Status: Completed!

Daddy's Miracle

Face Down

Zacky grew more and more worried as to why Brian wasn’t talking to him as much anymore. Had he done something wrong? Is there something Brian’s not telling him? Zacky dreaded the worst.

Zacky sat sprawled out on the couch, flipping through television channels and waiting for his Brian to get home from work. He sat up eagerly as he heard the front door open then close. He heard Brian before he saw him; staggering, bumping into everything. He belched loudly and walked into the room. His normally perfect, spiked, dark brown hair looked greasy and hung down by his shoulders. His eyes were bloodshot and his shirt had multiple stains on it.

“Brian? Where have you been?” Zacky asked, clutching a pillow to his chest. He smelled alcohol on Brian’s breath. “Have you been drinking?”

“No, of course not!” Brian said a little too noisily. His statement was followed by another loud burp. “Maybe a little.”

“But, I thought you were going to come straight home after work…y’know, so we could go to the movies, like you promised.”

“God, you are so needy!” Brian swayed uneasily as he spoke. “How about you stop suffocating me and give me some fucking space, okay?” He unsteadily made his way to the fridge where he grabbed himself a bottle of beer.

“Bri, don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Zacky stood up and walked over to his very drunk boyfriend who just shook his head.

“I’ve had enough when I say I’ve had enough.” He took a swig from the bottle as he started up the stairs to the bedroom. “By the way,” He started, turning around. “Have you always been that fat?” Zacky’s jaw dropped and his hands flew to his stomach.

“Brian! I’m pregnant, remember? 6 months! With your twins?”

“Ew really? That sucks. I don’t even want kids!” He laughed loudly and took another drink. Zacky watched, tears filling his emerald eyes, as his boyfriend struggled to get himself up the stairs.

That wasn’t really him talking. Zacky told himself. He’s drunk, he doesn’t know what he’s saying. Zacky sat back down on the couch after deciding to leave Brian by himself in their bedroom. He was cradling his stomach, still crying. He wiped away his tears with his sleeve.

Not wanting to see or talk to Brian, Zacky grabbed a blanket and pillow and all but cried himself to sleep on the uncomfortable couch.


Zacky was awoken the next morning by Brian fumbling around looking for something and mumbling to himself. He didn’t open his eyes, just lied there and waited for Brian to leave for work. He was still angry with him from last night, even if he was drunk and not actually thinking straight.

“Where are my damn keys?” Brian asked no one angrily. “I’m too fucking hung-over for this.” Brian eventually located them on the coffee table next to where Zacky was lying. He snatched them up angrily. “Why the hell did he sleep down here anyway?” He mumbled regarding the supposedly sleeping Zacky. “Probably got all butt hurt over something I said…again. Jesus Christ I can’t wait till he’s not pregnant anymore. He’s been such a little bitch.” It took everything Zacky had no to jump up from the couch and confront Brian right there but he contained himself and waited until Brian left to sit up from the couch.

“Why is he acting like this all of a sudden?” Zacky asked the empty living room, tears filling up his eyes once again. “That’s not the Brian I know. He called me a bitch! The Brian I know would never do that!” Zacky threw a pillow across the room in anger. It hit a lamp sitting on top of a table which toppled over and smashed. Zacky sighed, still crying, and went to retrieve a dustpan to pick up the shards of glass now on the carpet.
“I need to get my mind off of Brian.” Zacky said, still not talking to anyone in particular. “I’m going to go out to a movie.” He went upstairs to his bedroom and held up one of the large t-shirts Brian had got for him when they had gone to the mall to buy bigger clothes. They went just after they found out they were having twins. Zacky smiled at the memory. Brian seemed so happy they were going to have two little additions to their family. He was so helpful and excited. So full of life. But now, Zacky didn’t even know if Brian wanted these kids anymore.

His smile faded and he pulled the grey shirt over his head. He looked at himself in the mirror. Brian was right about one thing: he was pretty fat. Even the large t-shirt couldn’t hide the fact that he was pregnant and pretty far along. But Zacky didn’t care anymore. He just needed to
get out of the house he had been cooped up in for 6 months.


Brian opened the front door a tiny crack and peeked his head in.

“Zacky?” He half-shouted, half-whispered. He hoped Zacky would be still sleeping, or better yet, not home all together. But that wasn’t likely. He’d rather not confront his pregnant boyfriend as he was leaving him.

When there was no answer to his call, Brian slowly walked into the house and checked around, to make sure it was empty. To his surprise, it was. He shed a tear or two as he was packing a suitcase but the tears really came when he was writing the note. He spent a good amount of time rewriting and erasing and rewriting again, trying to make his final goodbye to Zacky perfect.

He carefully set the note on the kitchen counter when he was finished, knowing that’d be where Zacky would find it first.

He was about to leave behind his old house forever, but he looked back one last time. He closed his eyes, which were beginning to fill with tears. “I’m so sorry, Zacky.” He whispered. He closed to door on his old life forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told ya this one would be more interesting ;)

Garrett Henlund
Synyster Halo6661

Thanks for commenting:D

Chapter Title Credit: Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (I just put my iPod on shufflle again...)