Love Words Kuchiki Byakuya

Word 0 Love

Today is one of those days were you just want to lay down and watch time go by. One promising thing I learned about life, is that life is boring and dull unless your getting into a fight or if your falling in love if your in a relationship or you have interesting hobbies that never give you the chance to be bored.

Okay so my life is boring and dull even though I'm in the Gotei 13. For me its nothing to be proud of, I'm in Division 12 I'm seated officer 17 I'm not that far from seated officer 20 but you wanna know something seated officer 20 is stronger them me they might as well just trample over me and take my spot. I wont even put up a fight its not like I can anyway.
Ugh, here I am babbling again on a piece of paper feeling pathetic again. I'm a waste of Space.
I jolt up from my seat, feeling a a sharp pinch, I stumble over my feet and fall down on my bum.

I begin to rub my right arm seeing blood leak out of a small hole on it “Why so jumpy? I'm just drawing a little bit of blood”, says Mayuri plucking the needle in his hands.
My face goes pale “You could of alerted me first”, I whisper standing up to my feet, I cling on to the chair I was sitting on for support to keep myself from falling.

“Yes I could of, I thought about it at first then I came down to the realization that you were oppose to be sparing with Lieutenant Nemu at this very moment at this specific time so I decided to give you a unexpected jab of reality”.

I let out a loud sigh “My apologizes, I Forgot”, I grab my sketch pad off the desk and my feather pen.

Mayuri smirks a little a bit before dropping his expression “Well Matsumoto if you want me to spice up your life a little bit I can, Today you'll fight Nemu”.

I Flex my eyebrows and begin walking to the exit “Yes Captain”, I say.

Me and Captain Kurotsuchi never saw eye to eye. I'm pretty sure I was one of his least his favorite subordinates, but he put up with me nonetheless in fact he toyed around with me a lot injecting me with different serums and giving me weird looking pills to take.

Nemu told me Captain Kurotsuchi saw hidden potential in me that he was trying to help me grasp by sparring with her, I don't believe it. I always lose when I spar with Nemu. She goes really easy on me to and I still get defeated.

So when Captain Kurotsuchi tells me I have to fight Nemu, I'm not shocked or surprised. I just go home with scratches on my face and covered in dirt from falling over so many times.

Before I can fully make it out the room, he put his hand on my shoulder. “Matsumoto, you seem so excited”, he grins. “So In a hurry to fight Nemu, Ofcourse you know that you'll be fighting Nemu not sparring thus She'll actually be fighting with the intent to strike you down”
My eyes shake they quickly widen then relax “You mean to Kill me?” He nods his head “And I'll be there to spectate”.

I clutch on to my sketch pad “So you want me to fight her now, today?”

He chuckles “Yes I want you to fight her today, you wasn't slacking off tomorrow, you was slacking off today”. He puts his finger near his chin “Well you might slack off tomorrow that's if your alive”

Mayuri eyes flicker in excitement “If you survive this Matsumoto I'll move you up to Seat Six, after all the disgrace you have caused your family they'll be really looking forward to actually seeing you Give their name some meaning since your a pathetic excuse for a Shinigami that wrecked their prestigious family nobility rank”.

I look down anger was beginning to boil inside of me, I was frowning and growling a bit.

“My, My I think I hit a nerve, lets put that anger into action”.