Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

I Know I'm A Mess Right Now Don't Give Up Believe

Marisa's POV:
I walked up the steps to the Fuentes' household and took a deep breath. I quickly rung the doorbell and awaited for the face I'd see. The door opened and it was Vivian Fuentes, Vic and Mike's mom.

"Marisa!" she smiled, "I haven't seen you awhile, honey."

"I know, it's been too long," I returned the smile. I walked into the house and Vivian gave me a tight hug.

"How have you been?" she asked, releasing me from the hug.

"I've been okay," I said, "how have you been?" I asked.

"I've been good. Are you hungry?" she asked, shutting the door.

"No, no. I'm okay thanks. Uh, is Vic home?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's up in his room. I'm not sure what made him stay here, but it's nice having him home. He even has a friend staying with us, Carolina. I guess she's in the process of moving."

"Uh, yeah that's what I've heard. I'm going to go talk to him for a bit," I sighed.

"Alright," she smiled. "I'll make you guys something to eat." Vivian patted my shoulder then walked away. Typical Vivian, she would make us food regardless of us not being hungry. I jogged up the stairs and went to Vic's room. His bedroom door was closed, I busted in and he had wide eyes due to me shocking him. Vic was sitting on his bed with an acoustic guitar in his hand. After the utter shock was over, his face looked anything but happy.

"What are you doing here?" he asked quietly.

"I wanted to finally talk to you about things..." I trailed. He puts his guitar down and stares at me. I felt nervous all of a sudden, this is Vic! Why should I be nervous. I shut the door and began, "Le-Let me explain things to you. Tony and I met and started dating on Warped Tour in 2008. We both thought it'd last, leading me to move to San Diego-"

"You told me you moved to San Diego to get away from how miserable you were in Pomona," he chimed in.

"That wasn't a lie. But I guess having a boy made it an even better reason to speed up the process. Anyways, we were together till late 2009, but we realized it'd be best to only be friends. And no, we didn't have sex," I said.

"Did you love him?" he muttered.

"I did. He loved me. But it was never the level of love he has for Carolina....or the love I have for you."

"Don't do that..." he said, his voice rising from the one mutter.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you love me. Don't. For all I know you loved Jaime too. You love all of Pierce The Veil don't you? What did you fuck my brother too?" he shouted, rising to his feet.

I got a few feet closer to him now. "No I did not! How dare you even think that!" I shouted back.

"I bet you slept with Mike too, didn't you? Didn't you, you slut! All you care about is sleeping with band members!" he yelled.

Tears started to fill my eyes. "Yeah, well what about you!" I yelled. "You took off the second Cara opened her legs back up!"

"Oh boo hoo, Marisa didn't get the boy she wanted for once!"

"For once? For once? Are you kidding me with that? Vic you never wanted to commit to me. You know why? Because the whole time you were with me, you were waiting for her! How do you think that makes me feel?" Vic stood quiet. "So sue me for being friends with benefits with Jaime. I'm sorry I wanted to have him around to make me feel good about myself while you were off being in love with a girl who never loved you as much as I do." Again, Vic had nothing to say. "And how dare you think I had sex with your brother. You're right, you don't know me at all." Vic walked up to me, but I just stood there, tearing pouring out of my eyes and I shook with anger. "I-I just need you, okay? I have no one as of late, but you've always made me feel alright. You always made me happy. I just need you in my life, more than ever."

"I'm sorry, Marisa," he said. I looked at him and stared him in his eyes. "I am sincerely sorry that I left you for Cara. I should have never of done something so stupid. I-I don't even know why or how you could still love me? I feel so horrible. If you don't want to be with me because of how stupid or horrible I am, I understand. B-but just know that I really am sorry and I never ever want to hurt you again. And I will always be here for you. Okay? Always."

I didn't say anything, my tears were still coming out but all I did was bring Vic into a hug. It didn't take him long to wrap his arms around me with comfort.

"Vic," I muttered. "For the longest time all I've wanted was a sincere apology from you. That's it."
Vic looked at me, bringing one hand up and wiping a tear away.

"You got it, now what?" he asked.

"I want to be with you. I want to date you and be exclusive and have no other human being be part of this. I want a relationship finally."

"I couldn't have said it better myself. We will finally be in a relationship, Iss," he said with a smile. And just like that, as easy as that was, we were finally in a relationship.

Carolina's POV:
After many calls and texts messages from Tony, I finally gave in. He wanted me to come over to his place so we could talk things out. I told him not to expect much from me anymore though. I'll give him a chance, just like I gave Marisa the chance to explain it all to me. That didn't end well.

I finally get to the house he shares with the rest of the boys and knock on the door. No later than two seconds, it opens up, revealing a very sleepy looking Tony. He smiles and sighs, opening his arms up for a hug. I shake my head and put my hands up in front of me, backing away slightly.

"No. I came here to talk to you. Nothing else," I simply say.

His smile fades away and he looks down, nodding. "Right. Come in." I walk past him and enter the empty living room, sitting down on the couch.

"Where's Mike and Jaime?" I ask as he sits down a few inches away from me.

He stares at his lap. "Out."

I nod and play with my fingers, waiting for him to say something else. When he says nothing, I let out a frustrated sigh. "So is there something you wanted to say to me? Because I really didn't want to come here. Really."

He looks up at me with a pained expression and takes his hat off, running his hand through his hair before placing it back on his head. "Carolina, I miss you."

I swallow and look away from him slightly, not wanting to fall into his words again. "That's not what I came to hear from you."


I stand up from the sofa. "Tony, no! I done with all of this begging and apologizing. I'm just over all done with all of this bullshit! I don't want this- I don't need this in my life! You and Marisa dated? Cool! You two hid it from Vic and I? Nice! That's that! Marisa already told me how all of that happened, I don't need to hear it twice."

He stands up and walks towards me, trying to grab my hands. "Let me-"

"No!" I say and back away. "I finally decide to let someone else into my life, I finally decide to trust you and grow these stupid feelings for you- and this comes out? Seriously? Were you ever going to tell me this? Or were you and Marisa just going to hide the fact that you two dated? For a year! A fucking year, Tony..." I say and shake my head.

"I'm sorry," he says, his voice cracking. "I am so sorry you had to find out by a stupid picture that a stupid, hate filled bitch sent you, Carolina. I'm sorry! But that was so long ago, it's done! We mean nothing to each other, other than friends, you got to believe me, Carolina, please!"

I cross my arms, tears forming in my eyes. "You and Marisa mean the world to me. At least you two did. Marisa was all I had and now I can't even look at her the same way. You- you meant a lot to me, Tony-"

"Carolina, don't do this-" he says and reaches out.

"But now I don't exactly know how I feel about you at the moment."

"It's no big deal, okay?!" he yells. "It was years ago, Carolina! Can't you understand that?!"

"What if you found out Vic and I dated years ago then?! What if you got a text showing a picture of Vic and I macking on each other?! How would you feel?!" I yell back.

He stays quiet and looks down. I sigh and start to walk away. "I lost my best friend.. and now I lost you too. I'm just ready to let both of you go and forget all about this."As I start to head to the door, I feel Tony grab my arm. I turn to face him, trying to get out of his grip.

"Then let's forget about it then-"

"Tony, let me go-"

"No! No, I will not let go. I will never let you go. You're everything I want and more and I can't afford to lose you. Not at all."

I stare into his eyes and feel as the tears burn mine as I try holding them back. "Please- just stop it-"

"Move in with me!"


"No, let's get an apartment together!"

"Tony- Tony, you're crazy!"

He grabs my hands and holds them in his, staring at me. "Maybe I am- fuck it! If you want to forget about all of this, then I'll give it to you! Move in with me and we could forget all about this! No more Marisa, no more problems, no nothing- just me and you, Carolina. Me and you, in our little apartment, together, and.. happy."

I stare at him, speechless and dumb founded about what he's saying to me. "An- an apartment?", I whisper.

He nods and smiles at me, excitedily. "Yes! A mother fucking apartment! You and I! Me and you!"
He cups my face in his hands and smiles at me. "I love you, Carolina. I love you so much. I'm not letting you go anymore. I'm not letting you walk out that door and forget about me. I love you and I want you, Carolina, to move in with me. So we could be happy and go on with our lives and how they were before all of this shit happened. Because I love you."

My mouth falls open and I feel a tear slide down my cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb and all I could think of is- He said he loves me.

"What do you say, baby? What do you say?" he asks and smiles, his face growing close to mine.

"I- I..." I mumble. "I- I love you too, Tony. I love you too,"I say quietly.

He gives me a big smile and presses his lips against mine, throwing his arms around me and pulling me into a tight embrace. "Move in with me, Carolina. Hearing you say those words- just, please, move in with me."

We pull away from the hug and face each other again. I don't even think twice about my answer this time.

"Of- of course- yes, yes, I'll move in with you!"

He pulls me in for another hug and I end up jumping on him, wrapping my legs around his waist as he spins me around. "I love you, I love you so much and we're going to be so happy. I promise, I'll make you happy again. I'll never hurt you like that. I promise. I love you, Carolina."

I kiss his neck and he places me on my feet again. "I love you, too. I love you, too," I say before kissing him.
Maybe I haven't lost it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Remember To Feel Real-Armor For Sleep

Alas, everything is as happy as can be. Marisa and Vic are together, Tony and Carolina are together, and Carolina and Marisa are no longer friends. A fresh new start for all, I guess.

It took awhile to update because we hadn't received much feedback. So here's hoping for more now.