Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

Love Is Natural And Real But Not For Such As You And I

Carolina's POV:
As I walk into Vic's kitchen, I hear voices talking. I get nervous as I remember that his parents are back home and I've never met them. I wonder how they feel about me staying over. I walk in and a women, who I assume is his mother, brings her attention towards me first.

"Why hello there, honey. I'm Vivian. Good morning!" she greets as she stands from the table, walking towards me.

I give her a smile. "Good morning." Vic and his dad are also sitting at the table, looking up at us.

"Well this is her. This is Carolina," Vic says before sipping his coffee.

"Good morning and nice to meet you!" his father says.

"Thank you for letting me sleep over for the night. Really, thanks."

Vic's mom pats my back. "Don't mention it, dear. Vic told us you were in the process of moving."

I look at him and then back at his mom. "...I am."

"Feel free to to stay as long as you need."

"Thank you so much."

Vic stands up and stretches. "I was thinking we should take a walk 'round San Diego. Maybe get the stress of moving from your mind?"

I sigh and nod. "Sounds great."

"Well, eat something first. Then you two could get going." She pulls out a chair and I don't deny the grumbling in my stomach.

Marisa's POV:
I quickly walked on to the boy's porch and went to open the door. However, it was locked today when normally it isn't. I furiously knocked until the door swung open, revealing Jaime. His face had a stern look.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh," I put on a sweet smile, "I came to have sex with you." His eyes narrowed on me. "What do you think I'm here for?" the smile long gone from my face.

"Probably to have sex with Mike or Tony. You tell me!"

"Listen Jaime, I hurt Carolina and Vic already, I don't need you on the list too," I frowned.
I quickly pushed passed Jaime. I walked into the living room where I found Tony and Mike.

"Hey," I said, going to sit next to Mike. Jaime came in after and sat next to Tony.

"Hey home wrecker," Mike smiled. I turned to him and shot him a look. "Come on, too soon? Really?"

"Did Carolina or Vic call you?" Tony asked.

"No," I nodded.

"How could you not tell me?" Jaime piped up abruptly.

"I'm sorry Jaime, I didn't know I needed to make a list of my exes for a friends with benefits."

Jaime rolled his eyes. "How could you not tell any of us?"

"Uh," Mike started, "I knew."

"You knew?" Jaime asked.

"Yeah..." Mike trailed. Jaime looked over at Tony. Tony tried to avoid Jaime's eyes but ended up caving.

"Yeah Mike knew. I introduced them when Marisa and I barely met. Once we started dating I still let Mike know what was going on with us, but I never told Vic or you," Tony explained.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jaime asked.

"I didn't want anyone else knowing. I felt like it was no one's business but ours. Plus I didn't think it'd last as long as it did..." Tony said.

"How long was it?" Jaime asked, looking at Tony then at me.

"A year or so..." I mumbled.

"What the fuck!" Jaime shouted.

"Jaime," I started, "we wanted to simply remain friends after. We never wanted there to be any weirdness between the group. I'm sorry we didn't tell you. I really am. You're our friend and deserved to know. But we couldn't tell anyone. Which is why we didn't until it just came out."

Jaime looked at me, his eyes softening making me known of his realization. "I'm sorry I got so worked up Iss." I just nodded.

"I'm just going to call Carolina," Tony said, standing up.

"No, don't!" Mike said. "You have to give them time."

"How long am I supposed to give her?" Tony asked.

"I don't know, but you can go groveling or being crazy. Carolina needs to think about a lot of things. Don't rush her by calling or seeing her," Mike explained.

"I hate waiting! I don't want to wait for her to break up with me," Tony said in an annoyed tone.

"You don't know if she'll break up with you or not," Jaime said.

"I'm sure she's freaking out though, Tone," I said. "Her mind is probably running at a thousand miles. I agree, we do need to give them time."

Tony sighed, sitting back down. As much as I didn't want to give Vic and Carolina time, I knew we had to. If they wanted us back, great. If they never wanted to speak to us again, then Tony and I are to blame.

Carolina's POV:
"Your parents are amazing," I say as Vic and I walk out the door. I put on my jacket as we both slide into his car.

"They are," he smiles and starts the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Anywhere you want. I just need to clear my mind, yah know?"

I nod. "I know. Well, maybe we could just walk around Old Town?"

He smiles. "Wow. I haven't been there in so long."

"Same here."

"Let's go then."

After some time, we finally find a parking spot near Old Town. We start to walk towards the tourist filled place in silence. My arms crossed and his hands in his pockets.
My mind is just filled with Tony. How could he have just... hid this? I was planning on being with him for... Well, a very long time. Was he going to tell me anytime soon? And Marisa, I can't even get my mind around the fact that she use to date him. That they used to date each other. And how she hid this from me. My own best friend, the person I consider to be a sister.

I let out a deep sigh just as Vic does the same. We look at each other and let out a laugh.

"Thinking about Tony?" he asks.

I sigh and nod. "Thinking about-"

"Marisa? Yeah."

"Well lets not. The whole reason for this little adventure was to forget all about them and this stupid bullshit. It's not worth getting sad and stressed out about two people who lied to us."

"You're right."

"And plus, I haven't been here since my family took me. Which was like, years ago."


"Mhm." We walk into a little shop filled with candy skulls and random knick-knacks hanging around everywhere.

"Do your family still come here?" he asks as we look at all the different designs.

"No, not anymore."

"You know, we're friends and all, but I know almost nothing about you. Which is weird."

I turn to him and laugh. "Same with you."

"So, tell me something." We walk out of the shop and wall down the sidewalk, passing people filled restaurants.
"Hmm, well, I'm from Pomona," I shrug.

"Oh- just like Mari-" he stops. We look at each other and laugh.

"Sorry," he sighs.

I shake my head. "Guess it's unavoidable. But yeah, that's our hometown. I lived there all of my life. Until this year, I guess."

"Why did you move?"

"Controlling parents. I was sick of it. And I've always heard nice things about San Diego. I've seen how beautiful it is. Marisa just kinda sealed the deal for me."

He nods. "Do you regret it? Moving here?" I stare down at the floor as our feet walk along it.

"I don't know now," I sigh and let out a nervous chuckle. I feel his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him.

"Everything will turn out okay," he says reassuringly.

"I guess I'm just really happy I know SD now. I won't get lost," I laugh.

"Hey, you still have me, Jaime, and Mike alright? No matter what. You'll always be part of the family."

I stop walking and smile at Vic. "Vic, you have no idea how much that helps. Thanks. Because as of now, I feel pretty much alone."

"You're not. Ever. I'm here, you're not alone. Now, maybe we should actually try and not talk about them."

"Yeah- let's just-"

"Tony!" someone yells out. I snap my he's towards that direction and see a little boy running inside a Cold Stone ice cream shop, his mom running after.

I face Vic and he cracks up laughing. "What are the odds?"

"Man, I am so tired of that name," I groan.

He laughs. "Want some Starbucks? Maybe Old Town isn't for us today."

"Sure. Let's get some Starbucks."

As we sit at a small table waiting for our coffees, Vic and I start to actually get rid of all the thoughts consumed of Marisa and Tony. He tells me a lot about his music and I tell him a lot about my work with animals.

"I've listened to your music. I'm really in love with how write. It's great. You guys deserve all those fans."

He chuckles and plays around with his fingers. "Thanks. We work really hard. I mean Mike- he gives it his all. At almost every show, he hurts his fingers. It's crazy. And Jaime. He's... well he's Jaime all right," he laughs. "And Tony is amazing at-" He looks up at me and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I'm sorry," he sighs.

"It's okay," I laugh.

"Marisa?" a worker yells. Vic's head snaps up and a women walks up to the cashier, grabbing her coffee and quickly exiting.

"Jesus, it never ends," he says and sighs.

"This is ridiculous."

"Maybe we should just head back home. It's no use."

"You're right. And my phone won't stop vibrating. I already know who all these calls are from," I say while rolling my eyes.

"Same here. I turned my phone off to just avoid it all."

I pull out my phone and check all of the texts and missed calls. Half from Tony and half from Marisa. I shake my head and turn my phone off. Vic stands up and motions his head to the door. "Come on. Let's go back to my house and we'll watch a movie or something."

I stand up and follow him outside. "Sure thing."

Tony's POV:
I couldn't keep up with the agreement to not call Carolina. That's all I ended up doing today. I needed to talk to her, I wanted her to hear the truth about it. But she never answered. It's understandable, but I was hoping she'd hear me out at some point. I couldn't lose her like this. Especially over some dumb relationship. Don't get me wrong, I love Marisa in the most platonic way ever and she's one of my best friends, but I love Carolina more than anything or anyone. I didn't want our relationship to end. I needed her in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: I Know It's Over- The Smiths

Finally, another chapter of this story is up. Sorry we've kept you all waiting, but feel free to love us again! This was slightly filler-ish, but that's only to prepare you all for the next chapter ;)

Thank you all for leaving comments, messages, and all that. Keep it up and we definitely won't make you wait long for another chapter!