Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

Take Me Back To The Person I Used To Be When You Were There For Me

I stared down at the paper that I aimlessly drew tattoo designs on. The storm trooper Jaxin wanted on the shirt was supposed to be tatted up. By aimless drawing, I was very aimless at this point. I hardly had any inspiration. I didn’t like Vic Fuentes getting to me. It wasn’t normal. I had shoved our memories to the darkest place in my mind, ever since he came back to San Diego, all the memories came back. Before he left we didn’t talk and simply passed by each other as strangers when I was over at their house. I couldn’t be the bigger person or even slightly alright that he didn’t want to be with me because of Cara. It’s as if the nights he cried over Cara: forgotten. The Warped Tour nights spent in his bunk: forgotten. The nights we spent in my once empty house, staring at the glow in the dark stars he put up: forgotten.

Nothing mattered between us anymore, it was all about Cara and Vic now.

“What are you doing?” Jaxin asked as I finished writing Dark Side in an old style font.

“Making tattoos for the storm trooper,” I responded.

“You seem a bit down and out,” he poked at my face.

“I’m not,” I sighed. “I’m sorry, my head isn’t in this right now.”

He sighed, “Honestly, that isn’t like you. You’re always into doing LBG work.”

“I know-I know. I feel horrible. I just-” before I could say anything I heard the door open. Tony walked in, a smirk on his face per usual.

“Hey Tone,” I greeted, then looking back down in an attempt to draw more.

“Hey Iss,” he said. “Jaxin, what up, man?”

“Hey man,” Jaxin said, he walked up to Tony. “What brings you by?”

“Wanted to see some new designs,” Tony replied. “Vic will be here soon, he wanted to see them too.”

I stopped what I was doing. “Why is he coming?”

“…He wanted to see the new designs,” Tony repeated.

“Dude, that doesn’t matter. He can wait to see them. He isn’t even part of Love Before Glory. It’s cool you come by because you are part of the LBG family. But you know Vic isn’t,” I said harshly.

“That’s what it is!” Jaxin shouted, finding out the problem from earlier. He nodded and then walked out of the room to make a call.

“I’m sorry,” Tony said. “I always forget…” he trailed off. I stood quiet now, feeling stupid for saying anything. “Oh so, how’s Carolina?” he asks.

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. “Good…”

“Cool, cool,” he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“She started work today,” I said. “It kind of sucks that I’m busy this week. I wanted to take her out, show her around San Diego…” I trailed off.

Tony’s POV:

That was it. I could take Carolina out to spend more time with her. She was all I thought about lately. I wanted to spend as much time with her before our next tour.

“Would it be weird if I got her number from you?” I muttered.

“Of course not,” she smiled. She took her phone out from her back pocket, and looked through it, a smile grew on her lips. “Alright its 897-5450.”

I typed it into my phone quickly. “Thanks.”

“Yeah, no problem. Wait, is that the main reason why you came down here?” she asked with a smirk playing on her lips.

“Of course not. I came to see you beat Vic up,” I chuckled.

“Hilarious, Perry, hilarious,” she rolled her eyes, then getting back to her drawings. I decided to go outside to call Carolina.

Carolina's POV:

“Carolina?” Rachel, who is my manager, calls out. I look up from the clip-board of dog names and make eye contact with her.


“It’s your break now. Thirty minutes,” she says sweetly. “You’ve been working hard since you clocked in, go ahead and take it.”

I smile. “Alright, thanks,” I say as I head towards the break room.

I walk in and head straight to the lockers to get my lunch. Once I grab the brown, paper bag, I make myself comfy on the small sofa we have in here. I open up my bag and pull out a ham sandwich, a juice box, and a bag of chips. I feel like a little girl with this sappy lunch, but it’s something.

As I look through my Twitter news-feed on my phone and munch on my sandwich, my phone picks up a call from a random number. Hmm.. I wonder who this could be.

“Uh.. hello?” I speak into my phone slowly.

They clear their throat before speaking. “Carolina?”

This voice sounds familiar, but I can’t put my finger on who it is..

“Yes, who might this be?”

“Hey! It’s Tony.”

My sandwich falls out of my other hand and my mouth falls open in shock. How did he even get a hold of my number? Not that I don’t mind, because I don’t… but...Okay, stop thinking- say something!

“O-oh! H-hey Tony, um, hi,” I manage to say. I must sound so stupid.

He chuckles and my hands begin to sweat. “Marisa gave me your number.”

I have to remind myself to thank her for this later. “Did she now?”

“Yup, she told me that she felt pretty bad about not taking you out to stroll around SD.”

“Oh, yeah.. she’s busy all week.”

“Well, I was thinking, since she can’t… maybe I could take you out? I’ve lived in San Diego practically all my life. I know some cool places.”

Oh my Lord, did this just happen? A ridiculously big smile appears on my face as I answer. “Of- of course, Tony. That would be great!”

I hear his cute little laugh. “Great! When would you like to go?”

Today. Right now. Oh wait- I’m at work. Dammit. “How about tomorrow? At two- that’s when I get out of work.”

“That would be perfect. I can pick you up at your place around.. three?”

Giving me time to get ready, beautiful. “Perfect, yes, three.”

“Cool! So, I’ll see you tomorrow? At three?”

“Yup! Not a minute late, mister.”

He laughs and it gives me butterflies. “Don’t you worry miss lady, I’ll be there right on time.”

Miss lady. Oh my.

Tony and I say our goodbyes and hang up. I stare at the half-eaten sand-which on my lap, and smile. I’ve lost my appetite, the butterflies are filling me up to the max.

I cannot wait until tomorrow, dear Lord. All I need to figure out is what to wear. Oh gosh.

Marisa's POV:
Back to being alone as Tony and Jaxin remained outside. I still felt horrible that I had no ideas in mind. I started drawing antlers when I heard the door open. I looked up slightly to see Vic walking towards me, spinning his keys on his index finger.

"Hey," I said sheepishly.

"Hey," he smiled. "I haven't seen you in awhile."

"You seen me yesterday," I mumbled, "in Jaime's room."

"Oh, yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "How are the designs coming?" he asked changing the subject.

"Not well. I'm not inspired currently, I'm not used to this," I sighed.

"I'm sure you'll be alright. So you wanna go out tonight? Cara is back in Texas for awhile-"

"Excuse me?" I cut him off. "You want to hang out because Cara is gone?"

"Well I mean-I'm free now," he muttered.

"Listen up, Fuentes," I said, dropping my pencil and looking him dead in the eyes. "I don't know if it's fun for you when Cara is around you're all hers and now that she's gone you want to hang out with me. But I don't want anything to do with you. I did, you know that, but the second she came to California that one time and it's like you didn't even remember me. But you know what Vic, fuck you. Stay the fuck away from me!" I shouted. Vic looked at me, mouth slightly open, he was stunned.
"Move to Texas with her, move to Australia, I don't care. Run away with her and may I never see your face again."

"Marisa, I-" Vic muttered out.

"I wish I never met you," I muttered as well. My eyes watered, I shook my head to make the tears go away. "I think it'd be best if you left, now."
He didn't say anything, he nodded and made his way out of the door. I didn't know if I was out of line for shouting at him, but I didn't want anything to do with Vic anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Fear of Flying-A Rocket To The Moon
Marisa's outfit

Thank you for the comments:

It definitely was wonderful motivation to write more! Please leave more feedback on here or tumblr. Excited for everyone to read the next chapter.