Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

And Now I Find It Was You All The Time

Carolina's POV:
As I’m finishing an assignment for one of my classes, my phone rings once again. I take a look at the screen though I know who it’ll be anyways. Marisa. I scoff at my phone and set it back down. I guess you could say I’m being a little immature about this, but I can’t help it. I’ve been down all week long since they left. My best friend leaving without another doubt in her mind that she shouldn’t and the guy I’m so head over heels for ending it before it even started is just really a big downer on my life right now. Being alone everyday isn’t helping either. I drop my pen and lay my head down on the desk, letting out a deep sigh. I’m even doing college homework over the weekend.
I’m pathetic.

I should have known Tony didn’t want to start anything. Who am I to take him away from music and touring? Ever since he left, he hasn’t messaged me or given me a call. I feel so stupid. I stand up from the desk in my room and walk to my bed, flopping down on it. I shut my eyes and try pushing all these thoughts away. As I do, my phone goes off, again. I roll my eyes.

“No, Issa, I don’t want to talk to you!”, I yell at my phone. Right after it’s done ringing, it goes off again. “You have got to be kidding me,” I mumble.
I decide to get up and answer the call. I’ve been ignoring them for a while now, I guess I should give her a break.

“Hello...” I mumble and run my hands through my hair.

“Look who decided to finally pick up the damn phone!” Marisa yells into the phone.

I roll my eyes. “Whatever. What do you want?” I say, trying to give her some attitude.

She laughs. “Stop! Stop being angry with me!”

“I don’t wanna talk about it- now tell me what’s going on.”

She sighs. “Well, it’s been great so far… But there’s a problem.”


After some seconds, she answers. “Yeah, Vic. And Cara…”

“Uh oh..”

“We’re already really close to Texas.. She’s going to be with us through these three days while we’re here. I don’t know if I can handle being here, Carolina. This is going to be terrible,” she groans.

I sigh and sit down on the edge of my bed. “Damn, Marisa. You should have thought of that before ditching me here. You know what was coming!”

“Oh shut up, I know. I need you here!”

I smile to myself. “Well too bad. I’m all the way in California. Boo-hoo.”


“I don’t know what to tell you, man! Guess you’re just gonna have to deal with it because there’s no way I could help with-“

“Carolina I’m flying you out!!”

I stop talking and stare at my wall, surprised. “W-what?”

I hear her chuckle. “I’m flying you out to Texas with me.”

“Marisa, what?! I- I- how? What?!” I say and stand up, pacing around the room.

“You’re crazy!”

“No, I’m not! I’m a genius! I’ve missed you so much and the guilt of me leaving you all alone is eating me up from the inside. Plus, I really need you right now. I can’t be here with Cara. I need you. So this is perfect.”

The first worry to pop in my head isn’t about my job, or school, or flying out far away… But it’s Tony. “But.. I just- I don’t know... It would be weird, wouldn’t it?”

Marisa sighs, realizing who I’m talking about. “Tony hasn’t been himself, he’s beating himself up over what happened that day... He’s told me about it.”

“Well he shouldn’t. I told him I understood, so, whatever!” I say crossing my arms, trying to act like I don’t care.

“Stop... It’s not whatever. Look, it’ll be a huge surprise for him and the rest of the boys! You know you want to see Tony. You know you want to come.”

I bite my lip and look around the room, fidgeting my leg up and down.
I just feel embarrassed with the whole Tony thing. Embarrassed and stupid. I was taking things too fast with him, I should have seen it coming. But then again, I shouldn’t let him stop me from going to go see my see best friend. I could go and ignore him and act like nothing ever happened, yeah, I could do that.

“Okay!” I say cheerfully. “Fly me out to Texas!”

“Fuck yeah! This is going to be amazing!” she says happily. “Start packing girl!”

I laugh. “How will I know where to go?!”
“I’ll pick you up! Don’t you worry!”

I smile and sit down on the bed.
“Sounds good, Issa. See you in Texas!”

“I’m so excited to see you! This will be a good time. See yeah then!”

Once we hang up, I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. By tomorrow, I’ll be with Marisa having a great time. Finally. My thoughts keep revolving around Tony though. I sigh and stand up to grab my empty luggage bags from inside my closet, throwing them on my bed. Guess we’ll just see how this is going to work out. All I know, is that I’ll be keeping my distance from him. That’s for sure.

Finally, after a long, boring flight, I arrive to my destination. I grab all my luggage and stumble to where the waiting area is. Marisa told me that she’ll be waiting there for me, I could spot her from a mile away so it should be pretty easy.
I scan the room, not once, but three times. No Marisa. Maybe she’s late? I sigh and pull out my phone to call her. It goes straight to voice mail. Seriously? She’s going to pull this on me?

I walk more into the waiting area and scan the room again. Then, as I run my eyes over all the standing and chatting people, my eyes spot someone very familiar. I squint my eyes at this person, trying to see who it is. I gasp as I finally come to the realization that’s it Tony.

“Oh my fucking…” I mumble with my mouth open.

I can’t move, I’m completely frozen where I stand. My heart feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest. Everything seems to pass by in slow motion, the chatting people around me seem to grow mute and time seems to stop as I watch him look up and make eye contact with me. I notice that he’s holding a medium sized paper in his hands along with a bouquet of lotuses and roses. His face quickly grows a smile, which makes me want to cry, as he lifts up the paper that reads: “Carolina?”

A ridiculously huge smile appears on my face and I cover my mouth with my hands. He’s walking towards me now and some how, my feet move again. Next thing I know, his body is thrown against mine as his arms wrap around me tightly. I wrap my arms around his neck and feel a little bit of tears swell up in my eyes.
Agh, don’t cry, silly! That’s embarrassing!
He pulls away from me, keeping a hand on my back and stares right into my eyes. He let’s out a small chuckle and grins, sending my heart into a flutter of beats. “Hey…” he murmurs.

I smile at him, our faces inches apart. “H-hi..." I say, barley above a whisper.

“Did you have a nice flight?”

I stare at him, smiling, for some seconds before answering. “Yes, I did...”

He nods. “That’s great...”

His eyes glance at my lips and then he makes eye contact with me again. “I’m sorry," he whispers. “I’m the biggest fucking idiot on Earth for not giving you a real answer. I want to be with you, Carolina. You’re all I want. And I’m sorry- I’m so sorry for-“

I don’t even let him finish his sentence. I smash my lips against his, pulling him by the collar of his shirt, and start to kiss him like I’ve never kissed him before. His hands land on my hips and he pulls me closer as I lay my hand on the back of his head. Lord knows how long we were there making out, but I could care less who was watching us.

We break away from each other and smile. “I hope that means that you’ll forgive me.”

I laugh and peck his lips. “Of course I do."

He smiles and lifts up the bouquet of flowers, handing them to me. “Could I make it official?”

I take the flowers and smile. “Official?”

He nods. “Let me take you out to dinner tonight. Let me do this the right way.”

I hold his hand in mine and nod. “I would love to go to the dinner with you, Tony.”

He gives me a smile before connecting our lips once more. “You deserve the best," he says before grabbing my luggage.

I blush a little and walk by his side to his car. “I think I already have the best now," I say.

Marisa's P.O.V:
I sat on the couch with my laptop on my lap. I was listening to Just Like Vinyl with my my earbuds in. There was nothing to do on the bus, everyone was asleep but Tony and Vic. Tony left and Vic went on a walk with Cara.

Vic and I were friends now, but with Cara around now I really needed Carolina. Tony convinced me to let him pick her up alone, I agreed because he wanted to finally make it official. I was feeling like a horrible best friend though, Carolina had every right to be upset with me. I left without even thinking about her having to be alone for months. I was hoping that flying her out to Texas would make things slightly better, I could make it up to her somehow.

I felt the couch shift and my earbud being tugged out. I turned and it was Vic.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on him.

"I'm home, darling!" he said, ruffling my hair.

"Where's Cara?" I asked.

"She's in the back lounge getting something."

"How was the walk?"

"Fine. Jesus why are you dressed so nice? You're a merch girl, quit being so attractive. Then everyone is going to hit on you tonight!"

"Good, maybe I'll finally get a damn boyfriend. I'm tired of being alone, man," I chuckled.

"You're not alone, you have Carolina, the guys, and me," he said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Before I could say anything, I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to see Cara there. Vic didn't pull away immediately, he greeted her then pulled away.

"What are you doing?" she asked skeptically.

"Just talking," he shrugged. "I have to go to my bunk real quick, we'll leave after."

"Alright," Cara nodded. Vic rose from his spot next to me and walk passed Cara. I felt awkward, I never really talked to Cara. Neither of us tried to because she knew I was with him before.

"Are you excited for the show tonight?" I blurted out. She just looked at me. I wanted to laugh because it was extremely awkward at this point.

"Look," she spoke, "I know you're still in love with Vic. But he's mine now. So you back off. I don't want you talking to him anymore."

"We currently work and live together, what you want me to avoid him?"

"I don't care what you do. I don't like you and he never will again. Get over him already. Why won't you get it into your head that he doesn't want you and he never really did. If he did, don't you think he would have committed or picked you over me."

"I may still have feelings for him, but the fact that you can't be mature makes you pathetic. Great, he picked you, congratufckinglations! We're friends, there's no reason to freak out and have me stop talking to him."

"You're going to stop talking to him. Otherwise I'll have him stop talking to you. We both know I have that kind of control over him," she smirked. "Or maybe I'll just break his heart all over again."

"You'd seriously crush him," I muttered. She kept the smirk on her face.

I looked back at my computer screen, "Sure, I won't talk to him. Whew, I bet you were worried you weren't going to get your way. Weren't you, weren't you?" I asked, talking to her like a dog at the end.

Vic came from the back quickly, "You ready?"

"Yeah," Cara smiled.

"Alright. See ya, Iss," Vic said. I waved slightly as they made their way out of the door.
I closed my eyes and put my head back on the couch. I could not win. I think I was meant to have a Vic Fuentes-less life. I heard the door open but I didn't want to look. It was probably Vic and Cara back for something. I heard footsteps, but I didn't want to open my eyes at all.

"Is she dead? Oh God, she's dead," I heard the familiar voice say.

"Nah, she can't be," the other familiar voice said.

"Dibs on that laptop if she's dead though," I knew that voice too well. I opened one eye to see Carolina and Tony. "Damn no laptop."

"Dick," I said, both eyes open now. I put my laptop on the couch and got up to hug Carolina. "I missed you. I'm sorry I'm a crappy friend. I'll try to make it up to you, honest."

"I missed you too. I'm sure you will," she joked.

"Where's Vic?" Tony asked.

"He left with Cara," I said. Tony nodded, then walked to the bunks. Carolina was ready to follow but I grabbed her arm.

"Ow, what?"

"I have to tell you something," I whispered.

"What?" she whispered.

"Cara told me not to speak to Vic anymore. She said if I didn't stop she'd make him stop or break his heart."

"What? But wouldn't you get him if she broke up?" she asked.

"Very doubtful, but I know he's head over heels for her, I don't want him hurt."

"So you're just going to stop?" she asked.

"I have to," I sighed.

Tony popped his head out of the bunk area, "Carolina, are you coming?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "Will talk more later, okay?"
I nodded and smiled, "See ya."
Carolina walked to Tony and they both disappeared. I sat back down on the couch again and placed my laptop on my lap again. My phone went off next to me.

At the mall. Seen some kid with an LBG shirt. Proud of you baby girl. -Vic

I couldn't even text back. All I could do was stare at this. I have the worst luck ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Sing Softly To Me-Kings Of Convenience

Marisa's outfit

Sorry it took awhile to update. Been busy, plus Warped Tour was Friday.

Cara is quite the jerk, huh? At least Marisa is nice enough to keep Vic happy with her, right? But how is Vic going to feel now that they pretty much aren't friends again? Finally luck was on Carolina's side though, now Tony is all her's. I wonder how their date will be?

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