard that." mikey said.

"im bordddddddddddddddddddddd." i stated as i laied back.

"me tooooooooo" mikey did the same.

"HEY!!! I HAVE AN IDEA!!" ray [i learned his name! whoot whoot! point for Jade!!] yelled

"and are you going to tell us you idea?" gerard asked.

"no.. just frankie..." he said with an evil grin and got up and left the room with a frank at his heal.

"i feel so unloved i want to know what it is." i pouted. and let me tell you, i have a FUCKING AWESOME POUT! IT LOOKS SO REAL!!!!

"awww its okay.." mikey said will hugging me.

"hey guyssss get in the car......" ray said as he poked his head in the door.

"mmkay" we all said in a union

the car to the place we are going that i dont know of

"are we there yet?" gerard asked for the 600th time.


"god jade, take a chill pill" he said as he looked out the window.

"I WOULD IF I KNEW WHERE I WAS GOING!!" i guess i cant take any more fun dips before i get in a car. whoops.

"you know what... i was like sleeping last night and i saw this thing in my dream and guess what!!!" i was about to go nuts, i was on my 4th fun dip, the biggest one i might add.

"what?" the guy with the lip ring asked annoyed.

"hey whats your name mister?" i was like a 4 year old with sugar. oh and did i say that frank was on his 10 fun dip?! yay!! he tried to jump out of the car when it was still moving, like 007 kind of thing, it was in the back laughing like there was no tommorow.

"its bob" he sighed thinking it was a regreat to tell me.

"well bob... it was about me! and and and..-" i though i forget..."never mind i forgot" i sighed i looked at mikey who was looking at me.

"what? do i have something on my gorgeous face?" i joked..

"yea.." and turned around facing the window like gerard.. i think gee was asleep... hummm REVENGE!!!

"mikey-kins, can you get it off?" i asked taking his face in my hands.

"sure." he smiled and touched my face gingerly and smiled. "there.. all gone" he put his hand bacj down and i leaned my head on his sholder and drifted off to sleep...

Jade's dream

"FRANKIE!! GIVE ME BACK MY BRA!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed as i ran after him

"HAHA!! YOUR DRESSER WAS OPEN!! YOU KNOW I WOULD LOOK IN IT!!" he yelled back as he jumped off the stairs.


"yeaaaaaaa?" they all said at the same time.

"CAN YOU HELP ALITTLE!?!?!" i screamed

"no... you know you want him." mikey said and then disappeared[sp?]

"no i dont i want-"i was cut off but a sob. I turned my head to see a girl in the conor.

"who is she?" i asked walking over.

"look closer and you'll see." a fimiliar voice said.

"MOM!?" i said in a panic

"look closer" she said as she faded away..
'look closer' i though to my self

"hello?" i said. i was eye leve with this girl, she looked up.

"oh my god." i said as i looked at her, her face covered in blood,brusies,and tears mixed in with makeup.she looked about 13.
when i looked closer i gasped.that girl was me.

"help me live" she said sitting up and curling her legs to her chest.She held them tight againist her and laid her head on them.She began to cry even harder.

"no..this happened already..their gone! they cant do this to me!! they didnt want me!!.." I yelled walking over to her and pulling her in for a hug. but then she disapeared like mikey..."where is everyone going!?i dont want to be alone.. not again..not again."
"WE SAID WE DIDNT WANT YOU!! YOU WERE A MISTAKE!! LEAVE!!" their voices going through my head, i tried to shake them but they wouldnt go.
"LEAVE ME!! I HAVE A GOOD LIFE NOW!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! I HAVE PEOPLE WHO LIKE ME!!!!" i started to cry. "please... just go away.. please.." i dropped to my knees.."mikey..please come back.. please"

"Jade!! Jade wake up!! we're here!! wake up!!!! JADE!!!" it was mikey i felt a shake and closed my eyes

End of Jade's Dream