Status: Completed!

Daddy's Miracle

Pick Up The Phone

Zacky was hesitant in opening the front door to his apartment when he arrived home. What if he’s drunk again? Zacky was worried beyond belief. Brian never had a drinking problem before. Sure, he’d have a few bottles here and there but he never came home as drunk as he was the night before. He also never said anything like what he had to Zacky before.

Not wanting to think about it, Zacky pushed the door open and went inside.

“Brian?” He called. He heard is voice echo throughout the apartment, but that was the only
response he got. Brian had to be home; the lights were all on. Brian always turned off every single light before he left the house. It was kind of an OCD type thing. “Brian?” Zacky called again. No answer.

He didn’t want to overthink things, like he usually does, so he just sighed and pushed all the negative thoughts out of his mind. He threw his car keys onto the kitchen counter and was about to go upstairs to take a bath when something caught his eye. Right next to where the keys landed was a note with “Zacky” written on the front with Brian’s handwriting. Zacky’s heart skipped a beat and he held his breath as he picked it up and started reading.


You don’t know much time I spend sitting at this kitchen counter writing and erasing everything I’ve put down on this paper. It’s not easy telling the one you love goodbye. I finally decided that there’s no nice or easy way of putting this: I’m leaving you and the twins.

I thought this was what I wanted, but I’ve realized it’s not. Remember last night when I was drunk and I told you I didn’t want kids? That wasn’t just the booze talking. I don’t want kids and I never have.

Don’t come looking for me. Just try to forget about me and start a new life with some other guy to help you raise the kids. It was for the best. I’m not the one who should be responsible for two new lives. Trust me, it’s for the best. I’d just fuck everything up.

I know you probably hate me, and I understand. I would too. Just try to understand why I’m doing this.

Best Wishes,

Brian H.

Multiple tears dripped down from Zacky’s emerald eyes and stained the paper he held in his shaking hands. ' Brian’s gone? ' He thought. 'He left me? He left me by myself to take care of two fucking kids on their way? And all he had to say was 'Best Wishes?!'' As if on cue, one of the twins kicked Zacky rather hard on the inside followed by the other.

“Ow!” Zacky exclaimed. His hands clutched his stomach and he collapsed on his knees in a fit of tears. He stayed like that for god knows how long until all the sadness and self-pity in his system was replaced with rage. He stood up and knocked down all the stools that were placed in front of the kitchen counter. Startled by his sudden outburst, both twins kicked him painfully again, bringing his attention to them.

“This is all your fault!” He shouted to his stomach, as if the two babies inside could actually understand. “Brian loved me before you showed up! And I thought he loved me even more when you did, but he doesn’t! Not anymore! He’s gone and it’s all your fault!” The kids continued to kick him hard and Zacky collapsed on the couch and started crying once more.

Each little kick reminded him of how Brian’s face would light up and he got all excited whenever he felt them under Zacky’s belly. All that was now a lie and it tore Zacky apart.

Zacky’s hatred toward himself and the twins grew more and more each day until he finally broke down. He got in his car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. He barged into the waiting room and ignored all the stares he got from the people inside. He stormed right past the secretary, despite her protests, and straight into Dr. Cooper’s office. Luckily, she was on her lunch break and wasn’t seeing patients.

“Oh, Zacky, hi. Did my secretary let you in? Because I thought I told her—” Dr. Cooper started.

“I let myself in.” Zacky cut her off.

“Oh, okay. Can I help you with something? Is there a problem?”

“Yes there’s a goddamn problem.” Dr. Cooper looked almost frightened by Zacky’s sudden
rudeness towards her. He used to be so full of life and kind.

“What is it?” She asked.

“I want an abortion.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short Chapter, I know, I'm sorry D: I'll update Thursday, I promise!

Garrett Henlund
Synyster Halo6661

Thanks for commenting :D

Chapter Title Credit: Pick Up The Phone - Falling In Reverse