Status: Completed!

Daddy's Miracle

So Far Away

Brian sighed and knocked hesitantly on his long-ago best friend's front door, suitcase in hand.

"Brian Haner! What the fuck is up, dude!? Long time no see!" Matt greeted his old acquaintance when he opened the door. Brian faked a smile.

"Hey dude." He hesitated before speaking again. "Um I-I know this is asking a lot, especially since it’s been years, but do you think I could crash here? Just for a few days? Until I get my own place?"

"Well, yeah of course, but why? Is something wrong?" Matt's smile disappeared and his eyebrows furrowed.

"It's kind of a long story. Can I come in and explain?"

"Well yeah of course, since you're gonna be living here." Brian began to follow Matt into his house, but Matt turned around and stopped him. "Oh, uh before you come in, there's something I gotta tell you." Before he could continue, another one of Brian's past friends came up behind Matt. "Um...Johnny and I...we're kinda....together." Brian's eyes got wide.

"Hey Brian! Haven't seen you in a while!" Johnny Christ smiled up at Brian.

"H-Hey Johnny. What's up?" Brian said uncomfortably, trying to get over the initial shock of what he just learned. When he knew Matt, he was pretty much having sex with any girl that approached him. Now he's saying he's gay?

"Oh God. You're a homophobe. I'm sorry Brian, I--" Matt began.

"No, no. I was just a little surprised. In fact, I'm gay too." Brian interrupted.

"No shit really? Do you have a...special someone?" Matt winked.

"Well yeah, or well I did." Brian awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"What do you mean you did?" Johnny asked.

"Well that's what I was about to talk to you about." Matt just nodded and led all three of them to his living room where Brian took a seat on a chair and Johnny sat on Matt's lap on the couch. Johnny looked so small compared to Matt. He looked small compared to anyone, seeing as he's short as fuck, but on top of Matt being significantly taller, he was much more built as well.

Both Matt and Johnny listened eagerly as Brian told the story of how he and Zacky were together, how we got him pregnant and the day before that one, he had left him.

"Why the fuck did you leave him, Brian!? You sounded like you loved him a lot!" Matt's loud voice startled Brian and apparently Johnny too because he fell off the taller man's lap onto the spot on the couch next to him.

"I don't want kids, Matt. I thought I did, but as the due date kept getting closer I realized it wasn't want I wanted."

"How far along is he?" He asked in an eerily quiet voice.

"He's pretty close to 7 months..." Brian saw Matt's jaw tighten. "...with twins." Brian added quietly.
"Twins?!" Matt sprang up from the couch in a rage and Johnny shot Brian a "You're Fucked" look. "Brian fucking Haner how could you leave your boyfriend when's he's only two fucking months away from having two kids?!" Brian, not wanting to sit and take Matt's shit, stood up from his seat as well.

"It's not what I want, Matt! It was better for the kids if I left!" Brian was yelling now too.

"Did you even try talking to Zack about it? You could've given the kids up for adoption! You didn't have to leave your goddamn family before it even started!" Brian could see a vein in Matt's neck bulging in anger. He had to admit, Matt was pretty scary when he was mad. He was a big dude, and could easily beat the shit out of Brian. But Brian wasn't about to let Matt know of his fear.

"He loved those kids more than anything, there's no way in hell he would give them up for adoption."

"You're a coward. You know that Haner? You're a goddamn coward!" Brian refused to be talked to like this. Before he knew what he was doing, his fist was flying through the air, aimed at Matt's face. Matt reacted quickly; his hand grabbed Brian's fist when it was just inches from his face. He used his advantage quickly and twisted Brian's arm around uncomfortably. He yelped in pain as Matt wrapped his free arm around Brian's neck.

"Matt! Stop right now!" Johnny, who'd been silent the whole time, butted in. As Brian struggled to get out of Matt's death grip around his throat, Matt looked over at his boyfriend. His large eyes were glossy. He was still sitting on the couch and he was shaking in fear that Matt might strangle Brian to death.

Matt gasped and released his grip on Brian as he noticed his face starting to turn purple. Brian collapsed on the floor, gasping for air. His face returned to normal color as Matt stormed out of the living room.

"I don't care where you stay, but you can't stay here." He said over his shoulder before he slammed the door to the room he went into behind him.

Brian's breathing slowed as Johnny helped him up.

"Well I guess I'd better get my suitcase and leave. It was nice seeing you again, Johnny." Brian gave Johnny a sad smile and he turned to leave.

"Wait!" Brian turned to look back at Johnny again. "W-Why don't you just sleep on the couch tonight? Matt will be calmer in the morning and he'll let you stay." Brian set down his suitcase and have the smaller man a hug.

"Thanks, Johnny. It means a lot." Johnny just smiled and nodded. He gave Brian a pillow and blanket and went into the bedroom to talk to Matt.

As Brian was trying to sleep, he heard muffled screams and pleads coming from Matt and Johnny's bedroom. He sighed and as he tried to tune out their yells, he thought about what Matt has said. It was pretty out of line how he just left Zacky like that. Especially since he was so close to his due date.

Brian sat up and unzipped his suitcase. After some digging around, he pulled out his video camera. He only had one video recorded on there; it was a month or so after they found out they were having twins. Brian, who was thrilled at the time, decided to create a video montage of Zacky's pregnancy, though this was the only one he got to film.

Brian smiled as he watched the video. Zacky was sitting on their couch. He was only 3 months pregnant at the time and just had a little bump. Brian could hear himself laughing behind the camera as Zacky told him to stop filming, though he was laughing too.

The camera shook as Brian set it down on the coffee table and carefully climbed on top of Zacky. A tear came to Brian's eye as he watched him and Zacky kiss playfully. The video came to an end after showing Brian with his head on his boyfriend's bloated stomach and Zacky looking down at him, smiling and stroking his dark brown hair.

Brian let the tear fall down his cheek as he turned the camera off and shoved it back in his suitcase. He last thoughts before he drifted into unconsciousness was how much he missed his boyfriend.


Things were a little rough the next day or two between Matt and Brian, but Matt eventually calmed down enough to agree to let him sleep in the guest bedroom.

Brian was searching for available apartments online two weeks after he’d arrived at Matt’s place when he heard the doorbell ring. He got up to answer it, since Matt and Johnny were out grocery shopping.

He couldn't quite make out who it was through the peephole so he just opened the door. He was greeted with a blow to the mouth with enough force to knock him to the ground. His hand flew to his throbbing jaw and he moved it back and forth to make use it was still intact. He looked up at his attacker towering over him and it took a few moments to recognize him.

“Jimmy? Jimmy Sullivan? What are you doing here?” Brian slowly got up from the floor as he spoke.

“I’m here to talk some sense into you, Haner. I just talked to Zack about a week ago. He’s devastated that you left, man. Why’d you do it?”

“I don’t want kids, Jimmy. I thought I did when I found out Zack was pregnant, but I realized that I don’t. I never have.”

“You’re a coward, Haner. How could you just leave him like that?!”

“Why is everyone calling me a coward?”

“Hm. I don’t know, Brian.” Jimmy said sarcastically. “Maybe it’s because you fucking left your pregnant boyfriend after sticking around for seven months leading him on and letting him think you actually wanted to raise a family with him! And all that you left him was a shitty-ass note that basically said ‘I don’t love you anymore!’ Maybe that’s it!”

“Okay, maybe I did! But I did that for Zack and the kids’ own good! I’d be a terrible father!” Brian shot back.

“Then why didn’t you just talk to him?! You could’ve told him about this and talked about putting them
up for adoption or something!”

“I know Zacky, Jimmy. He loved those kids more than anything. There’s no way in hell he’d ever give them up.”

“Oh yeah? Then how come when the doctor told him he was too far along to get the abortion he wanted, he acted like it was the worst thing to ever happen to him?” Brian froze.

“Wait, Zack wanted to get an abortion? But why?”

“Cut the act, Haner, you know damn well why. He thought if he got rid of this kids, you’d come back. And you’d love him again.”

“That doesn’t sound like Zack...” Brian said more to himself than to Jimmy.

“You know what else doesn’t sound like Zack? That he’s cutting himself again. And I think you know the reason why.” Zacky was cutting himself again? Brian knew he had problems with self-harm when he was younger, but he didn’t know it was still an issue now. And the fact that he was purposely hurting himself all because of what Brian did made his stomach churn.

“Well that still doesn’t change my mind. I still don’t want the kids.” Brian said quietly.

“Bullshit. Deep down, you know you love those kids, and you know you can’t wait until they arrive and you can hold them. You can’t wait to argue over baby names until you finally pick the perfect one. You can’t wait to watch them grow up. You can’t wait to be a father.” Jimmy watched Brian ponder over this for a few moments before he turned back towards the door. “At least give him a call.” He said before he closed the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really don't have anything to say except Brian deserved the double-beating from Matt and Jimmy.

Garrett Henlund
Synyster Halo6661
I Feel Insane

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