Like a Roller coaster

"It's not funny. It's hilarious."


Tomorrow would be the first day of the second semester for the school year. For Kaitlyn Stone, it'd be her second semester of her senior year. She had light brown, curly hair that ended just below her shoulders, crystal blue eyes, and she stood at five foot six feet tall.

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as she scrolled through her list of to-dos on her phone once more before she went to bed. She's been doing this every night since Friday; telling herself that she was going to check off everything on this list before graduation.

As she started scrolling through the forties, her phone vibrated with a text, making Kaitlyn jump in surprise. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the name that appeared.

Asher Lanely

Asher was a dark haired guy that was stupid enough to fall in love with someone like Sarah Jones. He was sweet and kind, they've known each other since sophomore year. Didn't really get to talk. He was about five foot nine, had a lazy way of walking, incredibly smart and just loved to watch television.

Sarah on the other hand was incredibly pretty. She was the head cheerleader, participated in many sports, and a red head. She wasn't afraid to swear sweats in public and she served as a role model for the freshmen.

" She did it again. We're over." The text read. Now, according to the text, Asher was cheated on not once, or twice, but three times already.
Even if Sarah was pretty, her personality wasn't. She craved attention, exaggerated, lied and almost killed herself to get pity. Kaitlyn and Sarah were former former best friends. But around the second time she cheated on Asher, she quit putting up with her bullshit.
Sarah always compared her feelings for Asher to a " Kaitlyn and Johan relationship" thing. One of the things about Sarah that pissed Kaitlyn off to no end.

Johan was Kaitlyn's ex. Their relationship turned bitter after they had fight after fight. Their feelings turned from like to love to hate. After they broke up, Johan hooked up with Elaine, and they became the number one couple. But then Elaine cheated so Johan dumped her right in the middle of the courtyard at lunch.

While Sarah was just a liar and a cheater. A lying cheater. Asher deserved someone better, someone who didn't treat him like shit. And she told him that.
As she lay in bed, Kaitlyn couldn't help it but think about Johan. How things could have played out differently between them. They said things that were just in the heat of the moment. They were three years of on and off. But by November of their senior year, they had the biggest fight in their entire relationship. Kaitlyn was at fault. And so was Johan. But neither of them could admit it. Taking out their anger on one another.
By the end of that last fight, Johan became in denial, he didn't want it to end officially. But Kaitlyn had enough. Of his bullshit and how he couldn't do shit. So she left his front door with her head held high.
Kaitlyn's chemistry teacher, Mr. Fitz, stood at his podium, beaming. He was only eight years older than her, so he was like a teenager to her, too.

" We'll be changing seats today," he smiled. There was a mixture of cheers and whining that erupted in the classroom but Mr.Fitz paid no mind to it. Kaitlyn stood up and headed towards the front of the classroom, like everybody else, to see where her new seat was. Today, she wore a light greet collared shirt under her gray pullover, with some gray jeans.

As she reached the front desk, she looked for her name in blue ink. Right when she found her name, something else caught her eye; The name seated right next to her. Johan Larsey. Her eyes fixated on Johan, who had the same wide eyed expression as her, as he read - apparently- her name right next to his.

Johan was about five foot nine and he had slightly golden, flippy hair. He was the star of the basketball team and he was kept in shape. He was wearing a dark blue v-neck shirt that matched both of their moods and some Jordans.

Kaitlyn turned away and slowly started walking to her seat. " Oh God. Why me. Why Johan? Couldn't I have been seated next to Star or something?" She thought. When she reached her seat, she gently kicked her seat a little more father away from Johan's seat and sat down. When Johan reached his seat, he did the same. Although a little more loudly and angrily. You could feel the tension between the two as they avoided eye contact and accidental touching when they shifted.

" Wow. Mr. Fitz is such a troll, " Rose said after laughing hysterically when Kaitlyn told her about the new seats for Chemistry problem.
" Not. Funny. God, I couldn't bear the silence. The awkward silence, " Kaitlyn said. It was lunch and the courtyard was filled with chatter.
" You're right. Its not funny. It's hilarious. " Rose smiled. Rose was a tall girl, around five foot seven, and she dyed her hair dark purple. Just to let people know that she wasn't normal off the bat. She wore a white sweater with some black jeans, and her hair tied up in a pony tail. She had black rimmed glasses, also. " I think that you guys should just make up, if you don't want an awkward silence for the rest of the year."

Now it was Kaitlyn's turn to laugh. " That's funny. Me and Johan. Friends? " Rose made a "hmph." sound and sipped her coffee and made a face. Then she added a shitload of sugar to sweeten it. Despite being weird, Rose was one of Kaitlyn's best friend. Along with Violet. So they could be weird together.

As lunch continued, Kaitlyn kept on thinking about what Rose said. Maybe avoiding awkward silence for the rest of the year, and just admitting to her mistakes, wouldn't be such a bad idea.
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Finally done. Yay. I actually have no idea where I'm going with this but okay.