Status: Active! :)

I'm Convinced We Don't Make Sense

This Could Mean Everything Or Nothing At All

“You’re looking too pretty for a show," Tony says as he walks to me, eyeing me up and down.

I clear my throat and feel a little self conscious at his stare. “It’s not like I’m going in the crowd. Besides, I want to be ready for after the show," I say and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him to me. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me, kissing the side of my head.

“After the show? What’s happening after the show?”

I pull away and narrow my eyes at him. “Very funny, Tone.”

He raises his eyebrows at me, pulling away from our embrace. “I’m serious.”

We stare at each other for a good minute before he cracks up laughing. “You know I’m kidding," he says and pulls me to him again, kissing my cheeks.

I nudge him on his arm. “Yeah, you’re really funny, Tony," I say, laughing.

“I’m really looking forward to it," he says and starts to kiss me.

“Ay Tony- oops, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you two," Vic says, walking into the room.
I laugh and pull away from Tony, slightly embarrassed that we got caught.

“What’s up man?” Tony says as he straightens out his snap-back. He’s so handsome.
“Just wanted to see if you’re all set and ready for the show?”

“You know it," he says with a nod.

Vic smiles. “Jonny-Tech needs to see you real fast for a sec though! Mind going over to him?”

Tony nods and turns to me. “I’ll be back," he says and pecks my lips. I smile and wave at him as he walks out the room.

Now it’s just Vic and I. I sigh as I realize that I don’t really know much about him. I’ve only really connected with Tony and Mike so far. The only things I know about Vic are what Marisa has told me.
I take a seat on the small, messed up sofa in the room and sigh. Where’s Marisa when I need her?

“Mind if I take a sit?” he asks.

“Seat?” I correct.

He sits down next to me and chuckles. “Sit. I am sitting.”

I nod slowly and stare at my hands. “Oh," I murmur, embarrassed. Embarrassing me twice in one day, good going Victor.

“So, you and the Tonester seem to be doing pretty good!”

I look at Vic and smile. “Yeah, we are. He’s amazing.”

He nods. “That’s great to hear. He was really bummed out for leaving you. But now he’s never been happier! I heard he’s taking you out to a little dinner after the show?”

I nod happily. “Yes, he is.”

“Aw, he’s such a Romeo," he says and puts his hands to his heart as a dramatic effect.

I can’t help but laugh. “He really is though!”

Vic laughs it off. “But that’s good. He really likes you. Trust me, I know. The boy doesn’t shut up about it.”

I smile to myself, butterflies in my stomach. “I really like him too... Marisa would say the same about me," I chuckle.

“Oh Issa. We’re both on the same boat I guess. She’s at the merch table huh?”

I nod. “Yup.”

“Maybe she’ll catch a little of the show. I hope she does… It’s always nice seeing her there, watching us play...” I stare at Vic, noticing how pensive he is while talking about Marisa. There’s something else there. I know it.

“How’s it been, Vic..?” I ask quietly.

He snaps out of his thoughts and looks up at me. “Huh?”
I shouldn’t ask him about this. Marisa wouldn’t like it all and it’s not my business to get involved with Vic’s emotions and feelings. We’re not even on that level, but I just can’t help it. I need to know Vic’s point of view in all of this.

“I know the history behind you and Issa…” I mumble and look down. “I was just wondering how it’s been going for you two on the this tour together…” I say and shrug like it’s no big deal.

I look up at Vic again. He puts his lips together and then sighs. “Well, it’s been good… I mean, I think it’s been good…” Ha, if only he knew how his girlfriend was feeling. “Her and Jaime.. They seem really close now. She’s really over me, so there’s not much I can-“

Just then, Cara walks in the room. “Vic?”

Vic snaps his head up and clears his throat. “Hey, baby!” He stands up and walks to her, kissing her.
I sigh and take my phone out to distract myself.

“What are you doing back here?” she asks him.

“Just chilling with Carolina before the show. How’s the crowd?”

“They’re pretty crazy out there! I’m just going to stay in here until your set is done, alright?”

“Aw, okay then... I’m gonna go and see what’s up with Jonny and the guitars.”
Vic leaves the room, leaving Cara and I here. If I had it in me, I’d slap her for what she said to Marisa earlier. Why can’t Vic just open his eyes? Cara walks around the room, studying everything.

“Where’s your friend?” I hear her ask.

“Huh?” I say and look up.

She turns to look at me. “Marisa. Where is she?” she snaps.

I scoff and look down at my phone. “Well, she’s the merch girl. So obviously, at the merch table.” I’m not going to tolerate her bitchy attitude towards me. Think again, Cara.

I can feel Cara’s eyes burning holes into my head. “Good," she says.

I roll my eyes. She’s pathetic and I can’t stand staying in the same room as her. I stand up and without another word, walk out to find Tony. Almost immediately, I find him. He’s messing around with one of his many guitars, tuning it. Once he sees me approaching, a smile appears on his face and he carefully sets it down.

“Carolina! We’re almost up! You gonna be watching from the sides?” he asks.

“Why? So you could show off your mad skills?”, I say as he throws him arms over me.

“I want you to see what I’m all about!” he says and kisses my hair.

“Of course I’ll be watching.”

“It’s almost time! Get ready!” Casey says.
The boys do their little stretches, Jaime jumps around, and Vic punches Mike in the arm a couple of times while shouting ‘Pantera’, before the spanish music starts to play.

“I’ll be looking over here for my good luck charm!” Tony says before kissing me.

I giggle at his cheesy, yet cute, comment and pinch his cheek. “I’ll be right here then.”

“Wish my good luck charm was here. She’s too busy selling clothes!” Jaime says and snaps his fingers.
Vic gives Jaime a look and before I know it, they all run out on stage. The crowd goes crazy right as they do.

It’s amazing, everything about it. I’ve never seen Tony so active before. He goes crazy up on that stage, giving it his all. It’s so cute. As he flips his guitar around I see him glance up at me and grin. I smile back and give him a thumbs up before he faces the crowd again. As they’re finishing up their set, I decide to go back to the backstage lounge and wait for Tony and the boys to arrive. I look at my phone and see a text from Marisa.
How did they do?! Amazing, right? :)
I smile and reply with: FUCKING amazing! Jaime wishes you were there watching!
Seconds later, I receive a reply from her.
Aw, tell him that because of his famous band I’m stuck out here with all these fan girls. :p hah
Haha! I’ll tell him!

As I go into the lounge I see Cara on her phone. I decide to take a seat next to her on the couch because I don’t feel like standing anymore.

“You stood through their whole set?” she asks me.

I take a quick look at her. “Well, yeah.”

She chuckles. “It’s the same thing every time.”, she says and rolls her eyes.

“I’ve never seen it before, besides I wanted to be there to watch Tony play. I’m sure Vic would have loved you there," I say before bringing my attention back to my phone.
Before she could reply, the boys run inside the room.

“What a show! What a show!” Jaime yells out while wiping off the sweat on his face with a towel.

Vic, Mike, and Tony come up shortly behind him, all of them completely drenched in sweat. I stand up so Mike and Vic can take a seat and I make my way to Tony. He rubs his face with his towel one last time before throwing his arms around me. I flinch away from him as soon as my body sticks to his.

“Tony! You’re all sweaty!” I yell out and push him away. He laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me back to him and his sweat. I manage to get away from his grip and stumble back, accidentally bumping into Cara.

“Hey!”, she exclaims and shoves me off of her, making me stumble back to Tony.

“I’m sorry!” I say, shocked.

Tony grabs me by my hips and stares up at Cara with an annoyed look. “Way to have her back, Cara," he says.

I clear my throat and start to laugh, trying to break the awkward in the room.

“She bumped into me," Cara says and walks to Vic. She sits on his lap and Vic nudges her off.

“I’m really sweaty right now- and she stumbled, no need to be rude.” Cara gives him a dirty look before walking out the room.

“Cara! Cara?” Vic yells out. He sighs and stands up. “Sorry Carolina. I’ll be back to help pack up, promise," he says before chasing after her.

“Well…” we hear Mike say. “That was a little too dramatic! Anyways- how did you like the show?”
I smile. “You guys are fucking amazing up there!”

Jaime does a little dance before falling on the couch. “We try, we try!”

I turn to Tony. “And you! I barely recognized you up there!” He laughs and looks down.

“Yep, I think out of all of us, Tony changes the most. He’s a fucking maniac," Mike adds.

I hear Tony laugh one of his cute little laughs and I hold his hand in mine. “You’re amazing," I say only low enough so he could hear.

He gives me a look that I can’t even explain in my own words. His eyes lighten up even more than before and his face grows one of the most cutest smiles I’ve ever seen on boy in my whole life.
He brings me up to his chest and gives me a long kiss. Tony isn’t a fan of PDA, so it surprises me when he does so.

“Aw! Vato! Come on!” Mike whines.
We pull away from each other and I feel my cheeks grow hot.

“I miss Issa. I should go check on her-“ Jaime says and gets up.

I look up at Tony, who’s still smiling at me, and feel this feeling in the pit of my stomach grow.
As we stare into each others eyes, it grows even bigger, filling me up. My heart starts to beat faster, my mind starts to think only about him, and my stomach does these crazy flips, non-stop.
Whoa… what? At first I’m scared of this feeling… Last time I felt this was a very long time ago and I ended up getting badly hurt.. But this- this is different. Tony, he’s different, in amazing ways too. So instead of getting scared and pushing away the feeling, I keep it. I plan on keeping it too, so long as he feels the same way.

“I have to help and get things packed up a bit- and then meet some of those amazing fans, alright?”Tony says. “I want you to wait for me in the tours bus. If that’s okay with you?” he says sweetly.
I’m still a bit flustered by that kiss and all the emotions in me, but I manage to nod. “O-okay. Of course.”

He smiles at me and pecks my lips. “Be careful going out there. I’ll be fast.”

I nod and grab my bag from the sofa before walking out the room. I pass by hundreds of people, most of them wearing Pierce the Veil shirts. I end up walking by the PTV merch table and I see Marisa handing shirts and grabbing money at a very fast pace. Shortly after, I hear girls start to yell out Jaime’s name. I laugh as I see Jaime approach Marisa behind the merch table, ushers immediately stand around Jaime as the fan girls start to run to him.
Marisa gives Jaime a hug and dirty look and I laugh, walking out the venue. I’ll talk to her later. She seems a bit... Busy.
I finally get to the tour bus and grab the keys from inside of my bag, unlocking it. I hurriedly get in, shutting the door behind me. I sit down on the couch and tilt my head back, letting out a sigh. I wonder where he’s going to take me... I wonder what’s going to happen... I wonder...
I wonder all these things and play out little scenarios in my mind about how Tony would act like. I never thought moving to San Diego with my best friend would leave me ending up with an amazing guitarist in an amazing band. Now I’m here, sitting in their tour bus, in Texas, waiting for the lovely lad to take me out. As I shut my eyes to rest, there’s loud knocking on the door. I question myself if I should open it. For all I know, it might be a fan...

“It’s Marisa! Open up!” I hear. Relieved, I get up and open the door. She looks so tired.

“Finally! Done!” she says before flopping down on the sofa. I laugh and walk up to her.

“Oh, you poor poor merch girl..."I say as I pat her head. She glares at me and groans.

”Poor poor merch girl indeed," she groans.

Marisa's POV:
"So you loved the show, right?" I asked.

"Of course I did. Tony is such a different person on stage!" she exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, he definitely is," I took my phone out, ready to text the guys. "I wonder what we're doing tonight..."

"I thought you were tired?" she asked.

"I was-am. Not sure. I'm up for merching more, to be honest. But the guys said I should come hang out with you. But I know we're going to do something tonight."

"Some of us have dates tonight," she scoffed, flipping her hair.

"Ooh, I bet you're going to have a nice night, huh?" I asked.

"I'm sure I will," Carolina smiled.

"Please don't have sex on this bus while we're all asleep. I'll literally go to the bunk and vomit. At least let your first time together be in something that isn't moving..."

"Aw damn, I was totally thinking about having sex for the first time with him on a ride at Disneyland-"

"I would kill you both if you did that," I stared at her.

"We won't," she rolled her eyes. "You haven't had sex on a tour bus?"

"I have but I want better for you, perf princess," I said with a sweet smile.

"So what's the deal with you and Jaime?" Carolina asked, pulling her phone out.

"What do you mean?"
The bus door opened and it was Vic, by himself. I was too afraid to say anything because I didn't know if he'd mention us talking to Cara.

"Hey ladies," Vic said cheerfully. I smiled, then looked down at my phone to text Mike.

Mikey! What are we doing tonight?

"What brings you here, Vic?" Carolina asked him.

"I just came to change real quick. What are you guys doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Tony, Marisa is probably waiting for the others," Carolina explained.

"Have fun on your date," Vic said, walking to the back.

"Thank you," I said to her.

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes. My phone went off and it was Mike.

Bus hangs. No other random girls though. Jaime and I will be there in a bit for movie marathon while others go out. Sound good, love?

Perfect! Hurry I miss you guys!

"What were you saying about Jaime, again?" I asked.

"Well he said you were his good luck charm earlier. Then he went off to see you at the merch table..."

"Honestly dude, we're in a weird spot. We don't want to date each other, but we like the idea of having "someone", plus he keeps my mind off of-"

"Alright girls, I'll see you both later," Vic said bursting out from the back. He walked up to Carolina and ruffled her hair, a smirk on his face. Then he came up to me and kissed the top of my head. "Have a nice night," he bowed to both of us then got off of the bus.

"Vic. Do you see how he acts now that we're friends? I feel somewhat terrible because I feel like I'm using Jaime just keep my mind off of Vic. But it's not like Jaime minds," I roll my eyes.
The bus door opened, Carolina seemed eager as we awaited who came on. Unfortunately for her, it was Mike and Jaime.

"Girls!" Mike shouted.

"Boys!" I shouted back.

"Where's Tortuga?" Mike asked.

"Wow, way to go. You lost him!" Carolina exclaimed.

"Because he's our responsibility," Jaime scoffed, coming to sit next to me. Mike walked over to the counter to pour himself a drink.

"He's probably out doing something," Mike said with a wave of the hand.

"Yo, no bus sex tonight," Jaime said, pointing his finger at Carolina.

"Why does everyone think I'm going to have sex? Can't a couple go on a date without having sex after?"

"Of course they can, but why would they want that?" Mike asked, sitting at the table.

"Here, I'll help you find him," Jaime said.

"Thanks Jaime," Caroline perked up. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye," Mike and I said.

"I'll be back," Jaime said, kissing my cheek then getting up. Carolina and Jaime walked off the bus leaving Mike and I alone.

"So when is it my turn?" Mike asked.


"When do I get to be your PTV love interest?" he smirked. I punched his arm and narrowed my eyes on him.

"You're so funny."

"What? No one else commented on this? I mean, I am all that's left..." he shrugged.

"I've always seen you as a brother, if we did anything it would be weird-"

"No I totally get you. I'm on that page, but I figured I'd ask. Take a shot, ya know?"

I rolled my eyes. "I should feel like a groupie for this, but I really don't..."

"No one else sees it like that either because you were never officially with either of them," he shrugged. "No harm no foul....But seriously? Who was the best one-"

I rose to my feet quickly, "...And this conversation is over. I'm going to go get changed. Pick a movie- but not Harry Potter, Jaime and I aren't fans."

"Watch your mouth!" he shouted as I walked to the bunk area. I rifled through the small bag where my pajamas were. Not even a more than ten seconds into undressing, the door busts open and it's Jaime.

"What? Did you hear my pants start to slide off?" I asked.

"No," he chuckled. He closed the door and grabbed me by the waist, then immediately pushing his lips onto mine.

He broke the kiss and stared into my eyes, "I missed you. I wish you were there watching us play."

"I do too," I smiled. It was almost annoying how wonderful Jaime was. A small part of me truly did want him, but every other part was too wrapped up over Vic Fuentes.

Carolina's POV:
“You two love birds have fun! Bring her back safe or Issa will cut you!” Jaime says. Tony and I laugh.

“Go away Jaime!” Tony says. Jaime waves us off before going inside the bus.

Tony claps his hands together and sighs. “So, beautiful miss, are you ready to have a nice night with me?” he says, grinning.

My heart flutters around in my chest and I clutch my small bag in my hands. “I’m more than ready.” He smiles and grabs my hand, holding it in his. Before we start to walk anywhere, he stares at me for a good minute.

“Tony…?” I ask, confused.
He makes eye contact with me and sighs. “You look beautiful," he says.

Is it even safe for my heart to beat this fast? I didn’t think it was possible to have this many butterflies in my stomach. I’m speechless, so I just stare at him with a ridiculously big smile stamped on my face. He pulls me to him and gives me a long kiss. “You’re beautiful and I’m lucky to have you in my arms." he says, pulling away from the kiss.

I stare up at him, speechless once again. “Tony- Tony if you keep on doing this, you’re gonna have to take me back on the tour bus early..”

He laughs and we start to walk down to a taxi that’s parked up against the curb. “Sorry. I can’t help it. Now-“ he opens up the taxi door. “Into your chariot my lady.”I grin at him before sliding into the car seat. Tony makes his way next to me and shuts the door.

“You know where to!” he says and hands the man driving a $20 bill. The man nods and smiles at us before driving away.

“Where you taking me to, Tone?”

He simply smiles. “No questions.”

“Ton-," I start to say, but my words get cut off by his kiss. I don’t ask anymore questions along the way anymore.

The cab finally comes to a stop and I lift my head up from Tony’s shoulder.
“Have a nice night, you two," the man says.

“Thank you," Tony and I say at the same time. Tony helps me out of the cab once he’s out and we start to walk to a nice little restaurant in front of us. The sign reads: “Rise”
It’s a green building which looks very nice from the outside, I could only imagine how it would look from the inside. I smile at Tony as he opens the doors for me, leading us to a podium with a waiter behind it. There’s lanterns of light everywhere, people quietly eating their meals, and it overall, looks like it could be in one of those fancy movies.
“Perry," Tony says to the waiter. He smiles at us both before grabbing two menus and walking away from the podium.

“Hello. If you could follow me so I could take you to your table," he says nicely.
We follow him through the aisle of tables until we finally get to one next to the window. We take a seat across from each other and he places the black menus in his hands in front of us.

“Any drinks to start off with?” he says and takes out a small notepad.

Tony clears his throat. “Could we just have a bottle of wine?”

The waiter nods. “Of course. I’ll be right back with it and for your orders," he says before walking away. I chuckle and stare at my menu.

“What?” Tony asks with a smile.

“This is so fancy," I say, looking up at him. “Just an hour ago we were at a show, now we’re in a fancy restaurant about to drink and eat fancy stuff.”

He laughs. “You deserve fancy. I want you to have a good time.”

I sigh and reach for his hand, playing around with his fingers. “Tony, I have a good time every time I’m with you.”

He smiles one of those smiles again and that look he gave me from earlier at the show returns. I make myself look away from it, I just can’t handle it. I’m falling for him so hard. The warm feeling in my stomach is just growing bigger and bigger with every second I’m with him.
The waiter comes back and serves us our wine. I look up at Tony and before letting go of his hand, he lifts it up to his mouth and gives it a kiss. Am I falling in love with this guy? Am I really- after a few months of knowing him and barley a couple of days of being with him- falling in… love with him?He sets my hand down and we clink our wine glasses together.

“Cheers to a beautiful night with a beautiful girl," he says.
I giggle and put the glass to my mouth, sipping the wine.I think I am. I actually think I’m falling in love with him. Surprisingly, it doesn’t scare me. I’m going to dance on the edge and hold his hand and fall in love with him because I want to. I don’t know if he feels the same, I don’t know if he’s falling in love with me, I don’t know...But I’m going to let go and let whatever happen, happen.

“You ready to order?” he asks me.

I smile at him and nod. “Yup.”

“Alright, let’s get our grub on!”

“Wow, my stomach- I have a feeling this dress is going to rip open," I say and pat my full belly.

He chuckles and opens the cab door for me, letting me in.

“Even with a ripped dress, you’d still be the most cutest girl here.”

I blush and cuddle close to him as he makes his way inside. “Tony- why are you so cheesy?”
His chest vibrates under my head as he laughs. He pays the cab driver and off we go, back to the tour bus. I wrap my arm around him as he does the same with his, and I shut my eyes at the feel of his fingers roaming up and down my back.

“I had an amazing night. Thank you," I murmur.

I feel him kiss the top of my head. “I’m glad to hear that. Anything for you.”I squeeze him tighter and kiss his chest. This is bliss.

“I think they’re asleep now… We should be quiet," Tony murmurs as he unlocks the tour bus door. I follow him inside and, shockingly, it’s silent in here. The only light is coming from the tv. Casey is knocked out on the couch with the remote in his hand. There’s beer bottles and empty whiskey bottles everywhere.
“Wow. They must have had a good movie night," Tony says quietly. “Come on..." he says and grabs my hand. I follow him to the back where all the bunks are. I hear Jaime snoring and I check inside his bunk where I find Marisa asleep in his arms. I smile to myself and shut the curtain.

“I’m gonna get inside my pajamas real fast," I say as I grab my duffle bag from the floor. Tony nods and walks into the bathroom. I pull out a grey tank top and some black shorts. I pull off my dress and place it safely inside the duffle, along with the jewelry. I try pulling my tank on, but it gets tangled up from the back.

“Fuck," I mumble as I try to pull it down.

I hear Tony laugh from behind. “Help?” I try to nod. I feel his hands grab the shirt from behind. He slowly rolls it down until it’s finally on me.

I let out a sigh and face him. “Thank you," I smile. He nods and opens up the curtain to his bunk.

“No problem. Ready for sleeps?” he asks and raises his eyebrows at me. I get butterflies in my stomach from the idea of falling asleep with him. Laying together, so close together, in the small bunk. I nod and crawl in, laying on my side. I watch as he pulls off his shirt and slides in, laying right next to me.
“So many tattoos," I say and touch his stomach.

His chuckles and pulls me closer to him. “This one took forever. I could still kinda feel the needles on my skin.”

“Aw, poor baby," I say and reach up to kiss him.
The kiss, which was meant to be a small peck, turns into a deep, long make out session. Tony’s hand is planted on the back of my neck and then, somehow, makes its way down to my hips. I have to take small breaks in between the kiss, to take in some air. His fingers crawl into my shorts and I feel myself start to get a little carried away as I pull him on top of me, his other hand reaching up my shirt. Everything leaves my mind. I’m stuck in this moment, not wanting Tony to stop his hands from roaming my body. But then- someones loud snore snaps me back to reality. My eyes open and I pull away from the deep kiss. Tony looks down on me, his breathing heavy. I put my hand on his cheek and smile. “I told Marisa I wouldn’t do anything on the tour bus," I whisper.

He chuckles and kisses my neck. “She’s knocked out- they all are.”

My heart starts to beat faster as I feel his lips on my neck. “Tony- Tony..." I giggle. “I want to- believe me, I do, but... not here...”

He lifts his head up and stares into my eyes.

“I’m sorry,“ I say and look away.

He chuckles. “Why? Don’t say sorry. It’s okay, I understand. I wouldn’t want our first time together to be in a tour bus on a small bunk either. You deserve way better than that.”
He makes his way off of me and pulls me back to him, to the same position we were before the whole scene. “Who knows how long I’ll have it in me to wait, though," I murmur.
He plays with my hair and my eyes start to shut at the feel of it.

“Hmm?” I murmur, my eyes still shut.

“I think it’s safe to say that you’ve made me a whole new level of happy," he says.

My eyes open and I give him another small kiss on his lips, then I lay my head back down on his chest, gripping my arms around him tighter. “And I think it’s safe for me to say the same about you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Let Love Bleed Red- Sleeping With Sirens

Carolina's outfit

Long chapter, sorry if it was really overwhelming.

So much to say, but I want to hear from you all. What did you think? Was there anything you really liked or didn't like? Please give feedback in the comments or on tumblr: