Don't Make This Easy, I Want You to Mean It

These images that fill my head,

It was a rough night, but I managed to get a few hours. Tony on the other hand went to his workshop around five this morning. After that I couldn’t sleep, so I showered and I’m now at the kitchen table, drinking the best cup of coffee that Jarvis has ever made. I drum my fingers against the table, boredom taking over. I kind of want to see him, but I know if I do, it’ll make me worse. So I lay my head against the table, tracing an invisible pattern on the table.

“Mrs. Stark,” Jarvis spoke.


“Could I get you anything?” His voice almost sounds like a sigh. “Your depression is affecting my systems.”

That really can’t happen, but his sensors can detect my mood patterns. “What’s he doing?”

“Working and cursing, mostly.” He says. “But he has asked about you quite a bit.”

I nod. I should probably go see him, bring him a cup of coffee and attempt to cheer him up. I won’t, but I should. Tracing the patterns start to burn against my fingers, so I walk into the lounge and curl up on the couch. The t.v. clicks on and it stays black as Jarvis waits for me to request a channel. I don’t have one, but a black and white video shows up.

“Jarvis, wh-“ I start to ask, but my ears pick up the 80s music. Remind me to thank Tony Stark for Jarvis.

Humming along to the familiar song, I get up and start mimicking Ronnie in the video. I shake my hair loose from my ponytail, letting my long curls fall past my shoulders. I dance across the lounge floor and down the hallway, Jarvis turning it up louder. Coming back up the hallway the song ends and Summer of ’69 begins. I slid past the guest bedroom and run through the lounge, jumping on the couch and singing from the top of my lungs.

“Standing on your momma’s porch you told me you’d wait forever! Oh you held my hand and I knew it was now or never!” I yelled, falling down and kicking my feet against the couch.

I could feel my smile take up my whole face. Jarvis is perfect. I tried to make less noise as the song finished up, but the next one is more of Tony’s genre. Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leopard. I could still get into it though. As the drum beat began, I heard a clap with the cymbals. I turned quick seeing Tony standing near the lounge door. He side stepped his way over to the couch, me biting back a laugh the entire time. He straddled my hips, pressing a kiss to my neck. His lips ghosting over my ear, “Lookin’ like a tramp, like a video vamp. Demolition woman, can I be your man?”

His voice was rough; very sexy. He nibbled my ear, before pulling me up to my feet and out further into the lounge. I wasn’t facing him, but his hands slid to my hips as I slid my ass across his crotch. His lips traced my ear, biting just behind it. I slid my hands into his hair as we moved along with my hips.

“I’m hot, sticky sweet from my head to my feet, yeah.” I whispered as he turned me around. He pushed me against the wall, our lips connecting and his hands slipping into my back pockets. I ran my hands down his sides, slipping them under his white t-shirt. He moaned as I touched the sensitive spot on his lower back.

“So I was thinking about a tabby,” Steve said as the music stopped. “Dear Lord!”

“What the shit?” Haley said, peaking around him.

“Dammit,” He whispered against my neck. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he removed his hands from my back pockets. It’s hard to make him blush. I can’t even do it.

“Tony’s blushing?” Haley said, smirking. “Wow, sis,”

He hides his face into my neck, hands back to my hips. I pull away though, pressing a kiss to his forehead and joining the others in the kitchen. He’ll need a few minutes to regain his normal color. Steve’s face is a little pink. He’s too innocent for his own good.

“What were you two even doing?” He asked, causing Haley to choke on her coffee.

“Procreating,” Tony said nonchalantly.

Steve gulped while Haley and I bit back laughter. “In the living room?”

“Where else?”

Steve doesn’t say anything, but you can see the disapproval in his eyes. Damn, Captain America. Tony slides his chair next to mine and kisses my cheek. I slide my hand into his and lace our fingers. His eyes are on me, I can feel them and it makes me blush. He laughs and kisses my cheek again. “I love you.”

“I love you too,”

I curl into him and rest my head against his shoulder. They all talk quietly, until I hear the sound of boots and little feet coming through the lounge. I see Clint Barton, friend of mine for twenty years, and his little boy Jaxon, peeking from behind his legs.

“Is that my Jaxonbear?” I smiled. His face lit up and he ran out from behind him. “Auntie Marwee!”

I laughed, picking him up as I stood. I rested him against my hip and hugged him close. It’s been over a year since I’ve seen him. He’s grown so much. I pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“He’s missed you, so I figured we’d stop by.” Clint said, stealing my chair.

“Who’s the little guy?” Tony asked.

“My son, Jaxon.” Clint smiled. Jaxon’s his whole life.

Tony nodded, pretending it didn’t bother him that he didn’t know about Jaxon. He’s not much of kid person anyway. I carried him into the lounge, feeling someone following us. I sat down and he curled up in my lap. Tony fell down next to us and settled into the couch, giving us that award winning smile. I giggled and Jaxon climbed down from my lap and into Tony’s. He poked his arc reactor and smiled. “What’s your name?”


He nodded. “My name is Jaxon and I’m three years old.”

“Impressive,” Tony smiled.

Jaxon smiled back and turned in his lap to where he was facing the t.v., “Watch Spongebob with me, pwease.”

Tony’s eyes lightened and some tension eased out of him. His smile widened. “What’s a Spongebob?”

“The bestest show, ever.” Jaxon smiled, showing all teeth.

“Jarvis, you heard the little guy, show me the bestest show ever.” Tony said as Jaxon relaxed back onto Tony’s chest, yawning a little.

Spongebob came on and I curled into Tony’s side, lacing our fingers together. I like the way this felt. Like a family. A sigh escaped his lips. Not heavy, but content. He felt at ease like this. Jarvis noted that Steve and Haley both left a couple of minutes later and Clint found his way into the lounge, checking his watch.

“We really need to go, bud.” He said quietly.

Jaxon shook his head, clinging to Tony’s shirt. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sat beside me. I winked at Jaxon, turning to Clint. “Let him stay. Tony and I will bring him to you in the morning.”

“Pwease, daddy,” His bottom lip poked out.

“Yeah, please, daddy.” Tony joined in, mimicking the face.

Clint looked at all three of us and sighed. “You’re sure it’s not a problem?”

“Not at all!” Tony smiled, picking up Jaxon and walking out of the lounge. “We’ll be in the lab if you need us, babe! Bye Clint!”

Clint chuckled, “I didn’t even think he liked kids.”

“He doesn’t,” I laughed. “I guess Jaxon’s different.”

Clint laughed while walking to the door. “I’ll bring some clothes and stuff. He’ll need a bath tonight and make sure he brushes his teeth.”

I nodded and when the door slammed, I asked Jarvis to show me the boys. Jaxon was resting against Tony’s hip while he showed him everything. They looked over all the lab, including his Iron Man portion. He sat him down and he ran up to it, poking and messing around with it. There was this look on Tony’s face that made my stomach curl. He looked really happy. He seemed to be glowing.

“Mrs. Stark, Tony is requesting your presence.”

I quickly make my way down to the basement, typing in the code and waiting for the glass to slide. Jaxon spots me and runs over, colliding with my legs. “Did you know Uncle Tony is Iron Man?!”

I giggled, picking him up and setting him on my hip. “I did. Isn’t he cool?”

He nodded and his grin took up his whole face. I pressed a kiss to his cheek and he giggled, blushing a light pink. I smiled, “Did he show you everything?”

“Yep, everything.”

I looked up at Tony. He was staring, a smile plastered on his face. I blushed, walking toward him and sitting Jaxon on his desk. He messed with a toy car on his desk as Tony wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on top of mine. “I love you.”

He’s been saying that an awful lot today. Not that I don’t like to hear it. “I love you too.”

“Clint Barton is here and requesting the presence of young Jaxon.”

Tony helped him off the desk and he walked in front of us; Tony’s hand finding mine along the way. Clint was waiting in the living room and Jaxon gave him a hug, kissing his cheek. He grabbed his back pack and Tony, heading toward the living room.

“He’s been having nightmares, so he’ll probably end up with you and Tony in bed.”

I nodded, assuring him that he really wouldn’t be a problem. He left about ten minutes after that and it was starting to get late. They were playing The Avengers and Tony wasn’t Iron Man. He was the Cap. I bit my lip as Jaxon collapsed on the floor and almost tripped Tony. “Help me, Cap!”

“ I’m on my way!” Tony yelled, taking a running leap and basically killing himself on the couch. He fell to the floor and army crawled his way to Jaxon.

“Okay, boys,” I said as they turned to look at me, “It’s time for bed.”

“But it’s only 10:30,” Tony whined.

“Well a certain little boy needs a bath,”

Jaxon huffed and played dead. Tony laughed, pushing himself off the ground and grabbed Jaxon, the limp noodle. I grabbed his overnight bag and Jarvis had the bathwater running. Tony was feeling of the water while Jaxon undressed himself. I set out his soap, shampoo and toys.

“Could you go get me a glass, babe?”

He looked at me weird, but nodded as I help Jaxon into the tub. He played around for awhile I helped his wash up, waiting for Tony to bring the cup. When he did I rolled my pant legs up, sticking my feet in. I filled the cup full of water. “Tilt your head back and close your eyes.”

Jaxon did as told and I wetted his hair. Tony handed me the shampoo and I massaged the blueberry smell into his hair. He tilted his head back as I washed it out. I let Tony get him dressed and take care of the teeth brushing. I walked quickly into our room, changing fast as Jaxon ran in and made grabby hands for me. I placed him on my hip as Tony went to change.

“Will you sing for me?” He whispered, resting in the crook of my neck and his hand latched on my ear.

“Of course, baby.”

I walked to the recliner on the other side of the bedroom and sat down. Jaxon curled into me more, fitting perfectly in my arms. “What song?”

“Doesn’t matter…” He mumbled.

I sighed, rocking with my foot. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray; you’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away. The other night dear, when I lay sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms. When I awoke dear, I was mistaken so I hung my head and cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray; you’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away…”

His little snores were tickling my neck, but he looks even more adorable when he’s sleeping. I looked up to see Tony standing in the doorway, looking us over. I motioned him over before pressing a kiss to Jaxon’s forehead. Tony lifted him from my lap and he stirred but curled into him. He sat him in the middle of the bed and crawled in next to him on the right side, me on the left. We pulled the blanket up to our waists, which covered most of Jaxon. Tony’s hand found mine before I drifted off.
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