Help Me Live


Chapter 8: your it

[[jade's p.o.v]]

i wanted to get away from the guys for a few minutes[sp?] so i went to go change in to my swin suit.
i liked my bikini[sp?], it was black with skelitons[sp?] on the top and one the butt part. and i looked freaking awesome.
as anyway, i was almost finished when some one knocked on the door.

"hold on! almost finished!" i yelled to the person.

"heyy it's mikey can i come in?" at that point i needed help tying my string so, why not?

"sure.. hey can you help me tie this?" i asked him as he walked in.
he stopped for a second and looked at me then said "uh sure" and walked over.

'Im not that ugly am i?' i asked my self as mikeykins was walking over.

"i like your bikini" he said as he was helping me tie it.

"really? because when you stopped i though like you hated it or something" i said back to him

"oh that? nooooo i was just know" and he trailed off.


"what!? where do you get that from!!?" he joked back..

"ahh.. do you want to go in the water now?" i asked him.

"sure turn around please and i'll put mine on." he said

"you havea bikini to!?" i joked as i was turning around

"maybeee..." he said and hugged me by the waist

"ahh!!" i hugged him back
"lets go lover boyy who checks me out" i smiled and left.

"no fair!!I HAVE EYES FOR A REASONE!!!!" as he ran after me.

"heyy guys!" i yelled to them when i was running away from mikey-kins.

"whoa.."they all said.
mikey ran over and was out of breath

"SEE!!!!!!!! I TOLD YOU!!!" he blurted out gasping for air.

"what!? why did you say 'whao'!??! i feel so out of the loop here!!" i yelled, i really didnt see what they were looking at.

"well i said whoa because you should be a model and the boys said whoa because they all want to have hotsex with you." lauryn joked

"yea.. she's right" frankie said looking at me

"OH MY GODD!! WHAT DID I SAY BEFORE WE GOT HERE FRANK!!!" i was getting annoied[sp?], i am not just a peice of meat on display here!!

"hey! you said no touching!! im looking" he smiled

"no looking either" i snapped at him
"okay!! to the water!!!!!!" as i was walking to the water i stopped and grabbed mikeys hand
"dont worry, i wont let the sharks get you" i whispered in his ear making him smile.

"you better make god damn sure they dont" he whispered back

"hey!! enough with the whisperwhisper over there!! we are playing marco-polo!!" gerard said

"uh!! not it!!" me and mikey said at the same time.
"wow that was werid" we said it again
"STOP STEALING MY WORDS!!" we stared at each other
"AHH!!" i just dropped down on the floor i was laughing so hard, mikey did the same.

"i think you might have my brain" i said to him.

"i thought you had mine!!" he said between laughing and tring to breath.


Car ride home

"i had fun today.." i said as i rest my head on mikeys sholder

"i did too." he smiled

"heyy Jade?" frankie asked

"yea bud?" i said

"is lauryn single?" he blushed

"yea she is.." i laughed tiredly

" she coming over tomorrow to hang out?" he asked

"yea babe..." i said and fell asleep

"good night mikey-kins" i yawned

"good night jadey-kins" he said and kissed my forhead.


is any one reading this?