The Ant and the Boot

A Message.


“Come on, Dove, wake up.”


“You’re late.”

“Dove. Wakie wakie.”

Something nudged against my arm. I groaned and buried my head into my pillow, my eyes remaining stubbornly shut against the light of day. It was too early. It was too goddamn early.

“You know, it’s pretty cute that you don’t wear pants when you sleep. Nice thong.”

I grunted, finding the covers and pulling them up over my rear. Something nudged me again.

“Come on, goddess of hormones. Get up. We’ve got to go train.”

“Tfh erphly,” I mumbled into my pillow.

“Excuse me, the fuck did you try to say?”

I rolled my head a little to the side.

Too early.”

“Nonsense, it’s four AM. It’s almost dawn already. Come on, breakfast is on the table. It’ll be cold soon and I told Jarvis not to reheat it for you.”

A hand slapped my butt and I yelped, jumping up and tossing my pillow at the closest living thing. That closest living thing happened to be Tony, who was who had been rousing me awake. Behind him stood Pepper, Thor, Natasha, Clint… Everyone but Steve – who had apparently thought it too improper to come into the room of a sleeping woman – and Bruce, who was in the lab downstairs.

“God, everyone came to watch me sleep?” I grumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Actually we were taking bets on what you would do when Tony touched you,” Clint replied, smiling.

“Yes, we were,” Tony said, turning. “Speaking of which: Natasha, pay up.”

“No. She didn’t try to cut you to ribbons. No deal.”

“But she did try to physically harm me, close enough.”

“… With a pillow?”

“It’s the thought that counts.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle a little as I pushed myself out of bed, forgoing modesty as I stumbled tiredly over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of pants Pepper had been kind enough to buy for me. She’d selected and purchased most of my wardrobe with a minimal amount of input from Tony and I. I saw Thor raise an eyebrow and glance at Tony and Clint, but all I did was smile a little. Hell, I had so little time before I started swelling up like a balloon I’d begun to treasure my body while it was still my own.

“Are we leaving today?” I asked as I pulled my pants on over my legs. Tony was looking at me but blinked and shook his head upon a sharp jab to the ribs from Pepper. She rolled her eyes, looking bemused.

“Ah, yes. We’re leaving,” he said, nodding.

“And the destination is still top secret?”

“Of course. We’re the Avengers, therefore everything we do must be shrouded in mystery.”

“And you have a super villain looking for you,” Clint added, “And the sudden appearance of an angry demigod with an army might ruin our trip.”

I smiled, but whenever they joked about Loki I never could feel truly at ease. I was as fully aware that Loki was, in fact, a super villain, but with his child growing inside me and my hormones telling me that sooner than I could believe I would be a mother I couldn’t let go of the fact that Loki and I were tied.

“Come on, Princess,” Tony waved. “Before your morning sickness kicks in. It’s better to eat and vomit than vomit on an empty stomach.”

I smiled wryly at Tony and the others, grabbing a hair band on the top of my dresser and catching my pale hair up with it. I had, arguably, the worst morning sickness that Tony (or Tony’s physician) had ever seen. But, arguably, that could be because Tony’s physician only dealt with male patients, so his contact with morning sickness was limited to say the least. Either way, I vomited a lot and my power sputtered often in random outbursts. I had learned to harness my power, but when you’re leaning over a toilet and emptying the contents of your bowels you sometimes can lose your grip on things like extraterrestrial energy surges. Still, I tried to do the best I could, training daily with the others unless I was so sick that I had to stay in bed. That had only happened once, thank the gods, but I was only just over a month into my pregnancy so I had plenty more time for things to worsen.

“So are we training before we leave or after?” I asked.

“After. We’re getting on a plane first. Don’t worry, I’ve got a bucket for you if you need it,” Tony smiled, teasing. I rolled my eyes.

“You know, I could just fly next to the plane. I can do that.”

“It’s kind of hard to stay super-secret when there are superheroes circling the plane, don’t you think? Come on, we’re taking a jet.”

I sighed but obeyed, filing out with the others. Thor covered my hand with his much larger one as we walked out, smiling at me.

“You are a very beautiful maiden, sister,” Thor said. He was kind, soft. He always made me feel better. I leaned against, him, nudging his shoulder and pushing up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. Still, even fully extended the highest I could reach was his shoulder.

“Thanks,” I said. He winked a sky blue eye before breaking off from me, going off to find Jane Foster – a beautiful and kind woman who had moved in with us who was, for the most part, extremely smart, though she seemed to become fuddled and distracted by Thor’s pectoral muscles. I couldn’t blame her, really, but it was still entertaining to watch. They were good together, though; they lacked the wit of Pepper and Tony or the age-old connection of Natasha and Clint, but they were two genuinely good and loving people who could light up a room just by walking into it. The way he held her as she walked into the kitchen and the way she looked at him as she poured him tea was enough to make your heart melt into gooey, sappy warmness that infectiously calmed your nerves and made you laugh easier. I watched them as I ate my breakfast next to Clint – who, when eating, never talked, focusing wholly on the meal at hand – and watched them together, smiling at the way Thor took her face in his hands as they brushed noses.

I felt a small hint of sadness, as I always did, wind in my stomach as I saw the couples around me love each other. I’d blocked it out for the most part as the days dragged by, throwing myself into training, eating healthy for the baby, and whatnot, but today I felt it more acutely than before. It was because of something that had happened the night before – strange and painful that had kept me lying awake for hours after everyone else had gone to sleep.

I had been flying, as I did most nights. I tried to fly as much as I could, clearing my head as I spiraled through the air. I just felt more comfortable when I was airborne, I suppose. Besides, Tony thought it was a good way to remind the good citizens of New York that we were here every day, be it me flying through the air or Tony holding a press conference.

But as I was flying, something caught my eye. A flicker of gold and glowing blue. That was it. Just the slightest flicker. In that instant I knew I had seen Loki’s scepter, that his part of the Tesseract was calling to me, and for the barest instant I swear to you I saw his face – but when I turned to look he was gone. I circled the tower once more, trying to find him, before I went back inside, feeling unsettled with my head more full than it had been when I had gone out.

I finished my breakfast and placed my dishes in the dishwasher, quietly skirting away from the others as they talked before the jet arrived. Too many happy couples. Everyone in the room was paired with someone else, since Banner and Steve hadn’t yet emerged. I tried to avoid the others as much as possible in situations like that, worried my heartache would be visible on my face. I didn’t like feeling alone, but it was a human condition that still plagued me after I ascended to godhood.

You’re being antisocial this morning.”

I looked up at Steve, who still preferred khakis to modern jeans and wore a white t-shirt and blue jacket. Things were still tense between us, but we could talk now as long as we didn’t make too much eye contact. After I’d been there the first time he used a modern toaster – and I’d gotten to laugh at him as he chucked it through the drywall when the toast popped up – we’d had less problems. I shrugged, sitting on a nearby windowsill and crossing my legs, hands in my lap.

“Trust me, I got a lot of socializing in this morning. I’ve never had such a big wake up party.”

“That was indecent. Tony shouldn’t have insisted on entering a woman’s chambers when he isn’t sure if she was fully clothed.”

“I wasn’t.”

I glanced at him. He had a sour expression, his lips puckered into a thin, short line. He folded his arms over his chest, staring pointedly out the window.

“Which is why people should knock first.”

I looked away from him, following his gaze out the window. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, casting the sky into shades of blazing oranges and reds while the skyline remained a stark mix of blacks and grays. The coloring reminded me of Thor’s armor or Tony’s suit, fiery and vibrant.

“It still bothers you, doesn’t it?” I asked, not looking at him. “This world. What we are now.”

“Sometimes I think Thor fits here better than I do,” Steve admitted. “Doesn’t it bother you?”

“Sometimes, but you forget this is the world I grew up in.”

“Your world gave up many of its virtues. There’s no patriotism, humility, honesty…”

I laughed. “Are we just talking about the human race or just Tony?”

Steve chuckled at that.

“How about you? You say that you grew up in this world, but you don’t act like you’re a part of it,” Steve asked, glancing at me. I sighed, looking down at my abdomen.

“Things have changed, I suppose. I just can’t look at the world the same way anymore. Not after everything that has happened.”

“I think he’d make it worse if he ruled.”



I looked back up out the window. Somewhere Loki was still plotting. I clenched my hands into fists, my brows furrowing.

“I do, too. He might think he’s a king, but he’s twisted too much of his own humanity to ever be a good ruler. He cares too much about vengeance and too little about the people around him.”

“Like you.”

“And the innocents that he’s slaughtered trying to prove his point. I can’t just forget that – even though there was a time that I tried to.”

I glanced up. Steve was watching me, eyes narrow and arms crossed over his chest. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, like an insect held under a magnifying glass being observed.

“What?” I asked, meeting his gaze.

“Do you think you could give him up? For the sake of your world?” he asked. I watched him, giving a toothless smile.

“As far as I know, I already have,” I replied.

“Okay guys, the jet is landing,” Tony called around the corner, his arm firmly fastened around Pepper’s waist. He waved to us, motioning us to get ready to leave. I stood up, nodding to Tony.

“Coming!” I replied, flashing a smile.

Steve gripped my shoulder after Tony turned away. I looked at him, startled by his intense gaze.

“Dove,” he began, “I –“

The rest of his words were drowned out by the sound of jet engines landing on the helipad on the roof above us. Steve cut off, looking up and nodding. He motioned that we should leave and I followed, meeting up with the others on the upper floor. Banner had finally made it, his glasses making his eyes look watery and enhancing the lines of fatigue under his eyes, but he looked more or less happy and talked gently with Tony and Pepper. Thor was still engrossed with Jane and Natasha and Clint were, as usual, standing close to each other, not a word spoken between them but their brushing palms sending an attraction between them so strongly that you could almost see the magnetic pull between their fingertips.

I snorted as the jet turned, its sleek black frame opening a door. The Stark Industries logo took up all the available space on its side.

“Oh sure, that’ll pass off for a commercial airline,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“It’ll just look like a military vessel,” Steve replied. I glanced up at him. His face was hard and unreadable again, the face of a soldier preparing for battle. I quickly glanced away as his eyes flickered toward me, avoiding making eye contact. Mercifully Tony waved us forward, moving us onto the aircraft with a broad motion of his hand.

“Come on, Earth’s mightiest heroes,” he called broadly over the roar of the jet’s engines, “All aboard the Jarvis Jet.”

“That has got to be the stupidest name I’ve ever heard,” I heard Steve mutter, but we all clambered aboard, the door closing behind me as I came on and lifting into the sky.


I stood there, jaw clenched as the death god moved throughout an enclosure far too small for the both of us. I moved like a caged lion around the side of a rolling boulder, both monitoring him and avoiding his wrathful eyes at the same time.

“I am tired of this game, puny god,” he bellowed, throwing his fists into the ground. I stumbled to my knees, the ground splitting under his hands.

“Of course, my lord,” I replied. My tone remained silken, but in truth I had already begun to plot ways to kill this beast. He turned on me as I regained my balance, his teeth grinding like blades against a wet stone.

“If you do not deliver me the battle which I seek, I swear to you that I will rip you limb from limb and introduce you to pain that you have never before known.”

“You have told me such before, my lord.”

“And when I am finished with you I shall find that creature that you claim is your bride and kill her, too.”

I paused, luckily turned away from the beast as my contempt contorted my features. I turned rigid, my fist tightening so fiercely around my scepter that my knuckles popped and snapped.

“There are lines that should not be crossed if you wish to keep your allies, my lord,” I whispered, low and dangerous. “Because you forget that, without me, you shall never be able to harness the Tesseract – nor shall you ever rejoin the pieces of the Tesseract without declaring war.”

“There will always be another vessel, god of mischief,” Thanos growled, “and I do not fear these mortals and their technologies.”

He underestimated them, just as I had. I smiled savagely. Good. Then it shall be his downfall, as it was mine. His arrogance dwarfed mine, even my brother’s. He would suffer dearly for it – I would make sure of that.

“My lord, it is true that the humans are a simple race, not to be feared or trifled with,” I began, turning back to him with silken tongue and neutral expression, “but we must remember that they do hold the Tesseract, as well as understand many of its assets. Doubtless this is how they fused my queen with its power –“

“Pitiful,” he spat. “Such a pitiful creature. She did not deserve to carry the power that was given to her. That power belongs only to me.”

“- Therefore, we must wait so that we might understand what comprehension of the Tesseract they have garnered in the time it has fallen out of our hands,” I continued, ignoring the insult. “Midgard – Earth – it still has many bounties that must be explored. If we do not understand them they might be overlooked.”

“I do not care for the bounties of this world, nor do I care for whatever “intelligence” that these mortal offer. I will offer their corpses to Death and grow in my power so that I can conquer greater realms.”

Thanos was a warmongering brute. I could not forget that. He might think himself a god, but he was short-sighted and quick-tempered. I smiled, tapping my hand against a metal-sheathed wall.

“Of course, my lord.”

And so I would continue to prowl around this creature until I could strike it down when his back was turned.

I found myself stalking the busy streets of New York quickly enough after that, fully disguised with my eyes flickering up to billboards and television screens. I cared not for these creatures around me, their conversation and desires shallow and impulsive. In my opinion men of this earth were generally too bawdy and the women were generally all whores who showed too much of their flesh – appealing to the eye, but built upon superficiality and lacking intelligence or foresight. Still I preferred to be surrounded by their kind than Thanos and his Chitauri minions.

I had begun to frequent a small café that was nestled in the shadow of the Avengers Mansion, both for the pleasant teas offered and the variety of news available about the Avengers on oversized television screens. Most of what I heard was no more than speculation and rumor, but occasionally the drabble held granules of information that peaked my interest. For example: Tony Stark had married his wife because she was pregnant; the woman my brother loved had been moved into the city to live with him; Dove never left the Avenger’s mansion without the supervision of my brother or Stark, mostly to avoid the eyes of paparazzi but also, I presumed, because they were nervous that I would try to seize her. All these pieces helped me put together my next attack, playing on their weaknesses to build my strengths.

But today I found a new piece of information, this one startling and unsettling enough to make me fly from my seat to verify its validity:

The Avengers had departed. They were no longer in the city.

As I stood on the balcony of the Avenger’s Mansion, the same place I had stood when doing combat with my brother, Thor, in the last battle on Earth, I knew that the building was empty. It had that feeling of abandonment that haunted deserted buildings, no matter how freshly it had been vacated. I walked through one of the openings in the glass, my armor returned to my body as I entered; just because they had left didn’t mean they had left their building unprotected.

“I thought you’d come, Loki.”

I spun around at the sound of Stark’s voice, but he did not appear. I jerked my head around, trying to find him.

“Show yourself,” I hissed.

“You’re probably looking for me right about now,” he continued. “Unfortunately, as much as I love talking to you, I can’t. I’m on vacation. This is a recording I left for you. Jarvis knew to start it rolling when you came through the doorway – or at least when your scepter did.”

I began to pace back and forth in Stark’s main hall. I noticed that they’d laid down new floor where my body had been thrashed against the tone. My shoes clicked too loudly against the floor, echoing in the empty building.

“Anyway, I wanted to have a little talk with you. I didn’t think you’d come when the house was occupied – you’re not that stupid at least – but I figured you’d come to see if little Dove really had flown away.”

I snorted. I didn’t appreciate Stark’s jokes.

“So, man to man talk. You, big guy, have really managed to piss me off.”

“Oh, have I?” I chuckled wryly. The recording continued.

“I don’t like you. If I had my way we’d just blow you off our planet and be done with it. Unfortunately you’ve managed to imbed yourself as a permanent thorn in my side, so instead of just blowing your head off with a drone I have to make you an offer.”

I paused at this. What had I done that they might consider my alliance?

“I’m not doing this for you. I don’t like you. But I’m doing this for Dove, which is why you should take my offer instead of pouting because your big brother’s a king and instead start acting like a man. You’ve got to man up now, Loki.”

Impudence. I clenched my jaw, beginning to pace again.

“She’s actually pregnant, Loki. Dove’s going to have your kid. And there’s no way in hell I’m handing her over to you, so you better listen up.”

I stopped cold, my scepter slipping through my fingers and clattering to the ground. What was this trickery?

“By the time you hear this she’ll probably be about a month and a half along. She’s scared, Loki. Scared shitless. Now, I heard you that day. You claim you love her. I personally don’t think you do, but I’ve been wrong before. Rarely, but it’s happened. If you truly love her, you’ve got to switch sides. Give it up, Loki. Admit that it’s over.”

I stared at the ground, taking up my scepter again and steadying myself with it. My mind began to work again, breaking free of the ice that had entrapped it to form into fluid thoughts:

Dove was giving birth to my heir. If I complied with Stark I could have her.

If Thanos tried to kill her, he would also kill my child.

I could not join them. It was madness. They were beneath me. I could never join with my brother after all that had transpired between us.

But my bride and child to be were at stake.

“You know, while you’ve been out plotting to destroy the world your brother’s been taking care of Dove and your kid. He’s a bit thick, but he’s twice the man you’ll ever me. He manned up. If you keep expecting Dove to come back to you someone else is going to come in and take that beautiful girl, regardless of if she’s having your kid.”

I ground my teeth, spinning in the empty space.

“Can’t you see? I’m doing this for her!” I yelled at the ghostly voice, raising my scepter.

“I don’t know what you think you’re going to win, Loki,” Stark continued, his voice hard, “But whatever it is, it’s not worth it. Hell, you’ve been given far more than you deserve already. You don’t deserve that girl. But I’ve been there. I didn’t deserve Pepper, either. But the difference between you and I is that I fought to keep her – I knew I’d been given the best thing that I would ever get. You’re too stupid and arrogant to realize how good you’ve got it. If you turn your back on her, you’re just proving how pathetic of a man you really are.”

I was beyond words now. I simply stood and stared at a spot on the wall, listening to the recording as it finished.

“I’ve taken her away – far away – so she can have her kid in peace. I’m keeping her safe – from you, from Thanos, and from my kind alike. Now it’s up to you, Loki: are you going to come back for your family? Or are you so blind that you’d let the best thing you’ll ever get slip away from you?”

I growled, my knuckles turning white on my scepter.

“I’ve gotta go now. I’ve got a plane to catch, and Dove is still asleep at the moment. Now it’s up to you. By the way, don’t break my stuff: it’ll break you back if you try.”

Something overhead clicked softly and another voice replaced Stark’s, rigidly formal and lightly accented.

“The end of this recording has been reached. Shall I send your reply to Mister Stark, sir?”

“Where are they?” I hissed.

“That information has not been declassified to me.”

I pressed my thumb and forefinger to the bridge of my nose.

“Let Stark know that I am considering his offer. Also let him know that Thanos is growing increasingly more impatient and is liable to act outside of my council – with or without the Tesseract he still has an army and believes that mortals are far inferior beings. Stark’s decision to remove the Avengers from the city might have been unwise.”

“I shall inform him. Is there anything else?”

“Keep her safe,” I added. “Thanos grows impatient with me, as well. He may forsake me completely and come after her. He wants the Tesseract and will stop at nothing to get it.”

“He will protect her,” the voice responded. “She will be safe. Or safer, at least, than you.”

“That is enough,” I nodded. The voice fell silent and I quickly exited the building, returning to my hideaway to grapple with my thoughts.


I pulled Pepper to me the second our door clicked locked behind us, stripping off her shirt. She was wearing lace underneath. Good. I liked lace. I smiled, drawing her lips to mine as she worked at the clasp of my belt. She smelled of jasmine and vanilla. I wound my fingers into her hair, stubble brushing against her soft cheek.

“How are you feeling this evening, Mrs. Stark?” I whispered, lifting her off the ground and carrying her to the bedside. We fell softly together amidst the pressed bed sheets. She bit her lip and laughed, pulling me on top of her and winding her legs around my torso. God, I loved this woman.

“We might have an hour, Tony,” Pepper purred into my ear. I smiled, running my lips over her jawline.

“Then we’ll use every minute of it. After all, we only have a little while before you start looking pregnant.”

She batted at me with a hand but chuckled. She was still smiling when I melted over her, arms wrapping fast around her waist as she slid my pants to the floor.

This trip was more than just a dream vacation for Pepper and me – otherwise we would just go alone, and to hell with the others. But this was intended to do more than just be a getaway: this whole trip was designed by myself and S.H.I.E.L.D, taking us to a secret location that would allow us to train in peace – as well as hide Dove and all of those people that we want out of harm’s way long term. Why kill two birds with one stone when you could kill six or seven?

I was curled around Pepper when our hour came to an end. Jarvis let me know that it was time for food – yeah, again, because Cindy needed to eat every couple hours or so or else he’d get cranky – and I needed to let the guys in on what was going on. Still it seemed too soon. Then again, time flies when you’re having fun.

“Sir, I have a message for you,” Jarvis said as I pulled my pants back on. Pepper kissed me and patted the reactor in my chest before departing with a wink, the door sliding shut behind her.

“Yeah? If it’s from Hammer, I’m not interested. Still not paying his bail,” I replied.

“It’s from Loki, sir. He received your message.”

I glanced up. Well that was fast. I thought it would take more than a day for him to figure it out, or at least to have the guts to go inside my house. I warily considered that I might have underestimated him. I formed my fingers into a bridge, pressing my thumbs to my lips.

“Show me, Jarvis,” I said.

“As you wish, sir.”

A light chime noise dinged as Jarvis cut out and the recording came on. I listened, staring blankly at the wall.

“The end of this recording has been reached. Shall I send your reply to Mister Stark, sir?” Jarvis asked, his voice polite.

“Where are they?” Loki hissed in reply. I could hear his scepter strike loudly against my floor.

“That information has not been declassified to me.”

There was a pause.

“Let Stark know that I am considering his offer. Also let him know that Thanos is growing increasingly more impatient and is liable to act outside of my council – with or without the Tesseract he still has an army and believes that mortals are far inferior beings. Stark’s decision to remove the Avengers from the city might have been unwise.”

Interesting. I smiled, lifting my head. So Loki might have some sense left in him. Then again, people tend to display their best in front of their kids.

“I shall inform him. Is there anything else?”

“Keep her safe. Thanos grows impatient with me, as well. He may forsake me completely and come after her. He wants the Tesseract and will stop at nothing to get it.”

I paused. Could Loki really love her? Knowing Loki that seemed impossible. But I couldn’t see any good in Loki after I’d seen all the bad. Still, I didn’t like the feeling of doubt that crept into my stomach. I began to recalculate my approach. Maybe there was some way to bring him back – Thor’s brother and Dove’s lover.

“He will protect her. She will be safe. Or safer, at least, than you.”

“That is enough.”

The recording fell silent. I sighed, getting to my feet and walking out of the room.

“Thanks, Jarvis,” I replied before I walked out. “Delete all records.”

“Yes, sir.”

As I walked down the hall, the engine humming under my feet, I glanced into the doors I passed by: Natasha stood, waiting for something, by her window, her eyes scanning the skies; Banner sat alone in front of a computer, his eyes flickering across a screen except for the moment he looked up at me and waved; Thor sat, hand in hand with Jane, her book of equations between them.

Lastly I walked upon Dove, who sat curled upon a flight seat with an oversized hoodie pulled over her body, hair pulled high up on her head. She looked so small in that instant. Steve sat next to her, talking quietly.

Huh. That was weird. I leaned against the doorway, interrupting their conversation.

“I need the Avengers assembled in the first class area. We’re debriefing.”

“Oh. Thanks, Tony,” Dove replied, smiling. Steve just nodded.

I looked at them, thinking about what I had just heard. She didn’t know. How could she know that Loki might still love her?

How could I break her like that if I was wrong?

“Let’s go, kids, Captain Crunch here has already done enough napping,” I said, smiling. “Let’s go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I got internet! It's a miracle. Sorry for the lengthy wait, but I'm in Tennessee right now and have no internet most days.

So, for the BIG UNVEILING:

Look at our website. Look at it.

Isn't that awesome? I'm so excited. Hope you like it!