Status: Completed!

Daddy's Miracle

Everything's Magic

Over the next month or so, Zacky noticed things about himself. He was eating more. A lot more. He would have random cravings out of nowhere and he would whine or cry until he got what he wanted. That was another thing. He would have crazy mood swings, something he never had before. He'd be lashing out at Brian for getting the wrong flavor ice cream one minute, then hugging him, crying and desperately begging for his forgiveness for yelling at him another minute. On top of this, he was still throwing up often. At first he thought he just caught a virus, but it's almost been 3 months and he was still doing it.

The thing he noticed that scared him most was that he was gaining weight, fast. What was perfectly chiseled abs, and what, just a few weeks before, was just a small bulge, was now a noticeably large bump. He used to be able to walk around without a shirt and not give it a second thought, but now he wouldn't be caught dead without one. Multiple times, Brian would signal that he wanted sex, but every time Zacky would refuse, thinking Brian would laugh at his body. He hardly ever practiced his guitar anymore either. It just didn't fit around him like it used to and Zacky was too embarrassed about it to face the truth, so he just avoided it.

He was also way more tired all the time. Every day he would get up much after noon, about an hour or so before Brian got home from his day job. He would also go to bed a lot earlier. Even then he was still sleepy. He spent most of his time not asleep lying on the couch watching TV or reading.

Zacky could tell Brian noticed all these things about him too, but he was too polite to mention anything. But Zacky had an idea of what was going on.

He woke up one day a little later than usual. He slumped downstairs and saw Brian, already home from work, watching basketball on the couch. He decided that now was the time to confront him.

"Bri? I need to talk to you." Zacky said cautiously. Brian patted the spot on the couch next to him, barely looking away from the television screen.

"What's up babe?" Zacky sat down next to him, as far away as he could. He didn't know how he would react to the next thing he was going to say.

"Well, I've noticed...things about myself these past three months or so and I'm sure you have too." Brian's gaze still hasn't left the screen, but Zacky could tell he wasn't really paying attention to it. "And I don't really know how to say this next thing, so I'm just gonna come out and say it." Zacky was nervously twiddling his thumbs and staring at the floor, which he could barely see because of his stomach. Brian's eyes still fixed on the TV. "Brian I think I'm pregnant." Zacky blurted out. Brian's eyes finally left the screen and he stared, wide-eyed at Zacky.

"What? A-Are you sure? Is that even possible?" Brian sat up a little straighter.

"I'm not sure. But it's the only reason I could think of for everything that's been going on with me."

"This is a joke right? You're joking." Zacky shook his head. "Wait, is this why you won't have sex anymore? Is that because of that thing I said a while ago about not eating as much? Because babe I was just kidding, you know that."

"Well, not exactly. I'm just embarrassed, y'know. I feel...fat." For some reason, Zacky felt extremely uncomfortable talking about this with Brian. He lifted up Zacky's shirt to reveal his belly. It wasn't just a tiny bulge that awaited him anymore, but a rather large bump. Brian stared at it for a while, which made Zacky shift uncomfortably in his seat. Brian finally lifted his gaze from his stomach.

"Come on, babe. I don't love you because of how you look, I love you for you, no matter how cliché that sounds." Zacky blushed and pulled his shirt back down, still embarrassed. "So do you really think you're. . ." Brian didn't finish so Zacky just nodded.

"I bought a pregnancy test a few nights ago, but I haven't taken it yet."

"Let's go take it now. I'll come with you." the scared couple headed to the bathroom. Zacky made Brian face the door as he took the test. Zacky sat on the toilet and Brian knelt next to him as they waited for the result.

After a few agonizing seconds, the two stared down at the stick.

"So I was right," Zacky whispered. He glanced at Brian. His eyes, still fixed on the pregnancy test, were huge. "Brian? Are you okay?" Brian tore his gaze from the stick and looked at Zacky.

"We're gonna have a baby!" He said with a smile. He sounded excited but for some reason, Zacky wasn't all that convinced that Brian was. He ignored the feeling and accepted Brian's outstretched arms. He tried to hug him tightly, but Zacky's baby bump separated them.

"Oh God, I'm gonna get fat!" Zacky whined when Brian let him go. He placed his hands on Zacky's belly.

"Don't worry about that. All we need to worry about is finding out the gender, and naming him or her." Brian smiled widely. "I'll make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow." Brian noticed Zacky staring down at his growing tummy with disapproving eyes. "Hey." Brian lifted Zacky's chin with a single finger. "I love you." Zacky blushed and Brian kissed him on the cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Boring chapter, I know I'm sorry :( It'll get better eventually.

Thanks for commenting on the last chapter!

Also thanks to those who subscribed to this story, means a lot :D

Chapter Title Credit: Everything's Magic by Angels & Airwaves