
Book Two


“Welcome home, Sister.”

“Did he scream?”

“Was it that easy?”

Sonya was bombarded by her Sisters’ questions as soon as she set foot in the sanctuary. Yet despite their eagerness, she walked past them all, pulling back her hood and calmly walking to the desk in the far back corner of the entry hall. They were all suddenly hush hush, realizing how annoying they must have been - and were - when they surrounded her. Sonya sat on the corner of the desk, aware of Aanya’s presence in the corner a few feet from her; the only Sister that hadn’t jumped down her throat at her arrival. Sonya silently wondered at her silence. Aanya slightly bowed, meeting her gaze for a second before ducking into the shadows once more.

Sonya is not their boss or their leader. The Sisterhood does not have a queen, no board of authority. There is simply the sisterhood of assassins. The Sisters look up to Sonya’s wisdom and skills, for there is no denial that she is the best.

Sonya looked upon her companions, her sisters, her family and with a voice like silk she calmly said, “The King is dead.”

Cheers erupted in the hall, deafening Sonya painfully and she quickly raised her hand, abruptly silencing them. “I will tell the story of the assassination of the King...The first in two hundred years.”

More cheers, only more controlled this time. The Sisters all sat down on the floor, some on top of bookshelves, hanging from the two chandeliers, crouching in dark places, but they all focused on Sonya, listening intently to her words. Even Aanya came out of the shadows, crossing her arms over her chest, her face a stone mask.

Sonya allowed herself a small smile, delving into the details of the murder of King Chad Thomas Bulgruff III.



Val watched with a smirk on his face as the female assassin sprinted into the bushes after defeating an array of guards from the RoyalGuard of the King. He slithered from his hiding place, landing with a soft puft in the loose dirt of the forest, taking a few steps back and disappearing into the shadows.

He followed the assassin, keeping a good mile between them, following her surprisingly faint tracks. He could barely keep a trail on her. His only signs of her presence were a few lifted leaves here and there and even then he didn’t really know if it was her or some wild animal. Yet somehow, with a great amount of luck from the Gods, he was able to find her again. She had stopped and he quickly climbed a tree to a safe height where he could spy and she could not notice him. And she didn’t. She slipped between two boulders and disappeared. When he went after her, he found nothing but solid rock.


He searched the wall of stone, even the boulders, but could not find any trace or crack or even a smell that indicated a sanctuary was hidden here. Val lifted his face to the starry night sky. She must have somehow climbed over the edge of that cliff without him noticing.

He sincerely doubted it.
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