Help Me Live

your a what!?

[[Mikey's p.o.v]]

when we were walking to the beach i heard Jade scream so i ran down to see if she was okay.
She was on the ground rolling around with some other girl.I was some what confused untill frankie came in to my thoughs

"DUDE!! SHE IS A FUCKING LESBIAN!!" he was jumping up and down some what happy and in awe. I heard a 'i missed you so much' and 'LAURYN!!' so i knew she wasnt a lesbian. she was having a bestfriend reunion.

"frank.. shut up" and i started to walk towards them

"hey.. dont be mad at me..she's the lesbian" he started to laugh.

"frank it's lauren..her best friend since forever!" i yelled at him

"you got replaced" he said when he was getting up

"no i wasnt lauryn is her best girl friend and im jades best boy friend" wait that didnt sound right.

"she's bi?!" frank asked me

"I DONT KNOW!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" and with that i left the guys and walked over to Jade and Lauryn and sat next to them

"MIKEY!!!!! THIS IS LAURYN!!I LOVE THIS GIRL WITH ALL MY HEART!!" she yelled hugging lauryn

"HAHA! I TOLD YOU!! SHE'S A LESBIAN!!" frank yelled sitting next to lauryn.

"what the hell? she's my best friend and plus i like-" she was cut off but gerard

"JADE!? YOUR A LESBIAN!? can you two have a make out sesion?" he was serious

"what the fuck!? im not a lesbian!!" she yelled

"are you a lesbian friend of jades?" he pointed to lauryn

"what?" she was confussed

"to bad.. your pretty hott." frankie said to her

"humm..." she said and jumped ontop of frankie.

"hey guess what" she asked frankie

"what?" he asked shocked. lauryn kissed him.

"im not a lesbian" and with that she got up off of frankie and walked over to me
"hi mikey.. thank you so much for helping Jay over here. she is like a house in a twister." she said

"yes... hello!? im right here!!! and my life wasnt that bad till.-" she stopped and looked extreamly sad, like she was about to cry "well you know. im going to go change" and with that she got up and grabbed her bag and went to the bathroom.

"till what?" everyone asked. i sighed and told them, everything me and lauryn knew.

"what!? why didnt anyone say anything!?!?" ray,bob,gerard,and frankie said at the same time.

"geezz. i dont know? maybe because she feels like its happing again everytime she brings it up!!" i yelled at them and got up to fine jade.

when i was walking away i heard frankie hitting on lauryn and the guys fighting over what to play, tag or marco-polo.