Juliet And Juliet

The Decision

The rain had made it cold; visible clouds came with each exhale. Every note of a bird's song and flash of a guard's lantern sent chills of horror down Rayne's spine.

Is she worth your life? Because if you get caught, that is what it will be, Rayne thought.

Another voice in her head snapped back with Of course she is! Even if you were not in love with her, she has been your best friend for over 15 years! Tristan is worth more than my life.

Diem, Rayne's ashen mare, neighed restlessly. Much like Rayne, she did not like to sit still for long periods of time.

"I know, Diem, I know. She'll be here soon," Rayne whispered to the horse, patting her neck.

Who are you trying to convince?


Tristan paced the length of her room, arguing with herself.

What kind of person are you? You are in love with this girl! And you are prepared to just let her walk out of your life, simply because of what the townspeople think?

Be logical! This is for Rayne's life! If I go with her, father will surely find us! And he will make sure that she does not get the chance to slip past his guards again!

You are a coward! Your fear is not for Rayne's life; it is for your own reputation. Rayne would not be afraid. Rayne would go.

With a sigh, Tristan sat on her bed, staring out the window.


Rayne jumped as the large bell in the church steeple resounded. As she counted the tolls, tears formed in her eyes.

She must be having problems with Nox.
Give her time.
Maybe she cannot see me.
She will come.
She will not come.
I do not see her.
She has refused, Rayne thought, her tears leaving trails down her cheeks as the bell chimed the twelfth time.

You cannot risk staying any longer than absolutely necessary. You must go.

As if reading her thoughts, Diem turned toward the forest. Still crying, Rayne tugged at the reigns, and Diem took off at a gallop. Rayne faded into the woods, leaving the town, the fountain, and Tristan behind her.

Moments after Rayne disappeared into the forest, a cloaked rider amongst a black steed galloped to the fountain. The horse was exhausted, having been pushed to its limit to try to get here in time. As it stopped to drink the water, the rider scanned the horizon for any sign of Rayne. Overcome with sadness, Tristan pulled at Nox's reigns.

"Come on. Let's go home," she sighed between sobs.