Status: Completed!

Daddy's Miracle

Vanilla Twilight

(I'm gonna warn you right now: You are about to read possibly the shortest and the shittiest sex scene ever written...I'm a virgin so I did what I could!)

At the house, Zacky followed behind Brian carrying all the shopping bags up to their bedroom. As soon as he set them down, Zacky pushed Brian on to the bed.

“Wh-what are you doing, babe?” Brian asked, confused. Zacky got onto the bed next to him and slipped off Brian’s shirt.

“I want you to fuck me.” Zacky said seductively. Brian smiled a bit, but then stopped himself.

“Won’t it hurt the twins?” Brian had no idea if this was safe or not. We wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t 100% safe for the two babies growing inside Zacky’s belly, no matter how horny he was or how much he wanted to.

“No, don’t be stupid.” Zacky then slipped off his shirt. Brian raised one eyebrow. He couldn’t help but stare at his boyfriend’s growing stomach.

“I thought you were too embarrassed to take off your shirt.” Brian wondered.

“Eh. I’m over it.” Zacky started to unzip his pants and Brian did the same. They started to kiss each other’s lips, cheeks, necks… anything they could get their lips on. Zacky fumbled a bit with Brian's belt buckle but eventually got it undone and they both wiggled out of their boxers. Brian climbed on top of Zacky, still kissing him passionately. His hands moved slowly down Zacky’s waist until they settled on his ass. Zacky yelped just a little as Brian squeezed.

“You’ve always had such a tight ass.” Brian smirked.

“Do me now, Syn.” Zacky whispered, using Brian’s nickname. Brian chuckled as he put his already hard cock in Zacky’s asshole. Zacky yelped again. Brian held his boyfriend’s waist as he begun to thrust, each one giving him more and more pleasure. One of Brian’s hands left Zacky’s waist and grabbed a fistful of his burnt black hair. They were both panting and groaning as quietly as they possibly could—they lived in an apartment after all and the walls weren’t very thick.

Brian thrusted harder and faster as he felt the end coming up rapidly. “Zacky--I—” Brian was unable to finish as he climaxed inside Zacky. Brian finally collapsed on the bed next to his lover, both breathing heavily. Brian reached down and took Zacky’s hand in his. “I love you,” He whispered. Zacky smiled.

“I love you too, Bri.” They kissed one last time as sleep took over.

--Time Lapse--

Zacky’s mood swings got worse and worse as the months went by. He refused to leave the house for anything except occasional doctor’s appointments; he was so far along that he couldn’t pass for just a little overweight man anymore. He actually looked pregnant now.

Brian finished his coffee and folded up the newspaper he was reading for it was time for him to go to work. As he slung his bag over his shoulder, Zacky came slumping down the stairs, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“What are you doing up?” Brian asked. Zacky was usually still asleep when Brian returned home from work. But it was then 8:00 in the morning. He shouldn’t be awake.

“You’re leaving me again?” Zacky looked up at Brian with sad eyes.

“Um, yeah I have to. I got to go to work, babe. It’s just like any other day.”

“But you said you were gonna take some time off…to spend with me.” Brian sighed and wrapped his arms around Zacky. They barely ever saw each other since Zacky was still asleep when Brian got home from work. And when Zacky did wake up, Brian was too tired to do anything but sleep or watch TV.

"I said I would try to talk to my boss about it. I haven't gotten a chance to yet. I'll try to make time for you, okay?" Zacky just nodded sadly and reached up to kiss Brian.

"Have a good day at work, Bri." He said as he watched Brian leave out the door. He sighed and put a hand on his stomach. "I guess it's just us again, guys," He said to the twins, as if they could actually understand.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize again for the shitty sex scene and the all-together boring chapter. Next one's a hell of a lot more interesting.

Garrett Henlund
Thanks for commenting:D

Chapter title credit: Vanilla Twilight - Owl City. (I literally just hit shuffle on my iPod and wrote down the first one that came up as the title...)

Next chapter coming soon!