Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

I've Only Got Forever And Forever Is Fine

Carolina's POV:

"Could you hand me those jeans, please?" I ask Tony. He groans and comes up behind me, placing them inside my suitcase.

"What?" I chuckle and turn to face him.

He looks down and places his hands on my hips. "I don't want you to pack anymore..."

I place my hands behind his neck. "You think I want to?"

He looks up at me and grins, then gives me a small kiss on the side of my lips. "How about you take a break for a little and lay down with me?"

I look around. "I don't know Tony... I really gotta get my things all packed up..."

"Come on," he says and starts to kiss my neck. "The last time I get to hold you in my arms.." His hands reach up to my sides and he starts to tickle them.

I giggle and my heart starts to beat faster as he starts to kiss all around my neck. "Tony- stop," I say barley above a whisper, laughing. Obviously not wanting him to stop at all.

I hear him chuckle and he finally looks up to meet my eyes. "I'm going to miss you..." I smile and peck his lips.

"Like... A lot," he mumbles.
I sigh and lean my head against his chest. "Me too," I whisper.

His arms wrap around me and I shut my eyes. "I don't want you to leave."

I look up at him and we stare at each other for a good minute. "You're making this ten times more harder for me," I say before our lips meet once again. The kiss grows deeper as we make our way to his bunk. My hands crawl behind his head, dropping his snap-back to the floor as I tug on his hair.

"Lay down with me now?" he mumbles against my lips, a little breathless.

I let out a small laugh and nod. I crawl into his bunk first, him coming up behind me soon after. I turn to him and we both lay on our sides now. He pulls me closer to him and now we're chest to chest with each other.
"Don't go," he says and kisses me.

"I have to," I say in-between the kiss.

He groans and shakes his head. "No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"Well, you're not leaving. I won't let you."

I laugh. "Oh really?"

He nods, giving me a small grin.
"And if I do?"

"If you do..." he says and narrows his eyes at me. "I'll do this..."

He starts to poke my sides and I twitch around everywhere, laughing. "Tony! No! Stop!" I say and try pushing him away. He grabs a hold of me and keeps on poking me.

"Then stay."

"Tony! Tony, I'm gonna push you out of this bunk!"

He laughs and holds me tighter. "Then you'll be falling down with me!" he says and keeps poking.

"Please- please, Tony!" I say, all out of breath now.

He manages to crawl on top of me and pin my hands down on top of my head. "You'll stay with me then?" he says, giving me a devious smile.

I smile back, trying to hold in my laughter, and shake my head. His mouth falls open a little and then he grins. "Okay, so you're going to play that game? Okay..."

"Tony- Don't do it..." I warn.

Then he stuffs his face in my neck and I burst into laughter. I try yanking my hands away from his grip, but it's no use. Tears slide down my cheeks from how much I'm laughing. Nothing is even coming out of my mouth anymore because I'm out of breath. "Tony! Please!"

"Tell me you'll stay with me- forever," he says as he pokes my neck and sides with his free hand.

"Okay! I promise- I'll stay with you! Forever!" I yell out.

He comes to a full stop almost immediately and stares down at me with a smile. I shake my head at him. "You're unbelievable. Now because of you, all those animals back in San Diego won't have anyone taking care of them."

He chuckles and kisses my cheek. "Fine. I'll let you go back," he groans.

I giggle at him as he keeps on kissing me. "You planning on letting me go now?"

He laughs. "I like it this way, actually. Don't you?"

I feel his lips go all over my neck and chest again, his tight grip still holding my hands above my head. I'm feeling a little lightheaded by his actions now. "Y-yeah, I do," I manage to say.

He looks up at me and smirks, before pressing his lips against mine. The kiss deepens and he finally lets my hands go free. Even though I know this is escalating fast, I don't stop it. I'd be stupid to stop this. I pull him even closer to me, if that's even possible, and run my hands through his soft hair. One of his hands start to crawl up my shirt and before I know it, we're both shirtless. I start to unclasp my bra and Tony breaks away our kiss.
"You sure about this?" he asks, panting.

I nod my head vigorously and throw my bra at the other end of bunk. "Yup!" I say with wide eyes.
He laughs and starts to kiss me again. "What about what you said to Marisa?" I hear him mumble.

I shake my head and try to shimmy off his jeans. "Forget what I said. This is my decision and it's my last day." I look up and stare at him, placing my hand on the side of his head. "And I'm going to miss you, so much."

Tony smiles at me and traces my bottom lip with his finger. The look in his eyes makes my heart flutter and butterflies start to blossom everywhere inside my stomach, making me want this moment to happen even more. I could have sworn he was about to say those three little words I've been wanting to tell him ever since our little date the day I arrived to Texas. But before any words are shared between us, I smash my lips against his again. I don't know why I do, I guess I just got a little...Scared.

My thoughts fade away as I feel Tony's hand reaches down to my jeans. He quickly manages to unbutton them, sliding them down. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him even closer to me.
My last day on this tour, an empty bus, and with tension like this, it was bound to happen. Forget what Marisa said and forget what I told her. Tony is my boyfriend and if I wanna have sex on a bus with him, then fuck it. I'll have sex on a bus. He doesn't seem to mind and neither do I. I'm going to miss every inch of him when I leave, so I'm taking full advantage now.
Right as Tony is sliding off the last of our clothes and right as I'm about ready to receive him, the bunk curtains swing open, revealing a very shocked Marisa. Her mouth falls open and her eyes grow wide.

"Shit-" Tony curses out. I gasp and pull Tony's body right onto mine, trying to conceal myself from this embarassing scene. Marisa starts to laugh and Tony lets out a sigh as he rolls his eyes.

"Looks like someone isn't classy anymore..." she says, laughing. She shuts the curtains and Tony falls to my side.

I slap my hand on my head and let out a sigh. "Fucking. Shit," I groan.

Tony laughs and shakes his head. "Wow. That was... Wow."

I glance at him and he grabs my bra, handing it to me. I frown and snap it on, grabbing my shirt.

Before I pull it on, Tony pulls me into his arms and kisses me. "It'll happen when it'll happen. You're just meant to be classy!"

I laugh and peck his lips one last time before he pulls on his shirt, ready to jump out the bunk.
"Sure, sure," I say and wave him off. He winks at me and gets out, quickly shutting the curtains behind him.

I finally button up my jeans and before I jump out, I hear laughter of the guys erupt throughout the bus. I sigh and roll my eyes. Get ready for the worse.
The first person to smirk at me is Marisa.
I glare at her and sit down next to Tony who welcomes me with open arms. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Don't say anything," I say and lay my head down on Tony's chest.

She laughs and shakes her. "Tony just can't keep it in his pants. And obviously you don't want him too either."

The boys laugh and I couldn't blush even more than I already am. "Make it stop. Please," I mumble on Tonys chest. He rubs my back.

"Alright, alright! Enough. Don't make me bring up the times we caught you doing shit."
Marisa throws Tony a granola bar, hitting him on his arm. He laughs and grabs it, opening it up and eating it.

"Now come on guys, don't give the horny couple such a hard time!" Mike adds. "It's not like you and Jaime aren't any better- at least they wait until the bus is empty!" he says and stands up, quickly walking to the bathroom.

"Shut up, Mike!" Marisa yells out, slapping his arm as he walks past her. I laugh, feeling a little better about this whole situation.

Tony rubs my arm and sighs. "So, what's the plan guys? Taking us out of this topic..."
I play with Tony's long hair, not wanting to talk about me leaving. His hold on me grows a little tighter and I look up at him. He smiles at me and kisses the top of my nose. Yeah, I really don't want to talk about leaving. At all.

Marisa's POV:
The conversation on Tony and Carolina died down, breaking everyone else up into separate conversations.
"Did you like lunch?" Vic asked me. I nodded, as I tweaked with random things on my phone.

"You didn't talk least not with me," he brought up. I simply shrugged. I felt rude all over again. It wasn't fun letting Cara get between Vic and I once again.

"Did I do something wrong?" he whispered to me. I nod my head no, I don't even make eye contact with him. I decide to go to the bunk area in order to be alone. I say nothing, but yet I end up being followed by Vic. Everyone was there to view this, even Cara. I'm sure she was just as upset once he shut the door to the bunk area.

"What did I do?" he asked. I stood against three bunks, he stood close in front of me. I didn't make eye contact with him, I couldn't. "Please tell me," he held my hand now.
Still, I couldn't bring words to come out. All I could think about was what Cara told me.

"You wanted to be civil! Now you're just not even speaking to me. What did I do? I always do something, I know, I'm aware of that," Vic said. "Is it because Cara is here?" I perked up as he said this, giving him some kind of hint. His eyes brightened as this happened, giving him some kind of signal. "Tell me now, please?" I rolled my eyes slightly. I decided to take out my phone and quickly type things out. Once I finished, I handed him the phone.

Cara told me not to speak to you. She said she would make you stop or break up with you if I didn't. I didn't want to ruin your relationship so I stopped. I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep you happy with her.

"Is this true?" he asked, handing me the phone. I shot him a look, questioning him as well. He shook the thought and immediately hugged me. A wave of relief hit me now that he knew. He broke the hug and smiled at me. "Now we need to confront her," he said, starting to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him, he locked eyes with me, worry taken over my eyes.

"I have to say something, that isn't fair to you," Vic said.

"Who cares what's fair to me? God, I just want you happy, Vic," I blurted out.

"Why?" he asked skeptically.

I groaned, "Because I love you! There is no way you couldn't see it."

"But I thought you and Jaime-"

"Jaime and I were friends with benefits, but even he knew," I rolled my eyes.


"Vic, I'm not trying to break you and Cara up by telling you this. But I-" Vic didn't let me finish. He held my face in his hands as he kissed me passionately. I felt as though I needed this kiss, I held onto him, not wanting this to end. Vic ended the kiss almost too soon though.

"I've wanted that...for awhile now," he breathed.

"I have too, but you're still with Cara," I said, "plus she doesn't even want me speaking to you."

"I think I'll-" before he could finish, the door opened and Cara stood there.

"What is going on in here?" she asked angrily.

"You think you can tell Marisa to stop speaking to me?" he shouted.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" she asked.

"She told me what you told her. Threatening her and our relationship? Really Cara?"

"She's lying Vic!" Cara said pointing at me.

"I think I'll leave..." I spoke up.

"No," Vic said, grabbing hold of my hand. "Cara, I can't be with you anymore. I love Marisa, we both know I've loved her this whole relationship. That's why you've felt so threatened... So I'm sorry, Cara. I really am."

"That's it?!" she screamed. "You're dumping me and apologizing! That's it? You were such a waste of time! I hope you both have a great life together." Cara pushed passed us, going to Vic's bunk to grab her stuff. I stood there in silence, Vic admitted he loved me back. Cara quickly walked pass us, clearly angry. The bus door slammed and we head our friends chattering, wondering what happened.

"As if things couldn't get anymore confusing with us," I sighed.

"I know," he sighed also, "but we can start working on things..."

"Alright," I said with a nodded. I started to walk out of the room, but Vic grabbed me. He smashed our lips together quickly.

"Did you miss that?" he whispered after the kiss.

"More than you know," I breathed, bringing him into another kiss. The feeling of his lips on mine once again made me feel complete. I missed the way he put his hands through my hair and how he would pull me closer by the waist.

Vic broke the kiss once again. "I meant it. We'll start to work on things. Cara is gone and I'm done for good. But I think you have to end whatever you have going on with Jaime."

I thought about it for a moment. Did I really want to give up Jaime for Vic? Jaime was always making me laugh, there for me at any given moment, and the sex was great. And Vic...I stared into his eyes, letting out a small sigh. Vic was all of that and more, it also helped that I was in love with him. It was just a matter of telling Jaime now.

"Mhm," I nodded, with a smile. "Can we not tell anyone about this though. After tour, we can."

"Sounds good," he said with a smile.

Carolina's POV:
I held Tony's hand the whole time we drove to the airport. Every now and again, he’d give it a little a squeeze making me look up at him, always having a smile on his lips. Trying to make the situation better, when we know it’ll be heart breaking in the end.

“I’ll get your bags," Tony says as we finally arrive. I nod and turn to face Marisa and the guys as they make their way to me.

“Me first!” Jaime yells out as he pushes Vic’s small form aside, making him bump into Marisa. Marisa chuckles and Vic touches her chin, grinning at her and touching her nose. She giggles and before I could see anything else happen between them, Jaime’s body covers mine, giving me a rib-crushing hug. I laugh and try pulling my arms out of his grasp so I could at least hug him back, but it’s no use.

“These days went by way too fast, Carolina! I hope you had a good time though," he says and finally pulls away, rubbing my arm.

I nod. “They did go by fast and I had a great time. I’ll never forget these days I shared with you guys!”

“Oh- come ‘ere you!” Mike says and opens his arms for a hug. I throw my arms around him and he twirls me around. “You be careful back in SD, alright? I don’t want you throwing wild parties without me.”

He pulls away and we laugh. “Why would I dare throw a party without you present?!”

He shrugs. “Just warning you!”

“Don’t go finding other Mexican guys too! We’re irreplaceable!” Vic adds in and throws his arm around me, giving me a one armed hug. I lay my head on his shoulder and smile.

“Yep, you guys definitely are irreplaceable...”He laughs and messes up my hair. I pull away and punch his arm playfully.

“Alright. You all ready?” Tony says, coming up behind me. He places my luggage down to the ground and sighs. I frown and then turn to Marisa. We stare at each other for some seconds before we throw our arms around each other, bringing us in for a tight hug.

“I don’t want you to go," she mumbles.
“I don’t want to leave either," I say as we still hug.

“Especially now.”
I pull away from her a little and give her a confused look. She turns around and we see Vic, Jaime, and Mike fooling around. Tony waits patiently for us to finish our goodbyes behind me. Marisa turns back to me and grimaces. “Vic and I… We’re settling things between us now. We’re working it out. Since I told him what Cara said…”

I come to a realization now. “That’s what happened on the bus, huh?”

She nods. “Yup.”

“Well, you got him now! It’s all working out!” I say happily and nudge her arm.

She sighs. “Except for one thing.”

I cross my arms and tilt my head. “Oh god.”

“Jaime," she whispers. “I don’t know what to do.”

I pull her in for another hug. “Just talk to him. I know he knew, he always knew, that you and Vic were going to end up together someday. You just need to talk to him.”I pull away from her and give her a smile.

“It’s the only thing I can do I guess.” I nod and Tony taps my shoulder. I turn to him and he smiles, though the smile that I love doesn’t reach to his eyes. “Alright-“ I face Marisa. “Guess I should go now.”

Marisa frowns. “I’ll text you.”

“You better!”
I walk to Tony’s side and wave them all goodbye for the last time.

Tony and I walk to where the entrance to my plane is in silence, until we get to it.
He stuff his hands in his pockets and sighs, his gaze coming up from the floor and meeting my eyes. “Carolina, I’m really going to-“

Before he finishes, I throw my arms around his neck and press my lips against his. I feel his hands go around my waist, pulling me closer. I break away the kiss after some time and take a good look at him. “I’m going to miss you so much," I say and look down at his chest, afraid that if I stare into his eyes while I say this I’ll start to cry. “But I mean- it’s only a couple more weeks left of tour, I won’t think of it as months, but weeks. We’ll be together soon. Have a great time, though Tony. You guys are amazing up there and you’re amazing and I hope you’ll be safe and I’m just going to miss you so much and-“ I stop myself from saying anything else.

He chuckles and I feel his finger go under my chin, pulling my head up so we make eye contact. “We will be together soon. Keep your bed warm for me when I come back and your arms open so I could fit myself right in your embrace, alright? I’ll call you everyday I'm able to. Don’t go forgetting about me while I’m gone though," he says with a small chuckle.

I laugh and peck his lips. “How am I going to forget about my amazing boyfriend who’s on tour? Impossible.”

He laughs and plays around with strands of my hair. From a distance, we hear someone call out a warning for all the passengers to get on the plane now. My heart drops as Tony looks up at me with a small grin. “Guess it’s time for my baby to go home," he mumbles.

I shake my head and pull him in for another tight hug. “I’ll be waiting for you back in SD. I’ll be right there.”

He smiles and our faces come close together, our lips touching again soon after. His hand grabs hold of my chin as he lifts my face up more, deepening the kiss that I never want to end. As expected, it slowly comes to a stop. We pull away from each other, our faces still inches apart.
He reaches to me and lays his hand on my cheek, swiping his thumb across the corner of my eye which had a small tear on it. “Just a couple of weeks.”

I press my lips together and nod, giving him a smile. “Not months. Weeks.”
Someone should have warned me that it would have been this hard saying goodbye to your touring boyfriend for the first time. Because this is ridiculously hard. Especially since Tony and I have only had such little time to talk and touch.

“Now go, go and save those animals for me, alright?”

I laugh and sigh. “Okay- okay. Bye Tony," I breathe out.

I start to back away from him and he lifts his hand up, waving. “I’ll see you soon. And I’ll talk to you as soon as you get home. Have Skype open all the time!” he says and let’s out a small chuckle. He clears his throat and looks down. “I’ll miss you," he says and looks back up at me.

He stuffs his hands back in his pockets and before the tears blur my vision, I give him one last smile. “I’ll miss you too, Tone," I say before turning around and walking away.
I find my seat on the plane and lay my head back, shutting my eyes. I take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Just a couple of weeks. No big deal. I’ll be Skyping him, texting him, thinking of him…
This. Sucks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Vegas Skies-The Cab


Thank you to everyone who comments on this story or even likes and reblogs it on tumblr.

The bus was getting all steamy with Carolina and Tony not being classy anymore, tsk tsk. Finally Cara is out of the picture, now hopefully Vic and Marisa can finally get on with their lives together. But poor Jaime, man. And Mike, Mike just doesn't want any party going off without him.

Any and all feedback is always appreciated and helpful whether it be on here or tumblr: