Status: Life is happening right now, but I will try to post.



"Fan out," the blood raider said to another, who was scavenging quietly in the nearby city. They had beat the heat by going at night and were well armed with a couple of rifles.

He felt some eyes watching them from the shadows. Something was eerily waiting. Then he saw it. Canned goods, packets of cigs, old wine, cloth and other materials were scattered from one end of the street, not in a line, but if you looked at it from a bit farther you could see it leading to a dark corner. The other man he was with was taking the bait, not realizing anything.

"Come back," he whispered sharply, but the man only looked at him stupidly. "Now..." He emphasized the word, trying to convey what he was seeing.

A nighty slowly crept along the wall above the man. It was silent until a proboscis shot out of its mouth and crashed into the man's skull, with a sickening crunch.

"Shit!" the blood raider fired, shooting both the nighty and his comrade. He managed to graze it and it let out a screech. He spun around, as fast as all the weight he had scavenged could let him and started to run. They found so much stuff this time. All in the same area, too.

Suddenly the sound of a rifle was heard from behind him. It missed him by a long shot. Was the man alive? No, that was impossible.

He returned fire, turning and shuffling backwards. The scene before him was that of about thirty nighties or so, scattered all along the street and more still emerging from the shadows. When had they become this quiet? They clicked and screeched at each other, as if communicating. There were some more right above him, and in front as well. Less quiet, and growling with their deformed throats.

But what chilled him was the nighty in the center. Humanoid, except for longer limbs and bug-like eyes. At the end of his long arm was his comrade's rifle, clumsily being held.

There was one last scream from human lungs that night. It came right before the owner of it became dismembered.


Severity quietly sat at a corner of the large room. She was called by the Boss to this one, which he sometimes did. A bigger bed meant he could be more creative, after all. But all he was doing right now was argue with the other two people who had barged in uninvited. They were talking about the prisoner once again, which happened everyday for the past week. Personally, she didn't really care about the whole mess of a situation it had become. It was none of her concern.

"All I'm sssaying is that he is more useful dead than alive!" Loon's tongue darted to lick his thin lips, "If he's not willing to join us, he's just taking up space and food."

"I'm telling you. We should join him and go to his city. This type of opportunity and information doesn't come often." Rain argued, ignoring Loon entirely, "Actually, it doesn't come at all!"

Severity's gut twisted in envy. How she wished she had been talented and brave enough to be her. She wished she was of use to the camp the way Rain was. She was relatively small and even pretty if you scrubbed the constant layer of grime off of her. It would reveal that she actually had softer features framed by her black, always tangled, hair. But then she would be stuck in the same situation as her.

The Boss barked a reply, "But why should we go? We are living here just fine." He crossed his muscular arms.

Loon jumped at this chance, "Exactly! And risk the travel to a city we don't know for sure exists?

"But we DO know!" Rain's voice was rising, "Where else would he have come from? With his armor and weapons? Are you blind? We could have a better life there! No... start a life!"

Severity heard this and suddenly her heart started racing. Was there really another place? She couldn't hide it in her face. Was this the chance she was waiting for? Please, please let this be real.

"We have a life here!" the Boss growled, "I will answer to no one. And certainly to no city."

Loon's eyes were darting from Rain to the Boss, enjoying the disagreement.

"Fine! But don't stop those that want to follow him, then. I'm leaving with him!" Rain was fuming now, and she suddenly shot Severity a look, which made her jump a little in her seat, "And I'm taking anyone that wants to come."

She barely finished her sentence when the back of the Boss's hand connected with her cheek with a loud smack. She staggered sideways with the force of it.

Severity's eyes widened and her jaw clenched. She wanted to injure this man. She wanted to injure the Boss and Loon, who was grinning widely now.

Everything was silent for a moment, then Rain's clear voice said quietly, "You can't stop me anymore." And walked out of the room.

After another bout of silence, it was the Boss's bass voice that rumbled "Kill the prisoner. Kill him and bring all his armor and gear to me. Do it tonight."

"Of course!" Loon was almost jumping in enjoyment, walking out of the room.

NO. Severity thought. He was their lifeline, a guide towards a better life. Somewhere was another place with more people and ... and... everything. She couldn't let this happen. She didn't know how, but she had to tell Rain. She would know what to do.

She got on the bed, smiling wryly, "Boss, I'm waiting."

As he complied, giving her a grin, Severity felt a sense of something well up inside her. It was something she hadn't felt since she was a child. Something that told her she was capable of getting what she wanted. That things might just turn out for the better. And this feeling gave her the courage to do the disgusting things she was supposed to do next.