Status: Completed!

Daddy's Miracle

The End

Brian had grown tired of pacing the hospital halls, listening to the murmurs of the doctors in the operating room Zacky was in. He eventually walked back to the waiting room, took a seat, and buried his head in his hands. He had no idea how long this was going to take. He could be there all afternoon.

He didn't know what to expect; having a kid. It had always just been Brian and Zacky in their small apartment. Now there was going to be another pair of feet running around, another mouth to feed. Brian was overcome with emotions; fear, nervousness. But he wasn't about to chicken out and run away, not again. He was determined to be the best father he could.

It killed him that he couldn't be with Zacky as he was bringing their child into the world. We wanted to be there. He needed to be there. But there was no way he could. He couldn't stand to be in that small operating room with as many people as there were when he left. Besides, Dr. Cooper had told him no one else was allowed in there.

Brian hated being alone with his thoughts. How much longer could this possibly take? It seemed as though he had been there for hours. He quickly got up from his seat in the waiting room and started for the door leading back to the room Zacky was in. Just as he got there and reached for the doorknob, someone on the other side opened the door before him.

"Oh, Mr. Haner." Dr. Cooper said, surprised. Her originally white medical gloves were now stained with red from Zacky's blood. Brian's eyes got wide as he stared at them.

"Oh my God is he okay? Is Callie okay?" Brian asked, now nervously looking Dr. Cooper in the eyes. She laughed a bit.

"Yes, they're fine. I just came out here to get you. Would you like to meet your daughter?" Brian sighed in relief and nodded happily. Dr. Cooper grinned and turned away, leading Brian down the hall back to the room in which she left Zacky. She was still smiling when she opened the door for him. Brian entered the room and looked behind him, expecting to see the doctor following. But she had just closed the door after him and left. He turned back around.

He saw Zacky, sitting up in the hospital bed, cradling his newborn child. Brian slowly walked closer to get a first look at his daughter. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't crying. She was just quietly whimpering. She had her tiny fingers wrapped around Zacky's index finger. Brian smiled happily as Zacky cooed at her. When Zacky finally looked up at him, Brian could tell he was exhausted, but he still had the biggest smile in the world stretched across his face.

"Do you want to hold her, Bri?" Zacky asked. His voice was quiet and content, but Brian could tell it was hoarse from all the screaming he did earlier. Brian nodded, still smiling, and Zacky carefully placed Callie in his arms. Brian cautiously placed a hand behind her small head to support it and she slowly opened her eyes. Brian' face lit up.

"Zacky, she has your eyes!" Brian said happily. He stared into his daughter's emerald green orbs and felt a tear run down his cheek. He wiped it away. "Thank you, Zacky." Brian said quietly, now looking at his boyfriend. "This is the best gift anyone could give." Zacky was still smiling, but Brian could tell he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"She's perfect, Brian. She doesn't even cry." Zacky's voice broke at the end of his sentence and he yawned.

"Go to sleep, Zacky. You've been through a lot. We'll still be here when you wake up." Zacky mouthed a 'thank you' and almost instantly shut his eyes and started to fall asleep.


Brian looked into the rearview mirror at Zacky and Callie in the back seat and smiled. The now well-rested Zacky was cooing and tickling the baby who was laughing and showing off her big jade eyes. The smile on Zacky's face hadn't yet disappeared. Zacky suddenly looked up and caught Brian staring in the mirror. He blushed.

"Are we gonna be home soon, Bri?" Zacky asked. "I want to show Callie around."

"We'll have time for that later, but I have a surprise for you when we get there." Zacky looked at him questioningly but Brian didn't say anything else.

He pulled the car into the parking lot of their apartment and got out. He patiently waited for Zacky to unstrap Callie from her car seat and carry her in with them. Zacky couldn't take his eyes off of her, no matter how hard he tried. She was perfect.

"What's your surprise, Brian?" Zacky asked when Brian stopped him at the door to their apartment.

"It's nothing too special." Brian said as he slowly opened the door. He walked in and was immediately engulfed in Jimmy's embrace.

"Congratulations, dude!" He said in his usual loud voice. He released him and gave him a hard slap on the back. Matt came up to hug Brian next, then Johnny. They all then crowded around Zacky who was still holding Callie, asking to hold her themselves.

"Guys, guys! I know you're excited, but give them some room!" Brian had to yell to make his voice heard over everyone else's. They all apologized and stepped back. Callie was looking at each of them with her huge green eyes, but still not crying.

"Brian, you didn't have to invite everyone over!" Zacky said, blushing. "Thank you." Brian just smiled back.

"Can I hold her now?" Jimmy asked impatiently. Zacky nodded and handed the baby over to Jimmy. Once he did, Zacky walked over to Brian and let him wrap his arms around him. They cuddled like that, swaying back and forth, as they watched their old friends take turns holding their new baby.

"Are you ready for countless sleepless nights and listening to her crying all time?" Brian asked, kissing Zacky on the top if his head.

"She's not much of a crier."

"So I guess that's good news for us." Zacky turned around in Brian's arms and kissed his lips.

"I love you, Brian."

"I love you too, Zacky."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shitty ending and any inaccuracies/grammar errors. I didn't read through it this time because I did that when I posted this on dA awhile ago so I don't think I need to again...

Thanks to all that commented/subscribed/recommended this story, it means a lot! <3 :D

First chapter of the sequel will be up soon.