Help Me Live

stupid frank.. diee

[Jade's p.o.v]

I was in line at starbucks when this guy at the counter looked up,

"how may i help you?" he asked
"uh heyy can i just get a frap please?" i was low on caffien[sp?]
"surely darin'" he turned around and said my order to a girl reading a book
"anthing else?" he asked
"nah....trying to go on a diet." i smiled shyly at him
"are you serious? your gorgeous" he smiled at me
"thanks.. hey im Jade" i smiled and stuck out my hand.
"matt... hey want to hang out or something? my shift ends in like a hour" he smiled at me.
"uh sure.. i'll shop and come back around..-i looked at my watch- 4?" i asked
"i'll be waiting"he grinned at me
"thank you and later" i walked out and went in to Hot Topic

i was looking around when my phone rang

Jade's phone call

"Hello?" i asked
"heyy babe... whats up?" lauryn asked
"uh. nothing im at Hot Topic, you?" i asked
"ahh nothing me and frankie are having a tickle fight and i thought 'heyy weres jade?' so here i am calling you.." she trailed off. i heard frankie in the back round and a few nocies
"HELLO!? JADE!? I LVOE YOU! THANK YOU FOR KNOWING LAURYN LIVES!! AHH!! SHE IS MINE!!" frankie screamed over the phone.
"you can have her.. i have matt, well if things go good on our date, you can have her" i smiled thinking of matt. i looked at my watch and i had 45 minutes left. 'damn bord and already bought my stuff' i though to myself
"whos matt!?" Lauryn asked me, i heard frankie and her doing something because she yelled 'ahh! no not the frankie monster! ahhh!' and alot of laughter.
'humm teen love' i though and smiled
"oh matts some guy i met and we are going to hang out in a hour...... no biggy..." i said.
"ohh mikey's going to be pissed!! ohhhhhhhhh" i heard frankie in the backround
"why is mikey going to be mad?" i asked
"well durh!! are you that stupid!? wait!! whats matts last name!?"frankie asked
"hey!! im not stupid! and how am i suppose to know!?" i asked.
"what does he look like?" frank asked
"well he's cute in that 'i-know-im-gorgeous-but-i-want-you-not-that-skeliton-model' way and those eyes..uh!.... oh and his grin is like the definition of sex...oh!! and he smiles good but not overpowering falling for him.."i sighed and relized what i just said, DAMN IT!! FUCKING MOUTH!!
"uhhh..oha..okay.. uhmmmm what does he look like in a guys perspective? as in a way i could UNDERSTAND!?" frankie said i heard lauryn in the backround 'awww'ing.. it was on speaker.
"who else is there?" i asked
"uh.......DAMN IT!! LAURYN YOU MESSED IT UP!!" he said and i heard lauryn squea;
"anyone going to answer me?! HELLO!?!?" i screamed in the phone. i looked at my watch and it was 10 after 4.
"FUCK!! GOT TO GO!! MATTS WAITING!!" i heard another aww from lauryn and then a sad sigh...'humm wonder who that was?' i asked my self and i hung up the phone and walked in to StarBucks

"i am so sorry im late i had a phone call..friends wondering where i was.."i sighed as i explained my lateness to Matt.
"no problemo where you want to go? any where your heart desirees[sp?]" he smiled and put a arm around my waist.
"humm i know a place" i smiled and grabbed his arm and ran back in to a mall
"well since there is a bar and M.D....i say Micky D's!!" i smiled and pulled him over.
"yay!" and matt jumped beside me.
"yea.. im awesome like that.." i smiled at him.
[[after the 'date']]

"hey jay-babe" gerard said to me when i walked in the door.
"heyy gee-babe" i smiled at him
"how was the 'date'?" he grinned at me
i felt my face turn red so i didnt answer him i just went to my room not making eye contact for the rest of the night.
'i dont know what it is that i like about matt...i mean yea, he's nice, but i guess its just that i feel like i need a boyfriend at the moment... like i need one.....humm..i guess im loney..' i though to myself as i got ready for a shower.

"hey!? Jade you in there?!" mikey yelled from the other side of the door.
'humm perfect timeing' i thought as i got out of the shower and grabbed a towel
"yea mikey!! you can come in.. im covered" i heard mikey laugh and the door open

"heyy where have you been all night?" he asked as he was grabbing his tooth brush and tooth paste
"oh just with a friend" i smiled. i dont like lieing to mikey, i just didnt want to get worked up over nothing.
"oh any bord so i wanted to know what you were doing and gee said you were in the shower so i came and checked" he smiled and me
"aww i feel so wanted" i smiled back at him

i heard some one climing the stairs like a beast and i heard a crash...
"yea!! made it in time!! you can drop the towel now if you want" frankie said all out of breath.
"oh yea frankie.." i pushed him out the door and in the hall way against the wall..."let me just drop this right here and we can go cave man style" his face looked evil and he grabbed the towel and i fell into the bathroom, while the falling i pushed the door closed and landed on something soft.
'fuck please dont tell me i lost me towel. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.- i looked down, and i did! thank you frankie!!!- fucking hell!!' i thought to myself i closed my eyes and screamed
"fucking hell!! frankie i am going to fucking kill you!! i swear!!"
"ouch!! tone it down babe!!" i heard mikey
'FUCK MIKEY IS STILL IN HERE!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!! FRANKIE IS GOING TO DIE TONIGHT!! I SWEAR!!" i said it out loud but i meant to say it in my head.
"yea i am... and your still on top of me...naked i might add." he smiled at the last part.
"uh!!" i got up and grabbed a towel as fast as i could
"you know.. jade you have a fucking awesome body." mikey grinned at me.
"humm mikeyyy.. since you saw me its only far if i saw you.." i smiled at him
"" and he walked passed me and tried to open the door.
"but pwease mikey-kins..dont you love me? i asked as if i was 3 years old.
"yea i love you but im not going in to slave sex for you" he smiled and pushed me aside.
"uh!! fine! we are trough mister!" and i walked passed him slapped frankie as hard as i could across the face and went to go change

"AH!! THAT FUCKING HURT JADE!!" frank said like he was some sort of girl
"YEA.. WELL AT LEAST YOU HAVE YOU PRIDE!!" i yelled back to him mikey was down stairs now so he didnt hear any of this.
"ahh what ever.. i still got to see you nake" he said
"YOU WHAT!?" i was so mad right now.
"yea. and i agree with mikey you have a rocking body...... go and try out for PlayBoy or something... i'd buy your mag."
that was the line and he drove wayyyy past it.
so after i got changed i went down stairs and sat on the couch.

"heyy jay-babe" gerard said to me
"heyy gee-babe" i said weakly. frank really hurt me on the last comment he said, 'im not that of a fucking whore am i?' i asked my self

"whats wrong?" gee asked me
"hu? oh nothing.."i shrugged
"no something is..i can hear it in your voice" he said sitting next to me
"its just something what frank said.. it hurt me a little..okay alot" i stared to cry alittle...someone who says you should be in playboy better be the owner or some one you hate, not one of your friends. its not right if they say it, i mean i understand jokes, but he meant it. that is what hurt me

"aww sugar.. come here" gerard said pulling me into a hug
"it hurt to even think like that.. im not that much of a whore am i?" i asked crying harder now
"what did he say?" gerard asked like he was mad now.
mikey walked in and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me
"JADE?! WHAT HAPPENED!? ARE YOU HURT?! WHO DID IT?!" he sounded worried
"frank" and with that i got up and went to the bath room. i didnt want to cry in front of them so i just locked my self away untill i calmed down abit...okay untill i fell asleep on the floor.

'fucking frank.. i hate him..frank should diee...stupid boys..matt..' i thought as i driffed asleep.