Sequel: Ellen's New Life

The Rockstar's Daughter

Is Ryan better than dad?

"Pat? Where the hell are you?" called mum.

"I'm here, I'm here," I said, just entering our apartment. "I was at the bathroom, I was looking at myself in the mirror to make sure I look fine."

"Good. I don't want Gerard to think that you're not been taken proper care of," she said.

"Why would you care about dad's opinion? Mum, admit it, he's a jerk," I said, not knowing that it was still painful for mum, even after so many years.

"Ellen Patricia Way Jones! Do not talk about your father like this!" she said loudly. When I returned minutes ago, I forgotten the door open, so the Wests, who were just in the hall, could easily hear us. I think they did, as Trent West looked at us strangely.

"What are you looking at?" shouted mum.

"Mum, calm down!" I said.

"Yeah. I'm all calmed down. Just a little bit nervous about Ryan and Gerard coming over today," she said. She defenetely sounded a bit more calmed down than a minute ago now.

"Well, I hope Ryan is better than dad. I don't want you to get hurt again. After all, you're my mum," I said, whispering now, even tough mum closed the door after she shouted at Trent West.

"Yes. I know. I don't want either of us get hurt. Not by your father, and not by Ryan. Not by anyone," she said and hugged me.

"Mum, tell me something," I whispered.

"What would you like to know, sweetheart?" she said, still hugging me.

"Do you still love daddy?"