
The Beginning

Sonya looked out the window and flipped up her shrouded cowl before sliding out, landing softly on the ledge below. She moved swiftly and lightly across the edge of the bridge, checking her sides to make sure no one was on her tail. She sprinted in the shadows, as quiet as a whisper and leaped under the bridge, splashing in the shallow water. In the distance she could hear shouting, most likely the commander telling his guards to shoot at her on sight. She smiled and moved into the woods. Running, she sprinted up the trunk of a tree, used it as a leverage and jumped onto a neighboring one, grabbing its lowest branch and swinging on top, landing in a crouch. A whizzing sound zipped passed her ear and an arrow stuck into the tree centimeters from her face. Her head snapped to the left, spying the archer from 20 feet away. Narrowing her eyes, she jumped from tree to tree towards the archer, who shot a dozen or so more arrows trying to get a hit. Sonya leaped from the tree, palms out and landed on top of the archer, flattening her hands into the neck and shoulders of the man. He gurgled and died. Sonya ripped out the hidden blades and leaped into a sprint, no doubt he wasn't the only one.

She was right. A guard stepped out from her hiding place and Sonya dodged her sword, sliding between the overly separated legs. The guard was hardly trained for this battle. Her grip was too hard on the sword, her swings clumsy, stance too wide. Sonya swiftly flipped onto her feet, took two big running steps and jumped, her two feet out and kicked the guard to the ground. Sonya fell onto her back, sprung up and grabbed the fallen sword. She plunged it into the back of the young guard before she had even gotten her breath back.

Two more guards jumped from the bushes. One was a slender man with a dagger in each hand, the other a towering rock of a man with two battle axes. Sonya analyzed them in a second, dodged the swing of the boulder man and killed the dagger boy in the same fluid motion. Spinning on her toes, Sonya flung a dagger and caught the boulder man in the back of the head.

Before any more could come, Sonya disappeared into the shadows. The king was dead and she had gotten away with not even a scratch.
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Here is the first of many :)
The updates are usually pretty short in this one. I have several pre written and will try to update every one to two days. Comment and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism welcome!