Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

You Know You're Gonna Hurt Somebody Tonight

Carolina's POV:
I stare at my phone as it vibrates. Marisa calling, again. It's been a while now, maybe answering it wouldn't be so bad. I would really like to know how all of this started. They dated- what's the worse she can tell me now? That she has a damn kid with him?
Oh god, that would really be the icing on the cake. Now I'm nervous to answer the call. She couldn't hide something like that though. No way that's possible. I sigh and answer the call finally.


"Carolina? Oh god, I'm so happy you answered."

"What do you want, Marisa?" I ask, getting annoyed.

She sighs. "For you to hear me out. Please."

"Why does it matter? You dated him. Perfect."

"Carolina, please. Let me explain all of this to you. Please. Let me at least give you an explanation. You deserve at least that from me."

"Alright. Fine. Explain it to me then. Explain how you and Tony were once together. Right now."

"No- not through the phone. Let's meet up somewhere so we could talk. Please? I miss you."

I rub my temples and sigh. "Marisa, I really don't-"

"Please, Carolina."

I think for some seconds and finally give up. "Fine, whatever."

"Great. Let's meet up at the coffee shop I showed you when you first moved to SD. Is that okay?"

"I don't really care where we meet."

She sighs. "Alright... Well, I'll meet you there in around thirty minutes?"


"Okay, thanks."

As I hang up, my phone gets another new text from Tony. I read it and shake my head at the words said.
Carolina! You can't ignore my calls and texts forever! Please just let me explain all of this to you! Call me back! Please?
I think one explanation for today is enough.

As I enter the quiet coffee shop, I spot Marisa sitting at a booth, staring down at her coffee. I walk up to her and sit down across from her.

She looks up at me and smiles. "Hey."

I press my lips together and nod. "Hey."

She sighs and the waitress comes to our table. "Anything for you?"

"Just a regular coffee."

"Alright," she says and walks off.

"I've missed you," she says. "It's weird not having you around the house..."

"I think you have some things to tell me, Marisa. I'm tired of beating around the bush."

"Just to clear the air, I don't want our friendship to end, okay?"

"I didn't want that either. But things see to be going into deep shit now, huh?"

The lady comes back with my coffee and places it on the table. "Anything else?"

"No thank you," I say and smile. She walks away.

"Carolina, come on.."

"Just- please. Tell me how all of this started."

She sighs and sips her coffee before nodding. "Fine."

Marisa's POV:
I took a deep breath, preparing myself to tell Carolina about the past of Tony and I.

"I was merching for a band on Warped Tour. Every night there's a barbeque for all the bands. I was going to get a beer and then I met Tony. We both wanted the last beer, but he was nice enough to let me have it. We hit it off immediately, everday he'd come visit me as the merch booth and every night we'd hang out. We actually started dating during Warped, but no one knew because he is really to himself about everything, which you should know. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you, we fell in love with each other. I even moved out to SD for him. In return he introduced me to Jaxin which got me the job with Love Before Glory. But towards the end of 2009 we broke up on good terms. On the next Warped Tour, I met Vic and everything about Tony disappeared," I explained, taking a long breath after my fast story.

"You didn't even tell me about him while I was still in Pomona though!" she exclaimed.

"The only female aware of the relationship was Natalie, Jaxin's girl," I said. "I didn't want to tell people if Tony wasn't going to."

Carolina stared at the table, not saying anything. Finally, she spoke up, barely above a whisper, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I-I thought since Tony didn't tell, I shouldn't either. You wouldn't have dated him had I told you, anyways. You know how happy he makes you, would you have honestly wanted to not date him because of me?" I asked.

"Well I'm not dating him now because of you," she shot back.

I stood quiet now. There was nothing I could say. I had messed up by not telling her, I knew that. It seemed as if there was no chance of even saving our friendship.

"You guys didn't do anything...did you?" she asked.

"No," I answered. She scoffed at this.

"Yeah, I know how hard it is to believe," I rolled my eyes. "Do you know how much he toured? Plus I was still merching for a lot of bands. I wasn't going to have sex on the bus."

"What about when you moved to San Diego?" she pestered.

"We'd barely hang out. He started recording more, I was lucky if I got to actually spend more than a day with him sometimes."

Carolina said nothing now.
"I feel like you don't believe me. You're acting like Tony and I constantly flirt or something. We are nothing more than friends, which is clear, plus we act like nothing happened," I snapped finally.

"But you couldn't even tell me. You didn't have the respect to even mention it to me before I put my all into the relationship. So here I am now, heartbroken because of my so-called best friends dating history. So yeah, thank you for not telling me, it obviously worked in your favor," she said. There was no fixing this, Carolina hated me.

"I can't tell you anything else then. You've obviously made up your mind to end this friendship," I said.

She stood up from the table, pulling money out of her purse and placing it on the table. "No Marisa, you made up your mind to end the frienship when you decided not to tell me. I can't tell you anything else. I'll start picking up my things this week. It was a bad idea for me to move here and to be friends with you. Goodbye." Carolina quickly walked out of the small cafe we were in. I didn't even call after her or get up to catch her. I knew she wouldn't have wanted that. I pulled my phone out and texted Vic.

I know you hate me. I hate me too. But can we please talk soon.

Vic was never one to take long replying to texts, but I already knew I wouldn't get a reply. I sighed, paying the rest of the bill and walking out to my car. I ended up going back to an empty home. But I couldn't just call anyone, because as of now I had no one. Mike was busy because his girlfriend was in town, I didn't want to be around Tony, Jaime wasn't a fan of me, Carolina ended our friendship, and Vic hated me. There was nothing I could do now, I had ruined my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Playing With Fire-Brandon Flowers

What is there to even say about this chapter? I feel like you all should just tell us how you feel about all this? Carolina just got a bomb of history dropped on her.