Status: Active

Salesta the Sorceress

Chapter 1

I was opening the book slowly, shivering. I could sense something wrong, I knew something worse than my present condition would happen as soon as I open it but I just couldn’t resist. I was sure that it was magic that was forcing me to open it. I knew it very well. But still it seemed as though I had no choice left at all. BUT, I knew better; I knew better than opening it. I threw it away as far as I could. It banged into a bookshelf knocking all the books down.

The librarian came thundering right towards me with a serious expression on her face, which seemed even more serious with her bun tight on her slim and long face. The lady did not yell or shout at me but glared frozen like ice for a couple of moments at me and then at the bookshelf that was now empty.

She walked away to pick up all the books with the tick-tock tick-tock of the pencil heels of her sandals reverberating off the marble floor. She was probably thunderstruck because she saw me covered with blood.

Earlier, I was being chased by an army of goblins and now, I found myself in this gigantic library, all smeared with blood. But one thing was for sure, this was not human blood because human blood is never orange...


Let’s start from the beginning...It was a clear day and I had gone fishing with Dad. The nearby pond was where we both spent our weekends, fishing.

I dipped my rod in the water. Nothing came for fifteen minutes. I was just about to pull it up loosing hope when I felt a forceful pull in the rod. I smiled. I had caught something at last! But, it was way too heavy for me to pull it all by myself. So, I called Dad. Dad rushed to help me bring it upwards. We managed it with great difficulty.

Up came something, or someone, definitely not a fish from any angle. It was a 3ft human with green mischievous eyes and large pointed ears. He wore an over-sized red T-shirt which did not suite his pale crooked face at all. He jumped down the hook and approached me his eyes changing colour from green to black, black to blue, blue to yellow, yellow to green again, and finally to red, evil red.

I stepped back as hundreds of his kind, hundreds more of those scary eyes stepped out of the pond all soaked wet. All the goblins came running towards me. I decided to do the easiest thing I could think of- I decided to flee.

They were all chasing me like I could get them a lot of money. This determination of theirs did not worry me as much as the thought of Dad left behind. He was nowhere to be seen. Becoming more and more anxious about this, I doubled my speed jumped behind the entrance wall praying to God that they did not see me.

Actually, I was absolutely wrong. Such a big fool I had been. They had all seen me clearly. ‘It’s all right,’ I comforted myself, ‘What else could I have done?I did not have any other choice.’

Now came the worst of all. All the goblins came closer and surrounded me. Tears rolled down my cheeks my back pressing hard against the rough granite as I was cornered. I learned that it causes pain, a lot of pain finding yourself enclosed inside a chamber of weird creatures.

I fainted.

This is the story of my first encounter with magic creatures.