Help Me Live

oh its nothing

[[Mikeys p.o.v]]

"guyss!! how much longer!! i have to go pee!!" frank yelled

"that what you get for drinking everyones waters.. AND NOW IM THIRSTY!!! THANK YOU FRANK!" i said. i felt a tingil[sp?] on my check and turned to see Jade dead asleep on my sholder and had a bad face expression on i was about to wake her up untill i heard 'LEAVE ME ALONE!!' but more soft and had fear in it. she started to cry alittle so i paniced and said " GUYS!!!! drive faster! i need an excuse to wake jade up!!"

"okay.." and ray parked.

"dude!!what the hell!?" i asked angerly

"" he said like i was stupid or something.

"oh.." as i turned to Jade she was crying harder but in a soft way, like silent. i was about to wake her up when i heard a 'mikey..please come back.. please' and i knew i had to wake her up incase something bad was going to happen, i dont want her to be scared for the suprise. so i just nuged her alittle but she didnt move so i pushed her a little bt harder now.

"Jade!! Jade wake up!! we're here!! wake up!!!! JADE!!!" i yelled she was about to wake up so i replaced the panic face with a 'happy-suprise' face on. you know around christmas when your parents already know you know what they got you but they want to act like you dont.. yea that one.

"what the hell mikey-kins?" she looked annoyed but relieved when she woke up.

“where here jadey-kins” i smiled at her, and she just pushed my out of the car and pulled me towards the guys.

“can you swim jade?” frank asked.

“yea..?” she looked confused.

“YES!! HAHA!!! I SAID IT WILL WOKE FRANK!!” ray said and started to run away. i just srugged and followed Jade who followed gerard who followed bob who followed frank who follorwed ray. ‘following the leader! the leader! the leader!! following the leader!!’ i smiled to myself and Jade saw.

“what are you smiling about mikey-kins?” she smiled but confussed.

“this reminds me of following the leader” i smiled shyly like i was afraid of her response.

“OMG!! YOUR RIGHT!!” and she started to laugh, like belly laugh, not one of those ‘you-retard-go-die-this-is-a-fake-laugh’ more like ‘wow!-i-understand-what-you-are-saying-and-im-high-off-of-sugar!!’ kind of laugh. i just smiled and laughed along.

[[Jade’s p.o.v]]

I was really shocked that mikey though of following everyone as following the leader.. i should have though of that..

“arge!! where are we going!?!?” bob said extreamly annoyied[sp?]

“we are here my people!!!” Frank said

“where is ‘here’?” mikey asked

“THE BEACH!!!” ray and frank said together.

“AH!!! MINE!!!” gerard said and started to take off his shirt. so did everyone else except for me and mikey.

“what are you doing?” i asked.

“going swiming retard” gerard grinned at me.

“oh..” i blushed.

“what was that missy?” mikey whispered in my ear.

“what was what what?” i asked trying to confuse him

“THAT!!” and he pointed at my face.

“oh it's nothing!! shut up!!! im going swiming.” i said as i started to pull off my shirt.

“dude...” frank mummbled.

“oh god frank!” i said as i walked behind mikey. and ofcourse he followed.
“this isnt follow the leader frank!” i said and started to pull off my jeans.
Since the boys were going in with their boxers i guess i can go in my bra and panties

“i can follow you...” he said still staring at my body

“boys suck” i said and turned around.

“still a good view” frank called after me.

“uh!! stop staring at me!!!” as i started to get in the water.

“humm a wet jade.. frankie likes.” he grinned evily at me.

“thats it. i hate water now. thank you frankie” i said as i was going out of the water.

“hold it!!” i turned around to see ray,gerard,bob,and mikey with a evil grin across each of their faces.

“guysss....” i started to walk back towards the shore when gerard went under water.

“SHIT!!” as i started to run towards the shore something got a hold of my thigh

“MOTHER FUCKER!!” i screamed. the hand was going upwards when i looked down seeing nothing.
‘what?’ i thought to myself. i felt another hand on my butt.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” i was getting worried. another hand on my stomick going towards my chest.... frankie...

“what are you doing!?” i screamed as i started to slap him..

“i wanted to hug you?” he guessed

“oh fuck off already!! i dont like you like that!! and if you keep doing this im not even going to like you as a person!!” i screamed at him, turned around and walked towards shore.

“im going for a walk” i said to mikey as i passed him.

“okay.. do you want me to come?” he asked..

“if you want to i dont care.” i sighed angerly

Down the beach

"so whats wrong babe?" mikey asked

"its frankie!!" i yelled

"you like him?" he asked shocked

"NO!!!! it's just... its my past..and the way he touches me when i dont want him to... it feels like it being done again" i said starting to cry.

"oh you want to tell me?" he asked giving me a hug.

"your going to fine out sooner or later. i guess now before it gets ahold of me" i sighed and sat on the ground